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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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James Cameron will reportedly open Avatar 3 with a title card saying no generative AI was used to make the movie
  • I'm not sure how humans go about creating ideas, and therefore cannot be sure that the resulting ideas aren't a combination of learned things. There have been people in history who did things like guess that everything is made up of tiny particles long before we could ever test the idea, but probably they got the idea from observing various forms of matter, right? Like seeing how rocks can crumble into sand and grain can be ground to flour. I don't think they would have been able to come up with the idea in a vacuum. I think anything we're capable of creating must be based on things which we've already learned about, but I don't know that I can prove that.

  • James Cameron will reportedly open Avatar 3 with a title card saying no generative AI was used to make the movie
  • I agree that humans are just flesh computers, but I don't know whether we can say LLMs have overcome human creativity because I think the definition is open to interpretation.

    Is the intentionality capable only with metacognition a requirement for something to be art? If no, then we and AI and spiders making webs are all doing the same "creativity" regardless of our abilities to consider ourselves and our actions.

    If yes, then is the AI (or the spider) capable of metacognition? I know of no means to answer that except that ChatGPT can be observed engaging in what appears to be metacognition. And that leaves me with the additional question: What is the difference between pretending to think something and actually thinking it?

    In terms of specifically "overcoming" creativity, I don't think that kind of value judgement has any real meaning. How do you determine whether artist A or B is more creative? Is it more errors in reproduction leading to more original compositions?

  • Choose your warrior:
  • After looking at Notesnook, I don't really understand the difference. It has features that Google Keep lacks, but if the company were to shut down their servers I would lose anything not stored locally, right? If I delete a file on one device it's presumably removed from the others upon sync, so couldn't they remotely delete my files from any connected device if they wanted to?

    I don't understand encryption in the first place, so this is probably an ignorant question, but can't the company that runs the software choose to release the encryption keys anyway? My understanding is that encryption only protects my data from interception by a third party.

    Assuming I'm not wrong on those points, isn't it better to only store files locally, and to share them either on physical media or via a service which won't store the files long-term? Is the issue of leaked or lost data not inherent in any hosting service?

    Sorry if everything I'm saying is really stupid. I'm not trying to troll or argue in favor of Google services or anything. I just don't understand how to evaluate any given service's trustworthiness or safety.

    e: I just thought to check whether Google Keep is encrypted and the internet says it is. Now I extra don't get it. Very confused.

  • Backyard chickens: Floridians start raising hens to combat rising egg prices
  • Good. The chickens are surely experiencing richer and longer lives that way. Locally-sourced food is good for everyone, and the proximity to the live animals has the potential to foster empathy. I hope that many people make their own mini farms and share with their neighbors, and that a sense of community grows.

  • Fraud
  • How often do Tigers even run into another tiger?

    All the time. While tigers lead solitary lifestyles, they're not devoid of socialization. Territories overlap and lead to peaceful interactions and conflicts over borders. Sometimes they even cooperate in hunting or live together, though that's less frequent. The nature of their interactions is mostly dictated by sexual relations and the ratio of tigers to prey.

    This is not meant to contribute to the tiger vs lion issue.

    I also think it's interesting to note that while the mane serves a practical purpose, it's also wildly oversized as a result of sexual selection.

  • Minute Cryptic - 20 February 2025 "Dimension warping space-time" (6)
  • I don't think I understand.

    !Why is "time" considered the final word even though the actual word is "space-time"? Why is "with" abbreviated instead of translated?!<

    It seems that the clue only makes sense retroactively rather than leading to the answer.

    It's unfortunate that the tutorial is a spoiler for this puzzle because it means I can't even try to solve one today.


    I found yesterday's by happenstance and now realize that the video is meant to explain the answer, not explain how to play.

    ::: When taken by itself "at the second" would mean "now", and interpreting it as "ignore everything but the second letter of each word" seems like such a wild assumption. :::

    Are these clues perhaps built on a culture of references that would be more familiar to a particular puzzle community?

  • Whats the most rewatchable TV series of all time?
  • The documentary style quickly takes a back seat, but the interviews are always there and heavily used. Try Modern Family first and see of the Office doesn't hit better once you're used to the interviews there. They're brief fourth-wall breaks and not diagetic.

    e: I would say if you're not having an absolute blast by the Dundees episode (I think that S2E1?), don't waste any more of your time.

  • Whats the most rewatchable TV series of all time?
  • I didn't get that far into the show because I was bored and lost in the space battles. Action scenes are always shakey cameras and me being confused about who's on what ship. I was extremely interested in the human dramas, politics, and especially the mystery of the fungal thing. The acting and dialects were really cool though, and I'd probably miss out on those unless the author does a good job writing them. Does it seem like I'd prefer reading it instead? I kind of feel like I just talked myself into trying the show again. :s

  • You cannot fill an internal rule
  • What is this actually saying? I feel like most of the helpful things I can think of are external.

    • medication
    • therapy
    • healthy relationships
    • proper nutrition
    • sunlight and/or plants
    • hobbies and/or fulfilling work

    Is exercise internal??

    I can see some kinds of therapy being considered internal because that's where the work is getting done, but the instructions are given to you by an outside source.

  • Liberals
  • Has is occurred to you that the reason no one is arguing that Biden and Harris aren't pieces of shit is because they are actually pieces of shit, and no one in this reply chain said otherwise? That's why "no one said that" was so funny to me.

  • For some reason every conversation about this simple rule gets way too toxic
  • I think some people might consider it too personal/identifying?

    Anyway, the Slovenian pronoun system sounds fascinating. Changing how you refer to people in so many different ways is pure nonsense, but it's also poetic, especially when synthesis is involved. I'll have to study it sometime.

  • trule story

    One time on IRC the topic of what Boxing Day even is came up, and this guy said in seriousness that it's to memorialize the Boxer Rebellion, and we had a big fight about it. He backed up his claim by pointing out that the horse from Animal Farm was an allegory for said uprising, so he wasn't just making things up.
