Oh well, Ive realized im not as dependent on it as I thought I was, the advice/converstions weren't that great these days, its still useful for old posts sometimes, I prefer commenting/posting on lemmy. (not this account) Do miss r/blender, comicbooks, and a few other helpful funones. But everyones so pessimistic in most subreddits, it makes me hate my own hobbies if I stay there too long.
Every complaint ppl had about queing was valid but is gone now, it improved a lot at some point last 2 years, I always liked finding related artists on there and if you like edm so many livesets remastered for apple music
I have always liked apple music, hated the first ui change, its finally good again now, near perfect
How useful is a forum if it doesn't let outsiders comment or post, every useful forum has no limitation like that, I was posting one day into having a lowendtalk account, extremely helpful, was I supposed to lurk for a year before I could get help lol
Thats very nice actually, can it be self hosted? Might use that as my desktop frontend.
Lol when appealing a suspension made my one day goto 7 day, I knew I was gonna be permanently banned soon, happened right as I got unbanned lol.
Cant open any unverified communities, which is very arbitrary, any small community now requires the app
Vaat majority of time that account is deleted, banned, or inactive
I commented on a sub with an alt that I was banned from without knowing, it was public freakout on the front page, I went through all the stages of grief, left an abusive relationship that took all my time
same here lol
Reddit's terms are annnoying, they own not just all the content you post but your identity that you use while on their site, really dislike how hard it is to delete all your posts and comments (deleting your account leaves them all up)
What people did Zionism ruin for you?
I was a big fan of Sarah Silverman before she dropped a huge rant about how genocide is okay because the kids would otherwise grow up to be terrorrirsts and then locked comments for a year on IG. I got my post deleted off her subreddit back then when I posted screenshots for not being relevant to her. Kinda bothered me that she said all that shit seriously and then just covered it up.
Her being friends with Jay Johnston makes sense.
I had already stopped watching h3 years ago but what hes become in the last few years has made me feel a lot better about that decision.
It's 2025, and mfs are still making land claims based off religion and bs from thousands of years ago. Feel like I'm living in crusader kings.
not arguing against that, he just implied only sports fans ever watch it
Non sports ppl tune in for the commercials and halftime show
yep a lot of indians saw the fake indian burner accounts trend and decided its time we make scam conservative accounts , that indian in your dms or comments is probably someone you know pretending to be an indian to harass you, learning that shit was so dissapointing , and it wasnt a small trend either
I've seen quite a few that have restrictions based off your size, like if its 1-5 ppl no charge, anymore and the cost increases as you go up.
Reddit just has more hobbyist shit than anywhere else rnow, hoping ppl realize the sites garbage and provides nothing that lemmy cant without ads and garbage mods
kick the ladder down
crunchyroll is the most infuriating they were a piracy streaming company that went legit
think programming.dev blocks nsfw and political stuff
Isnt it harder to host that kind of stuff, like you need certain providers, prob a removed to moderate