Thousands in Midwestern GOP Districts Attend Sanders' First Stops on Tour to Fight Oligarchy | "It's like there's only one person who is actually able to sidestep the demoralization and frustration"
Senator Bernie Sanders is on a mission to fight oligarchy and empower the people. With a powerful message against Trumpism and billionaire influence, he's rallying Americans to stand up for democracy. #FightOligarchy
a singular politician. he's going to die on the job, in the middle of an impassioned speech on behalf of the working class. indefatigable. not even Lincoln or Kennedy had a fraction of the perseverance and consistency this man has demonstrated. a true public servant.
Eh, I don't know. Lincoln was well aware that he was walking into a massively complex situation with nothing short of the future of the country 100% on the line. He knew he was doing it at great personal risk, and I am sure on some level he knew it could (and ultimately, would) cost him his life.
Lincoln's life was cut short so ultimately we never got to see what the next phase of his life would look like, but he persevered in the face of the greatest struggle this nation has ever faced.
Trump and friends may well create as dangerous of a scenario as the civil war, especially if Thiel, Vance, and the other tech authoritarians achieve their goal of radically overhauling if not outright destroying the country.
Pritzker is the only one even close to Sanders level, and he has the money to create a private army to hunt the gop traitors down like animals. I hope he does. File state level treason charges against Trump and his appointees, fly in some Ukrainian spec ops troops, a bunch of SAM's and drones, and I'll be one of the first volunteers help end the Russia problem
File state level treason charges against Trump and his appointees, fly in some Ukrainian spec ops troops, a bunch of SAM’s and drones, and I’ll be one of the first volunteers help end the Russia problem
American political descisions are made so they rally behind politicans who keep the status quo or make their life worse.
The fact that bernie has existed all this time and never even managed to get close to running while random nonames like hillary and kamala and biden get to run says everything.
You won't see Sanders become president. That will never happen. They, the bipartisan political establishment, robbed you of that forever, in 2016. But you do need to go and listen to this guy, learn from him, absorb his energy and regain hope. That is how a decent, intelligent American thinks, talks and acts. He is doing this because he sees something alarming happening from within the state and he is throwing a hail Mary to every decent people he can find on the streets. He knows change is outside the system.
I will always remember the theater of that night in the primaries 2020, when Biden entered the race and everyone around Bernie dropped. Biden, riding Obama's name to grab the majority. It felt like I was watching them stab Caesar. Bearnie had the majority. He would have won that election. My faith in politics died that night as I watch a political maneuver that I had only ever seen play out in film happen in real life. That's when I really knew we were doomed.
That's sad. I truly believe if Sanders were a bit younger, he'd finally break through the system, but three more years will be harsh for his body to only campaign, and even if he could, you need someone like him in his prime.
I haven’t had any luck so I’m hijacking this comment to ask: does anyone know where we can find dates for his speaking tour? I want to bring my family to hear him but I don’t know when he’ll be in our neck of the woods.
What's crazy and I feel very shortsighted of the Democrats is that they aren't doing this more often. There is a large population that will/would respond to this type of politicking from the "opposition". They would generate tons of energy for more protests and put more pressure on the republicans to oppose shit.
instead we get:
House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-N.Y.) has garnered scorn for meeting with Silicon Valley executives to "mend fences" with the powerful tech sector—where numerous CEOs have signaled support for Trump during his second term.
Ken Martin, the newly elected chair of the Democratic National Committee, said last month that the party should continue to take money from "good billionaires."
Democrats are the controlled opposition. It's why they would never give Sanders a fair shake. He would upset them "good billionaires" because going further right is preferable than a single step left for the wealthy.
Under the proposed Trump tax cuts, I bet a vast majority of our Democrat leaders are looking at a big tax cut. From their standpoint, they need to put up just enough push back to get re-elected next election. Don't rock the boat and get on Trump's bad side.
We need to clump the corporate democrats with the Republicans. None of them work for us. We need more AOC, Bernie, Jasmine Crockett, Rep Maxwell Frosts.
The fact that there is no one able to take up his reins speaks volumes. This guy should have retired and be spending his golden years enjoying things ....but no. This guy is still fighting the good fight.
I don't know that that's a problem entirely separate from Bernie. Successors don't just spring from the ether, existing leaders need to help them get there. But while I can think of multiple politicians Elizabeth Warren has mentored and promoted, I don't know who Bernie has tried to groom.
A few, like AOC, have been inspired by him, but it doesn't seem like he's doing anything to try to prepare a successor. He's just going to be out there doing his thing until he dies, then who knows who replaces him in Vermont or replaces him ideologically on the left.
That may be part of the reason he is doing this is to inspire younger generations and find a successor? Just a theory, but I do find it strange he hasn't done this already.
I've felt that Bernie should be president since 2015, but he never stood a chance in the US. You have a 0% chance of being elected president in this country once the label of "socialist" has been applied to you.
You say that but articles like this don't fit that narrative. There are Republican voters who like Bernie and they have been showing up to his rallies for years. I know several Trump voters who have said they would have voted for Sanders if they got the chance. The idea that progressives don't appeal to conservatives is neoliberal propaganda. Progressives hit on alot of the same problems as conservative politicians they just have different solutions (and a lot less bullshit). Neoliberalism just pretends that the status quo is fine. Despite the name conservatives are largely unhappy with the status quo. That's how we got Trump.
Brother, who the hell says they’re a fan of Sanders and then willingly votes for Trump other than chaos agents or racist who want to bury social issues?