I believe in non-linear reincarnation. I hope I come back sometime before technology. Maybe even not as a human. I need a break cycle.
I will always remember the theater of that night in the primaries 2020, when Biden entered the race and everyone around Bernie dropped. Biden, riding Obama's name to grab the majority. It felt like I was watching them stab Caesar. Bearnie had the majority. He would have won that election. My faith in politics died that night as I watch a political maneuver that I had only ever seen play out in film happen in real life. That's when I really knew we were doomed.
I need to buy a new phone. I had a onenote to set up but I fucked up the process and now it won't leave orange mode or charge enough for a proper fast boot. Essentially bricked. Because it can't charge faster than the battery drains and doesn't seem to support powered down charging. So, I'm stuck with an s21 that had the boot loader locked because Verizon is a PoS like that. I ordered an unlocked phone but I didn't know ordering from the carrier meant they locked the bootloader. I want to degoogle but money is tight.
And /e/
In the union we were always taught to vote with your wallet. Every meeting during elections I heard it. Still, every other guy would be on about voting for Trump. Can't fix stupid.
I just got rid of my Amazon finally too. For sure they're getting a government contract for this shit.
I have been locked out of my fb for a month because they have NO support staff but fuck yeah I guess they earned a bonus somehow.
Fuck, I just got rid if my Amazon and now they're going to take over USPS huh? Fuck
It makes me so tired thinking of all the family that argued beyond reason that there was 'no proof' he was a Russian asset. I just learned to be quiet.
It pisses me off that he can get charged si much for one potential crime. How can he get TWO counts of 2nd degree if it's one murder?
To be fair, file structure navigation became more of a pain in the ass when Microsoft decided to rework their start menu to feed into their fucking store/web browser. It's not a hard fix but tablet natives wouldn't know any better. At work I still end up accidently searching the web sometimes when im searching for a file that wasn't important enough to pin. I know basic file structure the modern UIs are just trash and not designed for local users.
For better or worse, content moderation was almost nonexistent. On those 100s of forums and websites you could see just about anything. The degenerate and shock culture thrived as much as all the other random stuff. People can still find terrible things out there but now there's real effort to police and control the platforms. The big players don't let the REALLY terrible stuff on their systems. Rotten.com is always what I reference. There used to be porn, TV shows, and movie, on YouTube. Copyright was a suggestion and free use was everywhere for homemade music videos and downloads. There was also less effort to protect children. There are still issues today but widely the internet is at least devided into more age appropriate spaces. Those spaces get invaded but it's not how it was back then. In the 90s or early 00s you were assumed to be an adult if you were online. If you were smart you kept it that way. There was generally no avoidance if you were a minor like today.
That's not to say the protections that exist today are perfect. It is more so just the fact that they exist at all, and at least for appearances, an effort is made.
Internet back then kind of had a flea market / bazaar vibe. It really was that old west feel.
There are SO many levels of Terms of Services that help keep the modern internet clean. We didn't have that back then. Before monetization. These days, you have your ISPs, search engines, and domain hosts all working to keep things clean at a secondary level, before you even get to the website. Rotten.com can't exist today as easily because it would have to find a host that would allow it's content. Then it would have to be searchable, not end up a blacklisted domain on the forums, and also have protection from digital attacks, and THEN it's content would have to be regulated to make sure it doesn't break laws to get shut down. It could not exist today how it did back then.
Back then, rotten.com was as easy to find as asking jeeves, or yahoo to show you a dead body. The whole internet was that. No laws no shared mortality.
They could have made a toggle, instead they removed it. They're signaling.
Great, I'm about to get audited by the billionaire that probably doesn't pay taxes. Lovely.
My understanding of AI art models is shakey at best but I think I remember that it basically uses the images to create a static (Litteral static like old school TV screen snow kinda) static model based on the image. Then it extrapolate based on 1000s of such static sudo images to create the original work. On a small scale I don't think of it as theft. It's not unlike a person using their past knowledge of image concepts to create a new image. Everyone hates AI though.
I maintain that they do. They just don't care. I goal is to crash the economy and cause a collapse like the USSR had. Then these rich fucks will restructure the government and Rob us blind while they do it. Not the Republicans or democrats. The people with money that are lining their pockets.
They don't care. If there is no immediate and severe punishment for it then it doesn't matter if we 'know.' In 10 years the only line will be the official one and we'll just look like conspiracy theorists with half remembered facts. They dont think you're stupid, they know they'll get aways with it and they don't think about you at all.