Lol nothing says we are afraid of the working class like banning subreddits on suppressed news they don’t want us to see. I came here bc I got a warning on my account for liking a comment that said “Luigi”. My alt account got banned for sharing the DOGE email list that is public info. Fuck Reddit. I’m done.
Man the censorship is just vile too. It's not like "Oh this incites violence" it's "anything and everything that we and our shareholders don't agree on is gone".
Worst part is if any other countries went after them then they would just restrict it to US news.
Classic capitalist gotcha. Turns out that prioritizing shareholders (a 3rd party leech entity unrelated to the operations or customers) is always going to lead to censorship. Like the generic “shareholder” needs stable status quo to figure out how to exploit the poors in most efficient way and violent revolt doesn’t guarantee a higher than inflation result. Modern capitalism in America is straight up a mental disorder similar to hoarding. You don’t need the money nor the stock but you’re willing to fuck over literally thousands of people for a minor gain. It should be studied … but studying this doesn’t help the bottom line so fuck any progress it’s death and destruction for %% daily return. Fuck all this
They are Streisand effecting the information though because the more they censor, the more people will talk about it. There’s already been a news article published by The Verge. It’s going to backfire so badly lmao.
Reddit has been compromised for a while now. 2016 opened them up. The API fiasco blew the door down. r/place exposed it and exploited Reddit for what it is. And we're now seeing the new course of direction continue.
Somehow the complexity of using Lemmy compared to other social media sites and the decentralized nature of it has really gotten rid of the trollfarms and bot spam to a pretty good extent. I realize now that Reddit has such an insane amount of bad-faith actors that cause the site to be so toxic, same with all other mainstream social media.
I came here with the API changes, but I knew there would be future waves. It’s so nice. I believe in Lemmy and the promise of federated media to help technology work for humans.
I'd like to take this opportunity to point out that the RDDT stock price has dropped 40% in the last month, and it's not surprising. That site is a sinking ship.
/r/conservative and /r/conspiracy are still open... What a fucking shit-ass website. I don't get why they don't just # rm -rf the whole fucking thing already.
Clearly they're pissed that people are still using the site. They've made efforts to stop it by making shit redesigns, releasing a shitty app, user profiles, shutting off the API and trying to force people to use their shit app.
They must be seething that people are still using it and they've found a new way to try to get people to stop. Of course, they could shut the site down, but these are execs we're talking about - their forté is ignoring every elephant in the room and then creating "solutions" that completely miss the problem.
They're in the business of selling "organic" content to AI companies, but those AI companies don't want advertiser-unfriendly language in their datasets.
Advertisors are dumb as fuck. Like, clearly if their datasets contain language that is not "advertisor friendly" then who the fuck are they trying to advertise to?
"Wow, all of society is doing this stuff. But this isn't very friendly. The people doing that stuff certainly wouldn't like if we advertised the stuff they're doing!"
I think maybe the problem is that places like Reddit were essentially a “third place.” It just happens to be a virtual one. You can’t monetize a place, unless you also provide a good or a service. a restaurant at least provides food and drinks. bowling alleys provide games and food and drink. What does reddit provide aside from the place? Other than annoyances such as Ads, 1984 level moderation, etc.
Attention Extraction modeling. Thats how social media platforms monetize. I started working what the same kind of technologies but it was to predict how clients should customize their products to tailor behavior input. These corpations trade in behavior modifaction and RTD auction with political clients. A good example when it goes wrong is the Myanmar /Facebook masssacre.
Reddit may actually be doing a lot of people a big favor.
Today Trump's DHS went out and arrested a Palestinian student at Columbia for participating at a protest a year prior. Our federal agents are becoming like the KGB- hunting down political dissidents.
I believe that is just a start. I think people would be wise to be careful about the things they post online. If you do post content you believe the administration may not like, I suggest making an anonymous account with an email not linked to your personal name.
I have a hunch that people will be arrested in the near future for posting things online.
Be careful what I post? Fuck that shit, rock the fucking boat and cause a mess. The US right now is a fucking disgusting place and we need to not be obeying in fucking advance and bowing down
What's worse in its way is that reddit policies basically state that once a subreddit has been banned they are free to ban any new attempts at the subreddit that might pop up.
After 12 years and over 900K Karma, I got permanently banned for repeating an opinion that I've posted many times over the past decade. Then Trump gets elected, and the exact same opinion gets me a permaban.
Now I'm hearing that they are banning people for UPVOTES! I wondered why Reddit had decided to throw in with the Nazis, and I this week I see in the news that Ohanion wants to buy TikTok. The new owner of TikTok will be personally chosen by HitlerPig, so Zuckerfuck has been kissing up, and now Ohanion wants in on it. HitlerPig will award it to whomever kisses his ass and pays him the most.
That’s the problem with these corporations — the foundation is rotten, and they have no principles beyond more money. It has been this way for some time.
Now, we have an economy where the arbitrary whims of billionaires and our king is the main determinant of their share price. This is how Reddit kisses the boot.
They would exhume my grandmother if it increased share price by one tenth of one percent.
I created my first Reddit account in over a decade and was shadowbanned almost immediately. I didn't even get a chance to post a semi-"controversial" opinion! The site is total garbage these days.
We have moderators here too. Significantly more adequate, I would even say nice, but still. And they delete messages from time to time and even ban people. So keep being vigilant.
The difference is here you can check the mod log to see what actions have been taken and what reason was given for it, and power tripping admins can’t reach beyond their instance.
Yep, users and communities can shift away to a new instance if they want. While the fact that there might be 3+ communities on different instances all covering the same topic is a weak point, it's also a strength in this regard, so it kind of evens out. And if you really want to, you can make your own instance.
I attempted to post an original comic on Lemmy to what is basically the only comic strip sub. It was probably the only comic that had been posted that week that wasn't on reddit first. It got removed for profanity. The profanity in question? "Balls".
I posted it to reddit after that, and it hit the front page of r/all. Not to toot my own horn, but that's some good fucking original content that the comic strip sub on Lemmy could have used.
Permanently banned last week. Mods didn't care for my thoughts on Luigi and Trump/Musk (they're joined at the hip AFAIC, except Trump is definately the bottom, despite his diaper issues), and the madness of MAGA. Reddit is firmly in the facist camp, just like Timmy Cook, i.e. they will follow the money and the power; their capitalist instincts are pure. Fuck them all.
Reddit currently has a beastiality sub. They don’t allow real images obviously but people post hentai and fish for more. In the comments, they give each other advice/describe their activities.
I’m afraid to say that’s not even the worst thing I’ve seen on Reddit and know continues to exist there. This is about bending over and showing their fealty to billionaires.
You even found your way off the biggest instance! I’m impressed. Most new users just go to World, but it’s not the best for the network. Indeed, my first account was there.
LOL no they are not. 97% of the users don't give a fuck about any of this and will never leave. Reddit can ride it out just fine. For example, look at the cesspool FB turned into.
Reddit doesn't have the internet infrastructure FB has where they were able to monopolise the internet of whole countries in certain parts of the world.
And the wider they cast this dragnet the more users will be caught up in it, the more will slowly leave, the less content will be created, the worse the platform will get.
I think for the future of reddit you only need to look at digg.
Reddit says they care about freedom of speech and liberal views. I realized a long time ago that their view of liberalism is to allow people who follow their narrative and ban people who don’t.
Have you all read 1984? First they will make thing illegal. Then they will hide away what is illegal. After that someone will learn something was illegal. Once they are found out, that illegal thing will be completely changed so there is no evidence anything was illegal to begin with.
I would not be shocked if try to scrub these bans so users can’t see if a community was banned.
It's a real shame. There is a treasure trove of information on there for niche topics, and years of researching problems and questions etc. It really sucks that it's gotten to this point.
I love how in r/conservative and r/antiSemitismInReddit (Ignore the name, they mean anti-neozionists and are willing to shame Jews who protest against Israels actions as well, they even have a tag for them), they always complain about reddit being biased against them when it is quite the opposite. Take Jibrish, bringing his Eve Online gaslighting and trolling from the r/eve community to the r/conservative community, also running around shamelessly in r/RedditSafety. Reddit is effectively Silicon Valley psyop, meant to gather data and keep an eye on the tendency of the more educated lot on the Internet (as well as keep them in pro-neozionist bubbles by pushing them in major subreddits like r/worldnews).
Hell, read or search about maxwellhill on YouTube. Some have taken that the fact that the account has logged in for private chats as having disproved that claim when all it proves is that someone, albeit lawyer, family member, or otherwise, has logged into the account. What can't be disputed as a conspiracy theory and can be easily confirmed is that Ellen Pao, former Reddit CEO, revealed Ghislaine Maxwell who along with Epstein essentially ran that, a Silicon Valley psyops, was present at the same Silicon Valley Christmas celebrations as her and other influentials. This is the level of manipulation, where there is money there will be a will to manipulate.
Reddit has absolutely no problem complying or letting US federal authorities and intelligence agencies access to all of the information they gather on your account on their backend. There used to be subreddits where you could report moderators, "karmaremoved", who trolled and abused their power. They were banned from the platform even after complying far more than other subreddits that got to remain. Forget pointing out the genocide of Palestinians, there was a time where you would even get banned from worldnews for calling cryptoscams confidence games. After Trump's first term and the T_D disaster, the conversation seemed to shift from that failed insurgency (at the time) to a reddit spearled meme stock economic destabilization attempts. Reddit is subjecting yourself to be manipulated for the opportunity to participate in some communities, and they know it.
Its truly nuts over there. I have now had 5 different accounts perma banned and im tired of evading their fingerprinting just to bypass each pan for similar comments. Like nothing that the general public would find controversial even remotely.
It's crazy to think how hard people work to evade the system that is designed to get you to leave.
Like, it speaks to the addictive nature of social media. How many hours? How much research? How many different angles of attack? All to... what? Shout "Donald Trump is a bad president" into the void amid a sea of bots and /r/HailCorporate influencer accounts? (Incidentally, RIP HailCorporate).
It’s insane how crazy it’s gotten. I got like IP banned because I made a pretty calm but snarky remark at someone telling people they didn’t care about a kid dying because they weren’t donating to the funeral (which like, wat).
When you have to appease the share holders to make the most money, you need to dissuade everyone from exercising free speech they could inhibit shareholders from getting ad revenue from Nazi companies that support Nazi Reddit.
Aaron Swartz must he rolling in his grave to see how the open and free internet he co-owned and designed is now a corporate circle jerk cuck fest hell bent on sucking off Trump and the other oligarchs.
Also are hexbear still around? I don't think I've seen them since the domain issue. Not sure of have defederated, I've been banned or they just don't exist any more.
It's not perfect but the advantage here is you can choose whose administration you want to be subject to. Avoid the tankie instances and you'll usually be OK. is particularly pernicious since it's run by the developers and sort of masquerades as a general purpose instance--but it is hostile to any who don't support their extremist ideology.
I say fuck Putin all the time and haven't had any issues since I left that place.
Initially I thought it was a Russian troll, but probably they're like my still communist friends. Russia bad (or may even not), but USA anyway worse. People without hope.
Don’t worry, they’ll be on the chopping block. But the good thing is the group is everywhere. They are on Substack, as well as here on this app. But they are a very small group, and they are aware that they’ll be next so they posted on Reddit to everyone that they exist on Lemmy which is how I got introduced to this app.
Why would they? Ineffectual protests with disparate, unclear goals. More useful to keep them so there’s at least a harmless resistance to redirect energy toward.
I had my first from 2012 to about the 2020's then I went two more mains before I fucked off for good. I might go back for certain niche uses but even then I might not. It's been a long while and once this place picks up steam we're gonna leave spez's disaster in the dust
Ye... Reddit is run by one entity , while there's absolutely also foul eggs on lemmy it's way better over here , you can allways leave a badly maintained instance and go to a better one if you want.
I don't appreciate the Luigi praise or the DOGE leaks, either, but I recognize that I'm in the minority on Lemmy (lol) & idk to a certain extent I respect freedom of speech. The DOGE email leak is public info, in that it was leaked to the public....
In any case, we're all in agreement: R!ddit deserves to die. Just because they were the first runaway success public forum doesn't mean they own it forever. Especially when they shit the bed, suppress freedom of speech, kill 3rd party apps, & farm out user data for AI scraping.
I'm gonna get downvoted to oblivion, but leaked isn't public. I posted a link to leaked Starcraft: Ghost build on Web Archive. This game got removed from there.
You'll get downvoted because you're wrong. They're government employees, the fact that they were trying to hide their identities doesn't magically make it not public information.