Tech guy here. Really wish we could specify the corpo nepobabies from the normal tech enthusiasts. from my personal perspective, the two groups have long been at war. With musk types bluffing their way to a world where everyone believes they are actually capable, rather than just failing upwards like every nepobaby. The best techies are usually doing underappreciated open source work because the world needs it. Anti-intellectualism is not a win against the anti education cult. Just my two cents.
It's weird for a long time I always thought that silicon valley was a liberals wet dream. Now in the last year or so, I've come to realize that is not the case. They are all about control.
If the aim is to destroy the ability of government to function, eliminate all constraints on corporate exploitation of the workforce and the environment, and hand all former government services to for-profit companies, it is going well. Musk is already awarding his companies contracts to replace the functions of the government departments he's shutting down.