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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Adding two new admins and introducing radical recalls
  • Welcome new admins, I can't get my brain to be friendly right now (not related to you or any of this at all), so I'll just leave it at I'm glad it isn't anyone I have blocked, and good luck.

    I'm in a really bad headspace right now due to irl bullshit, so I've not got around to and honestly don't have the brain bandwidth to make my own post about this right now or even discuss it in any depth (nor to fully process what you've suggested in op), but this seems like an opportunity to bring it up if not as a general discussion, then at least for the admins of this specific instance to read and consider, I think it's really important and something I've seen (and personally experienced) get people who are organisers and run communities to end up acting against their own community members and make the latter feel excluded and even unsafe, so I'm just going to leave this here.

    The essays are titled "tyranny of civility", they are a bit long, but yeah, I think really important especially on this instance where we (should) take abolishing oppressive structures, even within our selves, seriously:

    Part 1

    Part 2

    Part 3

    Part 4

    E: There is also Social Power and the Oppressive Potential of Civility which is a later discussion by the same author about the series of essays, and their observations since to, in their words "hopefully highlight some issues that I believe are created by maintaining civility as an unquestioned social norm in a society where institutionalized and social oppression operates along a variety of dimensions." as a kind of TL;DR (though still read the essays if you can)

  • Lemmy world mods irl
  • Western Europe (excluding Britain) is taking this threat pretty seriously

    What an odd exclusion to make.. The government might not be taking it seriously, but most others aren't either (and why would they? they serve capitalism, not society). Plenty of the people here (in Britain, in case it wasn't clear) are just as concerned as the rest of Europe (and the world)..

  • Lemmy world mods irl
  • Lmfao, do you live under a fucking rock?

    Fascist parties have been gaining power all over Europe (and elsewhere) for ages, and have gotten significantly emboldened and actively backed by him since he became president whatever his dictatorial title will end up being.

  • Trump’s attack on paper straws is mostly symbolic — but the plastics industry is celebrating
  • Presumably, when you are speaking about these things you have first hand knowledge of reputable people and organisations.

    And also, the burden of the constant demand to teach people about your lived experience, even though thousands of others who share it have already wilfully taken the time to document it extensively. We're not talking about individual experiences, but about well establish and deep rooted systemic oppression.

    At the end of the day, expecting marginalised people, especially random ones you "happen upon" (would they even be asking if I wasn't here?), to be the ones constantly doing the work is an unearned entitlement that comes with privilege, and what those with that privilege should be doing instead is using it to lessen the burden on marginalised people, not increase it. Step one is learning to invest their own time and energy instead of demanding or even just expecting it from others.

  • Why do males complain about female-led stories or too many female characters when the majority are still dominated by males?
  • As to why, sure it’s patriarchy, but they keep putting out duds and using it essentially say “audiences don’t want female-led content”…

    You've answered you're own question - they put it out there so they can say they tried, people didn't like it, so we'll continue as we were, with them (patriarchal entertainment execs and the patriarchal capitalists who fund them) maintaining their positions.

  • Why do males complain about female-led stories or too many female characters when the majority are still dominated by males?
  • Patriarchy.

    Privilege and with it an overinflated sense of entitlement, which result in the most fragile of egos (E: see downvote ration lmao).

    That's at best.

    At worst, and on top of the above, is conscious and deliberate misogyny and the unwillingness to give the privileges up.

    This is the teeny-tiniest tip of the iceberg, but it sounds like you are willing to challenge your views and perceptions, so jump in, it (E: patriarchy, misogyny, feminism, intersectionality, and on and on..) is a terrifying, but also extremely well documented rabbit hole, just start looking..

  • Trump’s attack on paper straws is mostly symbolic — but the plastics industry is celebrating
  • With regard to the astroturfing, are you saying that the sources people might find are AI? Sure, that's definitely a thing that is happening, but I'm not sure what I'm meant to do about that? I'm no better than the next person at recognising AI and would need to read through and make a call just like anyone else (and then we open a whole other can of worms of rating the writing and or expression levels, and potential use of assistive tools of, especially in this case, fellow disabled people, which can become really problematic, really fast).

    Like I say, I'm perfectly happy to help, especially those who have shown even a bit of initiative, but there's only so much I can do, and really, the burden shouldn't be falling on us to not only educate those with more privilege, but also become expert at deciphering AI use (and within that, legitimate vs intentionally manipulative).

  • Trump’s attack on paper straws is mostly symbolic — but the plastics industry is celebrating
  • Na, it's perfectly reasonable to expect people who claim to care and genuinely want to know, to make a minimal effort.

    "I tried looking it up but couldn't find an answer, do you mind helping me out"? Sure, no issue here, wouldn't have even mentioned it. But to drop in to a conversation without knowing anything about the topic, and expect disabled (or otherwise marginalised) people who are personally impacted (and therefore constantly having to have the same emotionally laborious conversations over and over and over) to do the work for you before you've even tried? That's going to get (seriously fucking gently) called out every time.

    I have the same poor quality search engines at my disposal, and have to sift through similar results.

    There is also an easy way to recognise actual advocacy sources vs industry publications - is a disabled person writing from their personal experience? Advocacy. Is the article written by someone who isn't personally impacted? Irrelevant. Simple.

    E: The fact that I went ahead and did the work for them anyway despite all of that (with, again, the gentlest of reminders that they could be doing it themselves), and people still find a way to complain about how supposedly unaccommodating I'm being is fucking wild..

  • Trump’s attack on paper straws is mostly symbolic — but the plastics industry is celebrating
  • And I'm not trying to be an ass, but in the same way I've just had to look up "paper straws unsuitable for disabled people" to provide you with the answer, you could have just done so yourself and come across one of tens of thousand of articles, videos, podcasts, and images addressing this specific topic.


    (ID: 2 tables breaking down why each type of alternative straw might be unsuitable for different disabled people. If someone needs a more in depth description, please ask)

    E: just for context

    (ID: image of an old informational leaflet detailing the medical and accessibility benefits of single use bendy straws, which were invented for that specific use in the first place)

  • Trump’s attack on paper straws is mostly symbolic — but the plastics industry is celebrating
  • And the disabled people who have lost access don't.

    For the sake of an item that constituted 0.003% of ocean plastics, and giving you a "win" you're further supporting the exclusion and marginalisation of disabled people.

    Banning plastic straws did less than nothing to improve the environment (less than, because it made people like you think they've done their part, and focus less on the actual problem), and worse, it sprung up an entire multi billion dollar industry that makes and sells reusable straws that end up in landfill just as often, and will be staying there for significantly longer.

    You getting a dopamine hit doesn't make something good or right.

  • Trump’s attack on paper straws is mostly symbolic — but the plastics industry is celebrating
  • The thing though is they replaced polluting single use straws with less polluting single use straws.

    Single use straws only ever constituted 0.003% of ocean plastics, they were already less polluting than pretty much any other plastic in use today, and the alternatives are not suitable for many disabled people for many different reasons. The ban also removed accessibility, and put the burden on disabled people (and on retail staff to gatekeep us, which more often than not resulted in service being denied).

    If they actually wanted to do something useful it would have been nice to have multi-use straws ie. metal/wood/or even hardened plastic. But I guess that wouldn’t be as suitable a source of income, and wouldn’t fit well with american consumerism and fast food culture, so here we are debating on the best type of single use straws.

    They did, they literally created an entire multi billion dollar industry to make money off of the problem they created, and the virtue signalers flocked to buy reusable straws, which again, are not suitable for many disabled people who depend on single use bendy straws for literal survival.

    As you said, the base problem comes from capitalism.

    It is, stop getting distracted by the bullshit capitalists tell you so that they can sell you more shit.

  • Trump’s attack on paper straws is mostly symbolic — but the plastics industry is celebrating
  • The attack on single use straws was entirely symbolic (end completely useless) in the first place, and harmful for disabled people.

    The problem was never straws, it was, and is, capitalism.

    Focus on that, don't get drawn in to the superficial virtue signalling divisive and harmful distractions.

  • What capitalism actually looks like for most of the world
  • It's both, and you need to zoom out and see the big picture, the one where they coexist because one necessitates the other, to really appreciate the problem

    (ID: aerial photos from South Africa and India showing the vast disparity between rich and poor existing directly next to each other)

  • Dallas Police Refuses to Join ICE Immigration Raids, Launches Outreach Meetings with Migrants Instead
  • Yup, it's a trap.

    There is no way the cops haven't considered this, just like there's no way they will stop ICE when they inevitably turn up.

    Even if we theoretically pretend that the cops mean well (they don't) - they are prioritising being the "good guys" and patting themselves on the back over the safety of the people they're using as props to that end.

    If you want to help save people form immigration raids you hide them, you don't draw them out in big groups, especially not to a violently racist government agency.

  • Rule

    ID: A drawing of a roller skating frog framed in a white bubble on a yellow background, they have on a pink hat with yellow horns coming out of either side and pink roller skates, they're smiling and holding up a drink with a straw, their bare butt facing the viewer, it has a little pink heart on it. There is vertical bubble text to the left that says "fuck em" and there are little stars all around.

    Credit: Sugar & Sloth



    ID: photo of someone holding up a cushion in a double-sided sequin cover where the sequins are a different colour or pattern depending on what direction they are laying.

    Here the background sequins are blue, and a pattern has been brushed in the opposite direction in the shape of a slug's head complete with optical tentacles (eyes at the ends of antennae), to reveal Nicolas Cage's eyes and mouth perfectly fitting in to give the slug a face.


    Confirm you are not a rulebot

    ID: Baby Yoda using a laptop, leaning back a little and staring at the monitor looking confused, above is text: "How tf a computer gone ask me if I'm a robot, mf u a robot"



    ID: Xtremely Transbian, Online @ThisACoolPerson posted:

    "i imagine being a liberal is much like having a cat on your lap, in that you have a comforting distraction from misery and can't stand up for anything"


    E: before people derail the conversation to offer me the fallen arm from the title - I've tried many different combinations, and they all result in a wrong looking shruggy face. Deal with it lol


    Me_irl, except for the really fast part lol


    "Me: \stands up really fast

    My entire body:"

    Bellow are 12 different engine warning lights that you would have on a car dashboard.


    Protest tips [9 images]


    1 Illustration of a person standing with their arms crossed, around them are the following items: a beanie, a sweatshirt, an open rucksack, a folded bandana, some power snacks, and a bottle of water with an ACAB sticker on it. Above it is text:


    Wear clothes you feel comfortable moving in, running shoes, and layers for the weather. Bring water, an energy bar, and a bandana in case of surveillance.

    2 Illustration of 3 people walking in a row , two have their arms linked, a third is carrying a "FTP" sign. Above it is text:


    We roll together in "affinity groups." Before the march, share your contact info, legal and medical issues, and what to do in case of arrest. Have each other's back in the streets. Leave together.

    3 An illustration of a birds eye view of a protest march. Above it is text:


    The streets are our voice. Pigs will work to split us apart, force us onto the sidewalk, kettle us, and snatch people. Stay tight so they can't grab stragglers, regroup if we get divided, and take as many lanes as possible.

    4 An illustration of a protest going down a city street, instead of continuing forward towards a police blockade, they are turning down a side street. Above it is text:


    Pigs use intersections to split the march and push us onto the sidewalk. Move fast to get ahead of their lines, flow around or push through them to stay in the street.

    5 Illustration of two cops arresting a protestor. A person off screen shouts "WHAT'S YOUR NAME?? ", the person being arrested replies "MY NAME IS ..." the person off screen replies "YOUR DATE OF BIRTH". Above it is text:


    If someone is arrested, don't linger too long or pigs will kettle the march. Free the comrade, or else get their name and birthdate for jail support and keep it moving.

    6 An illustration of a line of cops and a squad car, in front of them are a turned over bin and newspaper dispenser blocking the road. Above it is text:


    Drag objects into the street behind the march, to break up vehicles or lines of cops following us. These light blockades will also slow traffic and help shut it down.

    7 An illustration of a birds eye view of a road with cars and people walking between them, there are police cars on the side road trying to get through. Above it is text:


    We march with traffic in order to keep the march together, and against traffic when we need to lose vehicles or lines of cops that are tailing us.

    8 Several illustrations of activities and objects: there is a person jumping a turnstile, a person throwing a smoke bomb, two people carrying a large garbage bin, and a person bent over revealing their butt. There is also a can of spray paint, an umbrella, a doughnut, a large bike lock, and a laser pointer. In the corner is the approving Drake meme. Above them is text:


    Everyone is free to support the cause as they see fit. We don't police each other's actions, or snitch on each other to pigs or the media. At the same time, we take care not to endanger others with our actions.

    9 An illustration of a row of people standing in front of a house, joining hands. In the tree that is in the front yard there are signs: "no cop zone", "FTP", and "no eviction!". Above it is text:

    SUPPORT THOSE DIRECTLY AFFECTED: We support the leadership of people who are directly affected by the issue at hand. Those of us with different privileges shoulder risks and burdens when others can't. Talk to people you are struggling with. The stronger our relationships, the stronger the movement and less cooptable it is.

    Credit: @frontlinemedics










    It's MORE THAN ok rule

    ID: Drawing of a black cat from behind with their butthole on display as a white asterisk, they have a pink bow tied on their tail, and are looking back at the reader. Next to it is text:

    "It's okay to tell some people to kiss Your ass you don't have to be nice to mean people all of the time"

    Credit: @Radicallysunny


    Do it

    ID: Photo of a pink felt heart on a slightly paler pink background, overlaying is stylised text: "make the world a better place punch a nazi in their face"



    ID: Photo of a white duck, next to it is plain text:

    "I'm here to eat grapes and kick ass and the lemonade stand is fresh out of grapes"

    for the ~~kids~~ uninitiated


    Ain't no rule

    ID: image from The Sopranos, Paulie Walnuts has a confused look on his face and is raising his hand to gesture "hold on", the subtitles say "Ain't no fucking way that whole Siberian Orchestra is trans"


    A rule goblin

    ID: drawing of a frog sitting on a lily pad that is floating on a river in a forest at sunset, there are some birds flying past. In the large setting sun is text:

    "Nature's little menace.

    A wet gremlin.

    A swamp goblin.

    Fear me."

    credit: @radicallysunny


    From this day in 1933. It's all just a little bit of history repeating..

    ID: A snippet from an old newspaper:


    Increases Virtually Ban Their Cattle-Scandinavian Papers Call for Reprisals.

    Wireless to THE NEW YORK TIMES. COPENHAGEN, Feb. 10.-The recent cancellation of the Swedish- German trade treaty, with the resultant voiding of the most-favored-nation clause, has seemingly been used by the Hitler government as an opportunity to open a tariff war on the Scandinavian countries and the Netherlands.


    What's the rulest that could happen?

    ID: text says "what's the worst that could happen?" bellow it are two photos side by side of a ouija board rug on a floor, and of a robot vacuum cleaner being switched on


    Being able to recognise, and willing to act on red flags WITHIN a community or organisation is vital to its success

    ID: From a Comrade posted:

    "In the coming year, things will pop off. When they do, someone will volunteer to do security. They will possibly show up with a lot of battle rattle and a take-charge, can-do attitude.

    Do not let them do security. Ask them to read some bell hooks. Ask them how many women they know trust them. Ask them to do some reproductive labor first, like working in a kitchen. Talk to them in depth about political theory. Understand their motivations and their relationship to violence and power.

    Over half of people who want to do security, are people who should never do security. The biggest red flag for weeding out bad security people, is that they are eager to do security."



    ID: drawing of a mantis in a pastoral scene, above it is text: "Bite some heads off if you need"

    Credit: @Radicallysunny


    Seems like a no brainer. Fuck the status quo.

    ...And fuck those who actively uphold it to maintain their own comfort at the expense of those more marginalised.


    ID: A drawing of two mildly anthropomorphised earthworms, one has sunglasses on and an otherwise straight face, the other is screaming, a look of panic on their face. Above them is text: "It's time to decide if you want what's familiar or what's better"

    Credit: @RadicallySunny


    Burning rules

    ID: In each of the 4 corners of the image is a drawing of an open matchbook, on the inside is a heart, and one of the matches' heads is heart shaped, in the centre is text: "IF STANDING UP FOR HUMAN RIGHTS BURNS A BRIDGE, I HAVE MATCHES."

    Credit: @sheislimitless



    ID: A scene from Legally Blonde of a conversation between Warner and Elle in the corridor at Harvard, in 4 panels:

    Warner asks “Are you a man or a woman?”

    Elle replies, smiling “I'm a communist”

    Warner continues “No, I mean, what's in your pants?”

    Elle looks confused “revolution.”



    ID: Is this a pigeon meme where the person is tagged "cis society", the butterfly in their hand is tagged "trans people having a backbone about anything at all", and they are asking "is this destroying my free speech?"
