The more you know. Thank you. Fuck, Vova.
As by design per Vlad.
Innocent people still get murdered by the state. Just look at Texas, Arkansas, and Mississippi. Plus throw Georgia in there.
I would disagree about YouTube. At least they stop feeding me BS when I say I’m not interested.
I hope this wasn’t one of those burglaries where they knock the owners out with gas. That happened to Jenson Button and his wife. But they didn’t die.
Glad I cancelled my subscription.
Spoke with a doctor today. He told me he gave up his Tesla. And will never buy another. He has two EV’s now. Not Tesla’s.
I want Pete to go on a 24hr stream and not drink alcohol. Show us you don’t have withdrawal syndrome you sick bastard. Prove to us you are not addicted bro.
Feel free to invade us. I won’t stop you.
Name any 10 female athletes in College athletics. If you are so concerned with Trans athletes. Thats what I mean. Not saying you don’t respect trans athletes.
So. Can anyone name 10 female college athletes. Since they are so concerned for them.
It’s so nice that FSB bots haven’t infested this federation yet. If this was Reddit. They would be crying about erasing history.
Some of the most violent settlers into Israel came from Russian Jewish sects. These were the first conflicts with the Arabs at the time. Russian Israelis were happy to spill blood for their settlement rights. Court cases through out the years show it.
Y’all must have not been around for the Iraq invasion. I stopped being a Republican when my party lied its way into an unnecessary conflict. Iraq only had what Cheney and Reagan sold them in the 80’s. To fight Iran. It’s insane to me for people to forget this important point. We almost brought back the draft for that war. I heard from many leadership individuals that were from my home town. That it was coming any day. Thank god it didn’t. But they abused the troops by forcing them to do extra terms in the conflict zone. No one remembers that either it seems. The GOP was fine forcing service members back into contracts for another 3 years.
Welcome to the club. As someone on my 14th year of diagnosis. It’s a journey that opens your eyes to the misdeeds of adults in our younger years. Who never really gave us the necessary help we needed.
Because Israel has close ties with Russian oligarchs. And we know why the US voted that way. Trump had his anal vibrator set to max by Vlad to make sure he followed orders.
I’ve used an IPhone since 4s. I have a 13 Plus Max. However. I used to have android devices. I always enjoy the UI/UX on the iPhone over the Android os. Even after working for the Android team. I still preferred iOS. I know I’m missing out to some awesome android features. But I can always jailbreak and add those features like I have on my iPad mini cellular. Which worked with Google Fi somehow. After jailbreaking. And my iPhone 6.
They simply can charge more for electricity and make a profit if it’s so bad for them to have been installed. This is a massive waste of resources. Just F off MAGA. Go suck more Saudi oil up your arse.
I did have to replace my eBike motor after the first 4500 miles.
Simple answer. Yes. Yes it is.