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Social Security Administration could cut up to 50% of its workforce
  • tax the rich.

    if they don't comply, seize their assets.

    if citizens can be 'civil asset forfeiture'd for being suspected of a crime, then billionaires can have their accounts seized and lands taken for tax evasion. but how do we make the politicians afraid enough to actually do it?

  • Social Security Administration could cut up to 50% of its workforce
  • there's going to be a significant increase in homeless grandparents

    who do you think will be buying up all those homes, all that sweet easy money passive income generating real estate?

    a handful of ultra wealthy parasites are looting the country just to add a few zeros to the ends of their bank accounts.

  • Change my mind
  • this is hilarious.

    sadly though, Crowder would be licking those boots IRL.

    remember when he tried to reenact George Floyd's murder by having his pissboy assistants pile on top of him, as "proof" that the police did nothing wrong?

    right wing griftosphere millionaire entertainers will do almost anything for attention except "change their mind"

  • Vegas Hotel Rooms, MLB Stadium Rentals, & More: DOGE Finds Schools Misused Billions In COVID Funds
  • the DOGE claims, even if true, are a tiny fraction of the fraud perpetrated by PPP loan recipients (businesses).

    taxpayers did get ripped off - by corporations and their owners - using money that should have gone to household instead.

    Biggest fraud in a generation: The looting of the Covid relief plan known as PPP

    "[PPP recipients] ... couldn’t resist purchasing luxury automobiles. Also mansions, private jet flights and swanky vacations.

    .... The program authorized banks and other financial institutions to make government-backed loans to businesses, loans that were to be forgiven if the companies spent the money on business expenses. Nearly 10 million such loans have already been forgiven. Many of the loans-turned-grants were for millions of dollars, public records show.

    Experts say millions of borrowers inflated their numbers of employees or created companies out of whole cloth.

    the takeaway here is that when government bailouts happen, the money should be given directly to US citizens/taxpayers who will actually use it on local commerce and transactions that stimulate domestic economic activity. instead, it was a free for all to anyone who could prop up a fake business. the clowns in congress trusted in trickle down economics, and it put hundreds of billions into the hands of oligarchs.... then they just FORGAVE THEM without any meaningful investigation or prosecution.

  • Senate Republican leader defends Musk’s efforts as a ‘scrub’ of federal government
  • congratulations! 🎉 you showed them all! you're definitely not bitter about it are you?

    such a shame your kids and past friends won't talk to you anymore since you became obsessed with child molesters, transgenderism, and defunding children's lunch programs. don't sweat it... at least you owned the libs!

  • Request to mod c/conservative
  • agreed. extremely valid points being made. a community purpose should be largely a decision of the community at large, based on participation and engagement. it's clear there is a substantially higher degree of rich conversations happening on so called meme posts than in "ideological conservative" posts which simply parrot right wing media headlines (and offer very little to discuss or engage ideas).

  • Trump Quietly Plans To Liquidate Public Lands To Finance His Sovereign Wealth Fund
  • no, the land belongs to all Americans. it isn't "owned" because unlike private property, the land has multiple multiple layers of restrictions on how it can be leased, used, and preserved for the benefit of future generations.

    it's the opposite of the common definition of "owned".

    it is held in trust.

  • The best people...
  • a large portion of the electorate doesn't choose anything. they do what their televisions command them. who controls the targeted messaging platforms which have been poisoning people's minds? they are the real enemies of The People.

  • Protestation
  • getting organized can be as simple as building strong relationships with allies. and there's no better way to make allies than giving aid and support to the people around you.

    then, when shit hits the fan or action is needed, you won't be alone. in other words, sometimes you can stand up for yourself by standing up for others first.

  • Democrats Appear Paralyzed. Bernie Sanders Is Not.
  • we desperately need a workers party in this country. Bernie can't do it alone though. what can we do?

    when will people snap and say '"enough is enough, we refuse to be poor and exploited". when will we empower a cross racial coalition the likes of which King and Hampton were murdered to prevent?

    i just hope to see it in my lifetime.... but i have my doubts.

    the future is looking bloodier by the minute.

  • Elon Musk admits email to government workers was a ruse
  • federal workers are terrified right now that if they make one wrong step, they'll be on their asses, with families and mortgages depending on them to be perfect.

    this email alone resulted in thousands of unplanned mandatory meetings with supervisors, checking with coworkers, asking PR and internal communications experts, consulting with division directors, on and on up the chain of command.

    trust me, they spent way more than 10 minutes, more like hours and hours per employee across the whole govt.

  • Marching into fascism
  • do comic books have 24/7 live updates and endless scrolls designed to exploit addictive behavior?

    were dime novels published by an ideologically aligned billionaire class who is working to capture our political processes?

    does D&D have an algorithmically generated "for you" page designed to promote rage content?

    did teens spend 4+ hours per day staring into their comics or check them anxiously 344 times per day on avg, or look at them while in school, while stopped at intersections, while on the toilet? did they talk to therapists about how they feel overwhelmed by their comics, the comics make them feel suicidal, etc, etc. was the billionaire CEO of the comic industry involved in national policy making and firing of federal workers?

  • Marching into fascism
  • are you saying 'its all just different flavors of the same thing, just different ways to entertain yourself'?

    isn't who controls the content and the nature of that content extremely important too?

    is spending 4 hours/day watching TV reruns of Golden Girls and.... spending 4 hours/day locked in a frenzy of algorithmically targeted highly personalized addictive right wing propaganda... the same thing?

  • Marching into fascism
  • the question is obviously not "Is this new technology BAD in and of itself?" the better question has always been, "Who controls this new technology and to what ends?"

    if you can't see the distinction, you're not thinking critically about the last century of technological development and how it actually impacts people's minds in lasting material ways. from the cotton gin to silent films to drones, technology is value neutral.... until it's used to reinforce specific agendas.

    the people comparing it to comic books (as if comics are harmless little nothings) are naive as fuck. comic books made a huge social impact and fostered both bad and good stereotypes, and helped promote narratives which drastically shaped the course of 20th century youth culture. that's a lot of power. and I'm supposed to believe phones have less potential impact on shaping people's worldview? gtfo 'ere.