Vance would be worse. He is an actual politician and a believer in the Project 2025 bull shit. Trump probably would not have even run if he had not been staring down 100 barrels of jail time.
Hell, where the fuck is Trump?
Granted, I am absolutely not seeking him out, but it felt like he was everywhere in his first term with his stupid idiot rambling speeches.
But this round it's all DOGE and Musk and maybe, something more vague about what the "Trump Administration" is doing, but it feels like Trump isn't even around.
Hell, the other day I was wondering if he had died of a heart attack or something but they were just keeping the body locked up and pretending he was alive while Musk destroys the country.
They are not reducing the debt because they are fiscally conservative, that's the sound byte they play for idiot suckers. All they are doing is cutting shit until it fails so they can point to it about how much "government doesn't work" then they can just turn it into a privatized contract to price gouge the shit out of people for the same service they used to get much much more efficiently and cheaper than when it was part of the government.
The real shinning example here is the Health Insurance industry, which, as shown by basically every country that isn't a crappy hell hole, runs much better when it's centralize and universally the same for everyone.
But the US can't seem to grasp that and instead we get endlessly rising costs because profits profits profits! On top of needing it to be a mechanism to strip elderly people of as much wealth as possible to prevent the unwashed masses from ever actually gaining any sort of generational wealth and power.
The Crypto Industry is full of Libertarian idiots who are not Liberal/Blue in any way shape of form. Its just another scam tool for assholes to sucker idiots out of money and it's never ever going to amount to anything more than that.
At least you are able to admit it's your opinion and not a fact.
They will just tell you Russia isn't Communists.
I am not a professional coder, just a hobbyist, but I am increasingly digging into Cybersecurity concepts.
And even as an "amature Cybersecurity" person, everything about what you describe, and LLM coders, terrifies me, because that shit is never going to have any proper security methodology implemented.
And people will claim "You can't measure them that way because stocks etc "
Except you can.
Take their "worth" on December 31st of year X and their "worth" on Jan 1st of that same year X, subtract December from January, that's their "Income."
Tax that shit at 100% for anyone in the billions range.
We have a word for this, it's Libertarian. Its the cancer at the core of everything wrong in the world today.
Fuck I will take Bowser at this point.
Jokes on them, I am so broke these days I am barely buying shit anyway.
We have the right to lofe liberty and the persuit of happiness.
Not having proper healthcare coverage is literally against that right.
He is an open mysiginist and racist and the large number of closeted bigots in the US love him for it.
Except at this point, they are not even closeted anymore.
He already wants to replace everything in the US with Blockchain and Crypto scam shit doesn't he?
I feel like someone as rich as Musk probably boight Windows Pro.
I am not even a fan and I found the show enjoyable.
Rapture already happened as predicted. The problem is, literally no one except like, one dude named Rick in Michigan and the Yang family in a small fishing village in China.
Everyone else got left behind in a spiraling purgatory chaos world.
Learning that language is probably too much of a haskell for anyone really.
“I don’t fully grasp the level of animosity that people have about this,” Pohutsky said.
Yeah, neither do a lot of people. Its this weird fucking obsession that the idiots of this country have latched on to.
You can definitely run a low traffic website with a Pi. You can run Minecraft Servers and such on Pis. Especially on Pi4s.