People ignore/make jokes about this because no one wants to look at the ugliness within ourselves. The only way out is through. It's not fun. It's neverending. It's necessary.
What is this actually saying? I feel like most of the helpful things I can think of are external.
healthy relationships
proper nutrition
sunlight and/or plants
hobbies and/or fulfilling work
Is exercise internal??
I can see some kinds of therapy being considered internal because that's where the work is getting done, but the instructions are given to you by an outside source.
medication does work but only when administered. A pill or a shot does nothing until you take it, at which point its no longer external. Same can be said about nutrition.
Perhaps we shouldn't take life advice from screenshots of cowsay on the internet.
It's not just medication. There's internal work to do. Do I really think x? Why or why not?
Also, we have to get over drive through mentality. We're not going to see results on day one. Eye most likely going to feel worse before we feel better. We take a grain of faith because we can see lasting results of the brave souls who came before us who did the work, are still doing the work, often without the luxury of medication or decent therapy, but who searched books, websites, and trialed and errored until something worked because they didn't have money for therapy and medication. I'm not saying this is the way it should be. I am saying that's how it is, and we either work with what we have or can access or you know, expect a fairly godmother to wave a magic wand or something, then continue to rail about how unfair it all is while nothing changes for the better. For me it was a series of frightening, painful ego deaths without benefit of therapy or medication. It worked though, because I had two choices: get better or get worse. It's been slow, messy, and I've backslid and had to recover ground. I'm lucky, but also I've worked my butt off. There will be those who can not do this, despite effort, without medication and therapy. Those of us who have made progress need to work toward conditions that help others access tools to help themselves. Setbacks will happen. We keep going anyway.
honestly it feels more insidious than that, it feels like its meant to make people feel bad for not magically curing themselves and to make people not want to offer help to those who most need it.
Like you can easily turn this into transphobia: "oooooo HRT is external, you can't fill an internal void with an external hormone!"
Thus this message is absolute fucking dogshit and should be deposited in the nearest garbage bin where it belongs.
I dunno, I’m willing to try. Please send an exorbitant amount of external goods to me, preferably in a form that my bank can process. After 1 year we will see if my inner voids are healed.