Since Donald Trump’s election, his opposition party hasn’t acted much like one. The same cannot be said of Bernie Sanders, who hit the road this weekend in red states in an effort to stoke pushback to Trump’s slash-and-burn plutocratic governance.
People also forget that he's legitimately not a democrat. Bernie Sanders is an independent, he joined the democratic party when he was running for president but left afterwards.
we desperately need a workers party in this country. Bernie can't do it alone though. what can we do?
when will people snap and say '"enough is enough, we refuse to be poor and exploited". when will we empower a cross racial coalition the likes of which King and Hampton were murdered to prevent?
i just hope to see it in my lifetime.... but i have my doubts.
The issue is, if you were to lead a 3rd party you would probably share the votes with the dems, since the coward fucks too would desperately cling to power leading to the losing the election for both parties…
Joining and organizing within your local community to create connections with others is incredibly powerful, will make the coming months much more bearable, and lay the ground work for effective resistance.
We can still effect things drastically with a general strike. This massively impacts their income streams, and can bring the country to its knees if done on a large enough scale.
Join the IWW and attempt to unionize your workplace, so that the general strike is even more effective.
If we put in the work, we can resist this and we can win. Don't become paralyzed with doubt and fear, march on and push as much you can. Together we're strong, separated we are weak. So join up with allies while we still can easily!
We can run for office! Except we're all busy working ourselves to death and living on shit pay. Really takes the momentum out from a lot of us--which is the point :c
No I personally think they're literally complicit. I'm not saying every single party member, but the ones who are not fighting any of this are doing it because it benifits them personally.
Funny how the majority only seem to give him attention when they're scared, rather than having the likes of Sanders be the example. But hey at least life is like a reality show
I just saw an old interview on a college campus asking millennials what they think about bernie. A couple says he needed to be a minority, other person said he needed to be a poc and woman, one said he's too progressive, i wonder what their responses are now.
I hope Bernie doesn't get sent to a Trump brand Patriotic Reeducation Camp. He's the only politician that I feel like actually cares about the common man.