What is the Portugal one?
Awww they are making Data
Because people with disabilities and chronic illness exist, and because depending on the distance it’s not possible to go by bike and depending on the terrain it’s also no possible. Oh and the weather I forgot the weather… oh and in some roads, like highways, for example, these can’t even drive there:..
Also, you are probably dead because of some curable desease
All men are biological right? I know robots exist and all but I don’t think they have genders.
Data? Is that you?
Só musk is getting ready to buy germany
Love it. He should go free.
I agree with this one
They are all dumb made up holidays to make you spend money you don’t have to buy shit you don’t need for people you hate in the name of equally dumb and made up traditions that people keep following because they are sheep and don’t question anything. It was never about family or love or whatever argument the rich use these days to convince you to give them your hard earned money so they can buy the 10th yacht of the week.
Nooooo it should be the other way around!!! Dissolve armed forces because we don’t have wars anymore!!!
My hero
Because people use the weekend to recover from the week, some of us are chronically ill you know? And are trying not to have another burnout. (Yeah I already had 2 and I’m not even 40, yay capitalism)
Right? Who tf has time for that? And every single day? I’m already exhausted as it is I don’t want to waist time doing something I hate and drains me more energy.
You can do all that? I don’t do that in a year? And I don’t gaf is someone is visiting, if they start to complain the house is messy I tell them to feel free and start doing chores themselves.
I work, sleep, eat (but I don’t waist time cooking) and drop all the rest because neurodivergent burnout is real and I don’t want to go die from exhaustion .
How was he popular in the first place
My camera has a cover 😂😂😂 I hope you like your screens pitch black because it’s the only thing you will see
The fact these people think asking to which server you want to join is a hurdle says a lot