Something big is happening, as Reddit seems to have purged literally every NSFW sub they know. Reason is always "unmoderated" despite some of the banned subreddits being fully moderated.
As a quick reminder: don't expect them to handle your load (lol) for free. If you are a gooner/goonette with some income, leave a tip for the server costs and consider volunteering for mod duties if you have time and some internet social skills. If you value your nsfw communities, they don't exist without work, like any other community.
Hosting NSFW content is an absolute ball-ache, so a lot of instances that are not NSFW focussed do not host it.
In the early days of, we decided to go the path of SFW, to simplify things.
I absolutely salute the lemmy-nsfw admins in taking that load on.
And it makes a lot of sense: If you're going to deal with the headaches, you might as well focus entirely on them!
r/transgender_surgeries wasn't porn. It was a community outlet for results so people could understand what to expect. Queer folk always get swept up with porn, cishet only see us as a "kink" and assume our existence is entirely sexual.
Queer folk always get swept up with porn, cishet only see us as a “kink” and assume our existence is entirely sexual.
This is the whole point of these porn bans is to remove queer people from the internet. The porn cover just allows it to happen. So whenever you see anything about porn bans think queer ban first and then some porn removal that comes right back
The current patriarchy sees non-binary people as a threat to their heirachies. If the line between man and woman gets blurred then we start questioning why we aren't all actually equal, and that leads to us removing them from power.
It's a shame. I'm not trans. I'm a cis male and I have no desire to be female. But I live in a very trans friendly community and as such I have many trans friends and they need outlets. I joined a meetup group which inadvertly became a trans safe space (original topic was anime) and many trans people just joined as it was the one space where they weren't judged. We just did it in the way of anime, like their only safe space is something not trans releated and this is despite living in a friendly city. I will be an ally to all my trans friends and support them in this time of need.
I'm currently discussing with people about mirroring it somewhere on lemmy, but there is also Transbucket which already exists as its own independent website.
I mean, ffs. #notallcishet? I don’t get how people who are being oppressed and all lumped together under one description (which you all definitely are) can be so nonchalant throwing around broad strokes like that.
Lol was that hashtag ironic? You know "not all men" is frequently referenced as a critique about men who can't hear criticism of gender equality because "not all men"? As a cishet dude: calm down, their point is valid and your reaction is cringe
You got a problem with trans people? No? Then it wasn't talking about you. Christ, is that hard to understand?
When a group of people makes an "us vs them" against a minority, it forces the minority to use that language back. As a cishet person, your identity is being used as a weapon to harm trans people regardless if you're doing anything. Ignorance of the minorities plight can be weaponized to do more harm and that ignorance can be shielded through appeals to normalcy and tradition.
When you respond to that language with "not all cishet people" you signal that your support is contingent on you not losing anything (your ignorance is one of the things you can lose). Which can and will be used to weaponize more harm against the minority group.
Can you please learn and understand that when people are frustrated they often use a little hyperbole? It's very selfish to respond to people like this.
As far as I remember they weren't monetizing NSFW subs, so I guess their reasoning is that banning them reduces server costs while not impacting their ads revenue.
Now what will be interesting is to see how much of Reddit's userbase was there at least partly for the porn, and how many users will leave Reddit altogether because of this move
I'm curious if the pro bono porn increased the traffic for the monetizes subreddits. So this might lead to a gross loss instead of pure savings from the server costs.
Anyhow. R/all is among the worse places on the internet. It can get fucked.
Man, like I'll welcome new people, but I don't want all flooded with porn. I already had to block a bunch of communities/ profiles, and I'll have to work more to fix my feed. Having said that
Give me your tired, your goons, Your huddled masses yearning to goon free, I guess.
Try jerboa, you can just block the nsfw instance instead of doing it piecemeal. Total game changer. (Some of the other apps probably have this functionality but I don't know which.)
I'm against the ban, but I also don't want that gooning here. Although that's what drives like half of the internet so maybe it's a good thing for the fediverse.
It'll be constrained to pro-gooning instances, most seem to be defederated from porn but the influx of users in general will spill over to the non-gooning instances.
Shockingly it's still alive, and even moreso there's still porn, albeit softcore and/or censored with links pointing to Bluesky and/or patreon. There are also pornbots that pop up and follow me every now and again.
I wonder if we'll see enough users for interactive communities to take off. I'm into literate erotic roleplay (basically cowriting smut), but there's never been enough folks on the fediverse for me to try to get into it.
i think thats per instance, didnt have this problem on mine. theres a lot of things that are decided per instance and you can see wildly different cultures starting to thrive between instances.
It's not only porn. Today i google-image searched a skin condition. Most results were reddit links, but i wasn't able to open any of them without their app as the subreddits were apparently 18+!
I wasn't able to view any of the information as i refuse to install the app. Google should deprioritize the results that can't be viewed in the browser.
In the top right of your internet browser, there should be a menu button. If you hit that, there should be a "Desktop Site" button. If you check that, the app prompt goes away. It's annoying that it's required, but at least you won't be locked out
It's only a matter of time. They don't display any ads on nsfw subreddits currently, so management likely sees these subreddits as nothing but a cost, especially because they tend to be heavily image/gif based. what they are unsure about, which is why they haven't been purged yet, is likely how much traffic to non-nsfw subreddits nsfw subreddits drive. I think we are likely to see purges of them when/if ad money dips or plateaus and they turn their eye to minimizing operating costs.
Are they going to revert the changes in a few weeks when Musk loses interest? Seems like a huge loss of website traffic for some Elon virtue signaling.
It did happen before the IPO. It's been happening for several years. They have not been doing mass bans all at once. They've been surreptitiously taking down subreddits over the years. Mostly smaller ones that woujldn't draw much attetnion. Looks like they went for the bigger targets now.
This isn't a sudden change to ideologically align with the current US administration either. They have been at this for a long time.
I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out they're making a ban list for all these communities, but the 'glitch' was that someone turned it on before whatever PR move/manufactured scandal they were going to use to justify it was ready to go.
Or this was just a test fire to see how people would react.
The anti-porn conservatives have always been about controlling women.
That woman who founded OnlyFans driving around in 10 different Lamborghinis, that's their worst fucking nightmare.
Before that, it was that one lady whose husband died and then she discovered massive oil reserves under her land.
That kind of stuff is an existential threat to the patriarchy, which conservative control freaks must preserve at any cost.
They cannot allow women to become self-sufficient and thereby self-determinative. Otherwise, who will take care of the men, and raise the men's babies?
Literally why witch hunts existed. It was just a way for authorities to expropriate the wealth of some random dowager who won't remarry (and therefore automatically cede all property to her new husband).
Also, frankly, I think sexual repression is just a HUGE part of the control mechanisms these people employ. Basically, "joy" is seen as a "sin" because there should "only be joy in God" or some stupid bull shit. You are supposed to take bride in being as missrable as possible so in the afterlife you will get eternal joy or whatever.
I don't care about NSFW subs per se, but they're useful canaries in the coal mine. If they're gone gone, it's a fine indicator of what's about to come next.
No, your canaries are already long dead. It's long been a process when Reddit admins don't want a sub to exist but it isn't actually breaking any rules to laser focus on the moderators, ban them the moment they have an excuse, immediately ban the sub for being unmoderated, refuse to give it to a new mod via reddit request and ban any replacement subs for recreating a banned sub. Hell, r/GamingCircleJerk has been laughing about some right wing gaming memes sub having that done to it just a few weeks ago.
They only care about it not looking like they are just nuking subs they don't like is because they don't want to scare off other users who might get antsy about having a community under those sorts of capricious admins.
This sounds a lot like an automation of that process that misfired. That they were all specifically banned for being "unmoderated" is what jumps out to me as telling.
Spez: "Daddy Elon wants me to get rid of all the twitter critical and trans related subs. How can I do it without it being too obvious?"
Snoo Lackey: "Easy. What we'll do is ban a load of morally grey subs like porn and drug related ones along with the twitter critical and trans ones. Then, when the predictable uproar kicks off, we'll wait awhile then announce it was all a terrible mistake and we'll reactivate all the porn ones. We just won't reactivate the twitter critical or trans ones. Because lets be honest - no one really cares and as long as the simpletons have their wank bank back, they'll neither notice nor care either!"
r/drugs has been banned?? That was one of my favorite place on Reddit back in the days :(I haven't found a community for that here :(
(Edit: Drug Reddit was amaziiing, especially r/shrooms r/trees r/dxm | can't really start a community because I'm not regular enough in this area, I guess that's a good thing)
Same, when I was a teenager it was Erowid for all my questions, then r/drugs in college. I also loved r/tooktoomuch, which had the best life lessons to offer.
I learned all the thing that kept me safe on there too; and the life story were interesting and also the trip reports and experiment!
This was something I couldn't get IRL until a long time, and still, is not very active today (my friends and I are all busy we can't really experiment !! Maybe next time we see each other)
Porn on Reddit used to be good but has been awful since the rise of OnlyFans. Now almost every post on porn subreddits is someone shilling their onlyfans using the same 5 second tease clips across dozens of tenuously related subreddits. If the exodus happens to Lemmy, that is what it will be here.
OF killed good amateur porn
Edit: Boobs is banned because it was unmoderated apparently. i haven't checked the others in the OPs list. i've logged into my porn account and there's plenty of large and small porn subreddits still around so i don't think this was a porn purge
I think that was temporary and something to do eith their parent company or payment processor and not a real policy change, but I may be misremembering.
That's what it looks like. There are a lot of NSFW subs that didn't get banned, and some that got banned that weren't NSFW like /r/narcissisticabuse. All marked as for "being unmoderated". If they were actually banning NSFW subs, you'd think they'd say so.
My guess is that they’re expecting some new federal anti-porn legislation and are prepping for that. Porn is already basically outlawed in much of the south, (if not explicitly, then implicitly due to how many hoops porn makers need to jump through), and republicans have made it clear that they want to bring conservative policies at the federal level so liberal states can’t overrule them.
<tinfoil hat>
Other corporate social media has also had "bugs" that delete or hide advertiser unfriendly content, with staff scrambling to go "oopsie!".
That ain't a bug, they're testing something.
</tinfoil hat>
As with anything thiose Nazi does if therapy still exist when they are done with the health sector it will be to make sure the child are well brainwashed after the education camp ( or whatever will replace education in most red state )
Reddit is run by big business and greedy corporate America. When it went public for the stock price to make even more money then it did before, I left that place.
Terrible choice caving into the pseudo-moralists, but they've been going down a bad path for a long time. They should've looked at the cautionary tale of Tumblr before committing this own goal. Making sweeping changes to fit in with corporate agendas may be popular among their own class, but it also has the longer-term effect of sacrificing the user base. And they've been hemorrhaging for a while anyway. Where do they think their future profits will come from?
Hmm, maybe they reverted? Everything still seems accessible right now
Edit: the ones on the screen seem down but there are definitely still some nsfw subreddits still open. Either the purgening has just begun or those fit some kind of criteria for a ban.
I always had a feeling this was gonna happen. I don’t think they can put ads on nsfw subreddits so they are effectively a leech on resources. Gotta get those profits.
According to a post from our Admin, in the small instance I'm in there has been a sudden influx of new users (about 200) in the last day or so (as new users have to be approved, somebody is getting cramps on their approve finger).
(Guess Anarchism and Piracy could technically count as NSFW in most workplaces, especially the latter)
Reason is always “unmoderated” despite some of the banned subreddits being fully moderated.
Well, that's a lie, because /r/programming still has mods. Pretty sure they did nothing in the last 10 years. I guess it's because the sub wasn't NSFW, I guess.
The only thing I use Reddit for is porn, and my feed isn't empty, so either they're doing this in stages or there's some other criteria they're using beyond just being NSFW.
Seem to have a big wave of shill and bot ( and private scam DM ) all with Nickname with a leaf emoji at the end to the point where i auto block every name i see with them