Oh change happened in Ontario. Once again the Fraudulent Ford has spent $189 million dollars of “change” in Ontario for an election only 1 degenerate trust fund drug dealer wanted.
Ontarios citizens are pathetic. No one voted and we got what no one voted for.
Probably sponsored by that cumtard Musk and twatski Nazi Lutke who told us to bend over for America.
In my most Canadian way possible: Fuck every single “Canadian” that wants to sell out to the disgusting fascist yanks.
Kindly go outside and play hide and go fuck yourselves.
Good on him. Fuck Trump and his bullying tactics. Trump deserves a fast hard punch straight to the neck.
Trump is an absolute spoiled brat. When things don't go his way, he yells, name calls and throws people out. This is the leader of the free world, being manoeuvred by his Russian masters.
I don’t think Putin could have ever asked for a better stooge than what he’s gotten with Trump.
Absolute fucking disgrace what America is turning into in less than a month of this fascists second term.
Who's the dictator here exactly?
Trump and Vance deserve to eat lead. What a fucking disgrace these 2 are to the American people and democracy.
How many
millionsbillions has he wasted with cancelled contracts and irresponsible decision making?
Billions. He has wasted billions, a magnitude larger. Just look that beer store fiasco and what its cost. Worst decision ever. Now just wait until he spends way more to buy back a conservative highway that was sold off for so much more than originally sold for.
Anyone that things a conservative has fiscal responsibility is delusional.>>>
So just so we’re clear: Ford called a snap election that cost taxpayers $189 million that won him an almost identical majority government, in order to create a “mandate to go toe to toe against Trump”.
Just want to be sure. Because he could have done just that exact same thing without costing us $189 million dollars since he already had the same government.
That fat dumb corrupt fuck is a fiscally irresponsible conservative cunt.
Shake my damned head. Shame on Ontario.
If we made “governor trudeau” a drinking game, we’d all need new livers by 10:04 AM.
Doug Ford is an absolute twat.
Yup. I don’t know why we’d even try to appease a convicted felon and rapist.
I wouldn’t even bother trying to deal with that Nazi pig at this point. Raise the price of all our essentials goods to them. If we’re really vindictive, hold back any sales of potash and other materials needed for their agriculture for a while. Starve the beast.
Maybe so, but they shouldn’t. Censor it, poke the shit out of that South African fascist Nazi pig, and get him to display his true self for all the world to see. Fuck Musk, filthy Nazi.
I hope to remember Trump as someone who was murdered with love by the American people to protect their democracy from fascism, nazis, and empire expansion (and collapse) in order to show Americans and the world that they won’t stand up for this.
My guess though is that we’ll all remember Trump as a rapist and he’ll have a trauma centre named after him once’s he’s gone.
“The Trump grab em by the oussy sexual assault and healing center”
I love NA beers. I just picked up 0% Guinness a couple of nights ago, and honestly it’s fantastic.
I not longer drink to try wasted and I don’t need the alcohol. I just like the taste of a beer.
I’d love to see a NA Modello at some point.
I completely agree. Canada needs to increase our military spending to fend off Nazi America.
I just voted! No matter who you side with, just please vote!
Stop fucking using X. Stop giving Musk anything.
Joint chiefs of misogyny.
Someone fucking ball gag this rapist to shut him up.
U.S. going ahead with tariffs on Canada and other countries - March 4th