What I've found works in exposing their bias and letting you know you'll never get an honest opinion is reversing the positions.
When news came out in his first term that Trump was having Lou Dobbs on conference call during important meetings I asked my dad "did you hear that Obama used to have Anderson Cooper on conference calls during important meetings?" and naturally he says "of course he would, that's pretty messed up they shouldn't allow that kind of stuff." then I apologized for lying and said "it was actually Lou Dobbs and Trump." again naturally he then changes his tune "oh, well Lou Dobbs is a respectable journalist, that's different..."
Ok thanks dad, I now know I can never trust your opinion. It changes based on whether it's your team or not.
"Did you hear biden's son in law was the ambassador to Ukraine? And right after he stepped down from his position, Ukraine invested 2 BILLION dollars with his company? Yeah that's messed up. Oh whoops, it was Jared kushner and Saudi Arabia, my bad."
I hit a guy with that one. I actually got him to say yeah they should investigate that.
That's normal though. Obviously not saying it's okay, but that's just how our brains work. You're never going to change someone's mind by "checkmating" them like that. You're just going to get them to get angry with you and double down.
I did the same with dad and grandpa..I get it, sorry my dude.
Religion is a hell of a drug, these are guys who were some rambunctious fuckers back in the day and now just vote the party line despite the whole conservative platform being pissing on everything about the Constitution except the 2nd and 13th amendments.
To be fair, we have a former actor and comedian as the president. The difference is he isn't a fascist piece of human garbage, not so much in the career paths.
I ponder that sometimes. I wonder if a comedian has made such a solid leader because a comedian's role to society is to speak truths that go unheard, and to make unbearable times bearable. I find myself questioning if every leader shouldn't be a comedian
This campaign would stand a chance at actually winning.
AOC and Stewart are both well known, basically celebrities.
AOC is actually capable of recreating the mix of genuine charisma combined with well articulated, meaningful actual policy points that Obama did in 07.
Jon Stewart is obviously no stranger to politics, and is possibly the literally ideal 'attack dog' that the VP usually plays in a campaign, for an anti corporate / billionaire campaign.
Let AOC be as principled and erudite as JFK and Stewart be as cutting and 'no bullshit' as Lyndon Jonhson.
Are either of them perfect?
Are they basically the best possible options?
Well, Bernie is awesome, but he's too old.
Absolutely utilize him as much as possible during the campaign, be at every rally, fucking have him be the head of a leftist version of what Elon is, god knows by the time 2028 rolls around, the executive will have formally and informally assumed way too much power.
Put Bernie in charge of purging the Trump/Elon pukes, directing the revokation or countermanding of everyone of Trump's executive orders, undoing Citizens United, and reassembling the checks and balances.
Other than that... are any other democrats or leftists anywhere near as well known and widely, generally liked by non fascists? Who aren't bought and paid for by corpos?
I think it might be part that and part the fact that the war happened in the first place. Like, before the full scale invasion, he really wasn't that remarkable. But I guess sometimes hard times do actually make strong men.
Reminds me of this character in Watchmen. Calls himself the Comedian, but never makes "jokes" in a classical sense. He is cruel, overly patriotic, violent against protesters, seems to enjoy massacres in Vietnam. Only one other person understands that he is actually against these things and tries to show them this hyperbolic mirror of their own totalitarian views. But everybody else doesn't understand it, they take it face value and admire his "patriotism". He never breaks role until the last moment (or even then just in the movie?).
Al Franken was an amazing senator and I would abso-fucking-loutely support him running for president. On the other hand, Joe Rogan is also considered a comedian 🤮
From what I've read, Zelensky as comedian made intelligent political and anti corruption criticism. Making jokes about the bad things in life, highlighting them, setting the stage for something being done about those problems. Broader than his on screen personality, he had middle class beginnings and on the back of his comedy work, he build a successful career as TV producer/executive. You probably know more about this than I do.
Trump as TV personality looked more like the most clueless person in the room, while all the actual work was done by others behind the scenes. No intelligence, no social commentary. Before his role in the apprentice, Trump had started his business career as a Nepo baby, and as a businessman he had failed every venture that he had tried, each time leaving a bloodbath of unpaid bills behind, a reverse Midas. And once his face was known from TV, he started with large scale scams like Trump University.
John Oliver is the ambassador from the UK and between Jon and John every 9/11 responder gets lifetime care and UA gets every bit of Soviet killing machinery we have lying around Europe along with a carrier full of 35s for them to train on, training paid for by cutting off aid to Israel and sending it to Kyiv instead.
The last supposedly Ukrainian person I talked to here was very anti Zelenskyy and wanted him to just lay down arms. What's your opinion on the matter? Do you want your country to keep fighting? Do you qualify for the draft yourself?
I myself would be neither for nor against Zelenskyy, if it was peace time. Normally, there would have been elections last year, so there would be a non zero chance we would have had a different president already, if not for the war. But, since that's legally not possible right now, here we are, and I'm not about to go protest in the streets demanding to have elections as soon as possible.
That said, I am very much against being occupied and invaded. While also not willing to be drafted myself, since I know I would be quite useless on the battlefield. So the best I can do right now (to help in the war, that is) is to keep donating money for the equipment for our army.
I recognize I'm being hypocritical, since I wish to be protected without having the resolve to enlist myself. But I also recognize that, were I to enlist, my value in actually protecting Ukrainian lives would be very low.
Given the current state of Ukraine as a going concern
Three successful years of holding their own against everything Russia can throw at them? I'd say that's freakin' amazing and a ringing endorsement of Zelenskyy's leadership!
Ah yes, because clearly Zelenskyy is solely to blame for the current state of Ukraine. I guess he's mind controlling half of the world leaders simultaneously and playing 5D chess with everyone.
One would think you're his biggest fan the way you're giving him credit for everything that's happening in the world.
This is what's really amazing to me, his whole 1st term, which culminated in a year so bad it was a running joke and then a coup, was completely forgotten about by so many, and practically never brought up by the (D) side. I live in a swing state too, and while I don't watch many ads, I certainly saw a bunch the last 6 months, and don't remember one that even brought up his first term at all. Some had some footage of J6 with no context/explanation of what it was (I know, most know/should know, but still), but then it was all pretty generic crap. Political malpractice, once again, have to wonder if the good cop/bad cop conspiracy is true and they don't really want to win.
Democrats should be free to run whoever they wish. Just as 3rd parties deserve to run who they wish on a even playing field.
I personally don't see either legacy poltical party surviving true electoral competition being opened up to 3rd parties. They've used First-past-the-post voting as a crutch for so long their muscles have atrophy and they cannot walk unsupported. Much less sprint in a race to the finish line.
Fortunately for the two mainstream parties, the public at large are heavily influenced by Stockholm syndrome and a giga sunk cost fallacy.
I had this thought while at work today. Wondered if I'd be happier, then realized I'd probably just end up homeless, and stuck in and out of prison for the rest of my life because there is no way I could pay for care like a lobotomized Kennedy.
I don't personally believe in what she believes in, but it's perfectly reasonable for someone who grew up during this country's Reagan era to truly and genuinely believe that serving in the military is a valuable and fulfilling purpose that's greater and more important than the needs of a single family.
Maybe it's clown makeup, but wouldn't it be nice to feel some sense of purpose in your life rather than spending it shit talking people on the internet?
I liked that it specifically didn't choose a plot that mirrored any current events. It wasn't a conservative versus liberal thing, it wasn't a "south will rise again" thing.
a large portion of the electorate doesn't choose anything. they do what their televisions command them. who controls the targeted messaging platforms which have been poisoning people's minds? they are the real enemies of The People.
This. I've had heated discussions with people who can't believe someone from outside of their country knows more than the average citizen (read: himself) knows about the country's politics.
It's called educating oneself in preparation for consequences of having an elephant in a china shop. It's also what prudent, sensible adults do. Smfh.
Hopefully this'll convince more people to turn out for the midterms and do their due diligence.
Oh the readiness is still part of the plan, it’s just the ‘other’ they’re trying to frame as the new target, trying to fire everyone who won’t put the jackboots on.
They see white skin color as a sign of competency, they see being male as a sign of competency, they see constant smiling as a sign of competency, they see wearing suits as a sign of competency, they see confidence as a sign of competency.
I want Pete to go on a 24hr stream and not drink alcohol. Show us you don’t have withdrawal syndrome you sick bastard. Prove to us you are not addicted bro.
I'm pretty sure soliciting a foreign adversary to interfere in US elections twice isn't being elected, it's committing treason. I'm hoping to buy his gallbladder off eBay for scientific research once the lynching is over
Yeah the state has been supporting genocide for like 1.5 years. It's almost like fascism is a fundamental part of this evil empire and not just a "one party" problem.
I blame capitalism, the voters, and fascist rich fucks. Sure the trump voters were manipulated but it's like they didn't even try to think critically for a second.
The power of media saturation can't be understated. Bezos owns the WaPo, Musk owns Twitter, Gates owns NBC, the Murdochs and the Coors Family and The Kochs and the Sinclairs have a strangle hold on local news.
Literally where do you go to get serious journalism in an age where WikiLeaks is a criminal enterprise and The Espionage Act has been invoked against more journalists in the last fifteen years than the prior fifty.
Blaming voters in an era of industrial misinformation seems wildly misguided. You have people utterly saturated in war propaganda and blood libel. Even the liberals don't know who to support anymore.
She has joined the US military, no matter what function or personal actions she is part of a terrorist organisation that has murdered millions of innocent civilians.
We still have a genocidal leader, it ain't gonna change just because of a new president. What kind of a make belief world are you trying to paint for yourself.
Meh, she was a willing member of a brutal organisation that terrorized multiple countries in wars of aggression. If you have more reverence for her then for, say, a Russian naval officer, then you don't have principles, you just have rump nationalism.
edit: damn, didn't realize there were so many fans of the Russian navy here.