Additionally: some people (i.e.Trump in US elections determined by the electoral college) make a big deal out of general population voting patterns. You should always vote, no excuses.
This especially coming from someone in BC where conservatives suddenly and surprisingly did quite well in a recent election.
I'm unconvinced enough voters are punishing Ford despite all of his mistakes.
Too many people get riled up over national politics and international events while ignoring their civic duties in their community and province. It's disappointing.
Agreed. In fact, provincial elections are more important than federal ones when it comes to internal matters despite the lack of attention provincial policies get.
The more local an election is, the more it matters to you on a personal level, though Ford is an exception since he's hyper-focused on ruining Toronto, so he's way more important than the mayor considering how much he steps right over the city's own leadership.
If you didn't get a voter card, you can get an electronic one by downloading the app. I did that and it was pretty painless. You still need to go to the polling station with a piece of ID but the app generates a bar code they scan and you're in and out of there pretty quick.
You don't need a voting card to vote. If you don't have a voting card, you need a piece of ID with your name and address. If you have your voting card, you just need something with your name.
Five BC Cons members recently voted against condemning US tariffs and to enable retaliatory tariffs and then Rustad tried a laughably "never gonna happen" no confidence vote against Eby. BC Cons aren't a non-threat but they certainly are laughably incompetent.