Something big is happening, as Reddit seems to have purged literally every NSFW sub they know. Reason is always "unmoderated" despite some of the banned subreddits being fully moderated.
A glitch is when something doesn't work as you expect it to. I don't know why you'd suspect any kind of behaviour from a glitch. Glitches can do all kinds of crazy shit.
To be clear, I'm speculating on what tool they may actually be working on.
I'm aware of what a glitch is. What I'm saying is that they are already targeting these specific subs regardless of their moderation status. The only 'glitch' here was that they got caught pushing an agenda.
You countered the assertion that it was a glitch with "well then why..." and presented a scenario you'd expect to see if it really were a glitch. I tried explaining why that doesn't make any sense.
NSFW doesn't mean literal porn it means "what would be potentially catastrophic for the prudes at work to see on my screen out of the corner of their eye".
As it turns out, anyones' loins falls under that definition because vivimos en una sociedad.
And taking a scythe to anything with that tag is much simpler than actually being an arbiter of what is and isn't "degenerate" porn for the sake of this batshit prudish regime.
It probably just looks for subreddits with a lot of NSFW flagged posts and they got the parameters wrong for what triggers the "is this unmoderated" part. Unmoderated NSFW subreddits probably are the target of this tool. Just my guess based on the context.
I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out they're making a ban list for all these communities, but the 'glitch' was that someone turned it on before whatever PR move/manufactured scandal they were going to use to justify it was ready to go.
Or this was just a test fire to see how people would react.