America is truly going back to its roots. American towns, ethnic cleansing of native populations, all that's missing is chattel slavery (of course we still got that modern slavery). This crumbling empire deserves to collapse, and collapse quickly
Last time we got full scale shooting wars between workers and companies. If I'm putting on my optimist hat then I'd say at least we'll get to shoot some rich folk.
It makes much more sense when you understand the differences between the Northern version of freedom vs. the Southern version of freedom. These asshats think of freedom as the freedom to rule over others.
You load 16 tons, what do you get?
Another day older and deeper in debt
St. Peter, don't you call me 'cause I can't go
I owe my soul to the company store
In September of last year, the podcast Behind the Bastards did a two part series on right wing blogger Curtis Yarvin, his connections to Peter Theil, and his influence on JD Vance. I highly recommend these episodes for anyone who wants to know where this is all headed.
Yarvin has, for years, pushed the notion of RAGE (retire all government employees), and his dark enlightenment movement centers on dismantling democracy and installing a neo-feudalistic system of government in which oligarchs rule as kings.
This is not some crazy new proposal that will be ignored by the people in power. This is the endgame. The oligarchs and right wing fascists Trump has surrounded himself with have been pushing this for years, just waiting for their moment.
If you don't think this is a big deal, then you probably won't realize until it's too late.
Thank goodness we had a corporate media that not also did nothing to instruct on this, but played lots of stupid bothsiderist games for the horse race.
Not to mention lots of so-called leftists telling Americans to either sit out or do a protest vote because something something Gaza, BidenSoOld and KamalaSameAsBiden.
Yeah I got called a bootlicker because of saying that business as usual was far better than the unmitigated disaster we are facing now. I hate being proven right.
It's chilling that this article is from October and basically lays out how the overthrow of democracy would take place - exactly what's been happening since then.
The speed at which we're descending into the dark enlightenment period is beyond alarming.
This is the dumbest branding exercise ever. There are no additional "freedoms" that you can get in a corporate-run city versus a regular city; except that perhaps the corporation has more freedom to trounce upon the rights of the citizenry.
If the future that Curtis Yarvin and his type envision starts to shape up, we're gonna need to go full, 100% anti-corporation to push back.
except that perhaps the corporation has more freedom to trounce upon the rights of the citizenry.
That is exactly the kind of freedom they are looking for, and don't underestimate the psychology there - it feels like freedom to them, the kind of freedom that allows for injustices to prevail. I'm reminded of an anecdote of Ẑiẑek, talking to a bunch of fascists in former Yugoslavia, where they in no uncertain terms revealed, that it had been tyranny to them to not be able to be violent, rape, plunder, etc. and that the chaos of the breakup had been a liberatory event for them, psychologically.
Never assume "freedom" is something, that opposing classes and groups in general agree upon when it comes to its definition.
These zones would allow wealthy investors to write their own laws and set up their own governance structures which would be corporately controlled and wouldn’t involve a traditional bureaucracy.
According to interviews and presentations viewed by WIRED, the goal of these cities would be to have places where anti-aging clinical trials, nuclear reactor startups, and building construction can proceed without having to get prior approval from agencies like the Food and Drug Administration, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and the Environmental Protection Agency.
Yes because the first thing I think needs regulations is fucking nuclear power!
Also what the fuck is a “nuclear reactor startup”?!? God, tech bros really take a whole bunch of privilege and advantage and just throw it all away to be dumber than anyone could have thought possible.
It's like a regular nuclear reactor, except it's run by people who don't know anything about nuclear reactors, the waste is dumped wherever without consequence, and the power output is only used to run an AI and mine cryptos.
The double-meaning of the word "startup" might throw people off, but when the other items from the list in the quote are "trials" and "construction" you can imagine they are talking about an action rather than an entity. Here a "reactor startup" would be the process of a reactor going from subcritical, extremely low power state to the point where it can heat water on its own through fission. This is a standard term in the nuclear power industry, and this confusion seems like one more reason reactors should not exist in an unregulated venture capital environment.
Can we just build an artificial island in the middle of the ocean for these losers? Just drop them there and let them try to figure it out. See how long before they come begging for help.
I just wish they would be honest with their naming schemes. Stop with the "freedom this" and "freedom that" nonsense. They don't give a good goddam about freedom and we all know it. They are just trying to build "company towns" with touchscreens. We've already been down this road. You can slap all the lipstick you want on it, but it's still a fucking pig.
So like a town, owned by a company, like some sort of company town, but now with freedom! The freedom to live in a house owned by your employer, shop at a store owned by your employer, and you have to use special money that your employer pays you in. Yup, nothing says freedom more the having incredibly limited choices.
So they basically want to bring back the company towns from the gilded age, but more dystopian thanks to the possibilities of modern technology. Characteristics of company towns often were: "controlling and/or exploitative".
Control: If your employer does something unethical, will you dare go against it, if it means that not only will you lose your job, but you and your family will be also be kicked out of your house, school, town, ... Very few would.
Exploitative: where can the company town residents shop and find services? In the company shops of course. This constrained supply also leads to subpar service for high prices. And if company sales are down, the company will spend less on wages, but keep the company shop prices the same since the shoppers have no alternative anyhow.
Add in modern technology, and some of those towns will be like Brave New World, while others will evolve into 1984. Dystopian.
I guarantee those execs think they will be building Star Trek / Federation level society. But the comment above is right, it will be Cyberpunk just with shittier technologies driven by “the invisible hand of the market” or some other drivel.
They do, they don't inside the federation because it's in practice largely post scarcity. Outside of federation space they use federation credits (likely based on stores of rare hard/impossible to replicate materials) and specifically around ds9 the currency was gold pressed latinum.
Also voyager with replicator rations and Holodeck time.
They keep trying this shit even though it never works.
(Like there's literally no pictures of this actually, totally existent place. But it's a paradise. Trust me.)
The company is financed by several investors and venture capital firms, including Balaji Srinivasan, Peter Thiel, and Marc Andreessen, through the venture capital company Pronomos Capital.
That Balaji guy in particular is the one who came up with the idea of "freedom cities", which he calls network states. He's also a follower of Curtis Yarvin, obviously, and just like him he's a two bit fascist crank who thinks he's of superior IQ.
No, no, Rapture was an EXCELLENT idea. Let's send Trump, Musk, and all the rest down there, and watch the results on television. It would be cathartic.
Freedom Cities is a branding exercise in the same tradition as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. The more you have to advertise how free a society is, the less free it tends to be in practice.
the government or control of society or industry by an elite of technical experts.
No mate, this is plutocracy. Technocracy implies knowledge, expertise, and facts dictating policy and direction. What you have is greedy rich fucks wanting yet more.
Christ, why did we have to get the Shitty Dystopia versions from Snow Crash, Jennifer Government, and every Gibson novel, but none of the cool and fun shit like flying cars, off-planet living, and advanced medical/cybernetic tech.
Gonna have the corpo company town again. Instead of an online walled garden it’ll be a walled city with it’s own currency that gets traded at a steep loss if you try to go anyplace nicer. Keep you in your place.
@tree_frog@RememberTheApollo_ high on their own supply, though. A lot of government regulation is there to make sure the plebs feel just happy *enough* that they don't rise up. I'm not advocating anything, just to be clear, but if people have nothing to lose then they start... trying stuff. Wasn't the final straw that started the French Revolution the price of bread?
I think Musk has talked about the game, and obviously every message was completely lost on him and his main takeaway was that "Arasaka is cool. I want to be that."
Hey everyone, Chaz from Cool Sci-Fi Productions Brought to Life LLC here with an exciting announcement! Our team of dedicated overpaid engineers has finally finished our first working prototype of the famous Planetary Destruction Cannon from the cult-classic 1982 film “Do Not Build Planetary Destruction Cannons!”
I can't wait to live in DowIndustrialRunoffVille, 3Mcancertowne, and Exxondumpsiteburgh.... Oh wait we already do. Can you imagine how bad it would be if they had pure control and zero oversight or restrictions? The US is really sprinting headlong into the worst kind of dystopic hellscape.
I think it’s hilarious that they are so dumb that a satire movie like RoboCop is regarded as blueprint for the future. How cartoonishly evil do they have to be?
They tend to take those fictional tales of warning, and use them as blueprints. Like, they read "Don't Build the Toment Nexus" and decided that building the Torment Nexus was a grand idea.
You know what? They should approve it. Give all the MAGAts free homes there and they can all suck trumps dick their. Let the rest of us live in an actually productive and healthy society.
Good morning! Today is brought to you by our friends at ocular implant world. With their help you can see everyday through rose tinted digital filters! Just a reminder, you are now in debt to the corporation for $42,547,880.46. Would you like to listen to another targeted advertisement for $0.35?
I actually like this idea. So long as the CEOs are required to live in the town as well a minimum of 300 days out of the year.
Because working in an office is worth the collaboration.
And I like knowing where the CEOs are so that checks instance name I can play Minecraft with them in person. I get so much more enjoyment playing Minecraft in person and would like to make sure the latency is really low.
Is Elon so mad that he wasn't in the game Cyberpunk 2077 but Grimes was, and wants to spitefully create his own Night City and Arasaka tower in real life to have his little fantasy?
One of these ghouls that I rarely hear brought up in these discussions is Steve Jobs’ widow, Laurene Powell Jobs. I believe that she is involved in the effort to build something like this in Solano County, California. She’s supposed to be a big Democratic Party supporter, so I suspect that the effort to create corporate cities is not an exclusively Republican project. I wish there was more reporting on her.
if i were trying to stop that scenario, i'd probably form/join a guerilla resistance, neutralize the cops, dethrone him and musk, then round up all the christians for reeducation camps and help ensure a 'never again' attitude for the surviving population.
They should absolutely do this because tech bros cannot do municipal government and they will spend years throwing all of their money into a nuclear powered bitcoin mining boondoggle with open sewage that produces nothing.
Soon they'll start building freedom camps around these cities and will fill them up with the millions of incarcerated Americans so they can work towards freedom. As Germans have put it before, work makes you free.
SpaceX is trying to buy a town as we speak. Maybe not "buy" in the traditional sense but I'm sure money, or promises of money, will tilt this in their favor.
Welcome to Freedom City #35, Brought to you by Apple. We have a number of accommodations for our community. A gym where cyclists generate the power for their own homes while they also assemble iPhone 23s, Wage Slavery park where children can play in the "sand" boxes sorting out circuit board capacitors, and a wide variety of restaurants that serve delicious meals for as little as two whole day's wages in Apple Bucks. (Note: all wages paid in Apple Bucks, which are invalid as currency outside of Freedom City #35). Work is from 6AM to 8PM, curfew at 10PM, strictly enforced by the Freedom Troops conveniently located on every block.
🎵Freedom cities! Where nothing is free but the irony!🎵
Well yeah. They've clearly wanted to bring company towns back for a while. Everyone from Disney to Amazon does their best to recreate them already and there's been no change in the profit incentive since the last time they were fully legal.
I do feel like the tech guys have forgotten why we agreed to give workers rights though...
Cities where they'd be free to do whatever they like? I see no lie. You've just been sold the idea that freedom was free. Turns out in the US it isn't.
Is the man living on the street more free than the man driving his BMW and living in suburbia. Maybe!
There is always exclusivity within exclusivity, picture a Russian doll with the smallest doll, if you can get to it , being the most exclusive or in this case the most FREE person.
Living in a Freedom city probably will be a lot less free than the rich think.
They won't be free to wear what they like or build what they like. They will have to conform.
Anyway they will all probably end up fighting each other as one person's freedom is another person's annoyance.
Honestly some people like sucking corporate dick, I say let them. If they're small cities it's fine, more housing is what's needed. That just relieves tension on housing and lowers the price for everyone.
It's weird how the hardcore wingnuts were constantly jabbering about "Big Tech" and making noises about "Hunter's hard-drive laptop" just a few short years ago. They could never define this "Big Tech" other than to make hooting noises about how they were "censoring" the crazy right wing. They didn't really know what they were going on about, but boy, they were mad about it. Because laptop.
Now they seem to be all-in with whatever the fuck "Big Tech" wants for them, because, what? They think it will own the libs? Just what the fuck do they think billionaires are going to do for the average redcap but put them out of work and yank any and all government services that will help them or their families?
Ooh, they can even have their own currency! But what to call it... something brief and punchy, to underscore all the efficiency... I know, we can call it "scrip!"
Sounds like how the CCP develops and employees its citizens. You live where you work and you can’t escape your bubble. “Hey honey, going to go shop at google to pick up milk and then go to google to get that bookshelf you wanted. I’ll be next to google if you need anything for your new garden.”
Every day I watch the news or look at Lemmy or talk to a friend and I hear some horrible new way of creating a distopia I had never considered. It's depressing.
It will be awful enough that no one will want it. "Hey, come and be a slave, please?"
Also theseassholes are not only assholes, they're all really dumb too and any previous attempts they made ended hilariously bad. I'm not too worried about this
Something tells me these freedom cities would be a different beast entirely. Somehow I doubt the UK private towns don't follow the national or local laws of the country.
The City of London (which is not London) is probably the most relevant example here, it's enjoying its own representation in the government, its own laws, its own police force, and functions almost as a separate state in the Kingdom.
Incorporating an HOA or a company making a retirement village is not really the same as Amazon or Monsanto funding some sort of handshake with the state government to make some sort of lawless zone for them to take advantage of.
The City of London (which is not London) is probably the most relevant example here, it's enjoying its own representation in the government, its own laws, its own police force, and functions almost as a separate state in the Kingdom. Only corporations registered in the city can vote for its government, private residents cannot.
Then there are loads of towns and villages owned by the aristocracy, places like Clovelly, Heydon, Aldbury, etc. Or Poundbury, which was built by King Charles III (the work started while he was still a prince in 1999) because he just wanted to experiment with architecture.