And to avoid that, all they have to do is became big damn heroes by giving their money in charity, or tax, or fund a research lab or whatever way of throwing their money back out there that they choose.
Astounding that they'd find it so detestable that they'd rather risk death in the hands of a class revolution than see their money feed kids or cure cancer or whatnot.
Well, that is a bit excessive.
Rabid dogs are put down because there is no cure for their disease, and they cannot be controlled, and their very existence will bring harm to others and...
Yah this is really hyperbolic, the reason we "put down" vicious or dangerous animals is because we've accepted that they are what they are and we've all collectively agreed that they cannot change their nature and will always be a danger to every- ...oh. Okay, yeah I see.
20 million is what a rich person should be not 20 billion. the latter one is more akin to cancer, hoarding resources to the extent of the suffering of everyone else.
I'd consider this way; assuming the upper bound there (20m), Elon spent over 14 Bill Burr's worth helping Trump get elected, and that was pocket change to him.
That's the difference in scale. Musk could lose everything Burr has ever owned and he literally would not notice.
You can maybe argue that what Burr has is too much. Personally, I really don't care at this point. I'll ponder the moral rightness of the existence of millionaires when there are no more billionaires.
The difference is that he isn't exploiting the labor of others to make most of his wealth. I'm not a huge fan of most celebrities, but at least most of them are actually earning their money by generating demand for their "thing."
We need more from his class to speak up. This whole system is basically the Billionaires paying the Millionaires to keep the thousandaires hating the rest.
We need to stop acting like it's the 1950's and a million is "rich". 1 million in 1950 would be equal to 13 million today, except in 1950 you could buy a fucking mansion for ~30k, with a < 30 minute commute (the official inflation figures are oligarch propaganda and off by a factor of 5-10).
In like 30% of developed world cities a million isn't even enough to own a home without an hour plus commute. The minimum for "rich" in 2025 is a paid off home and another million in investments, which will net you about 50k a year without working (e.g. able to exit the rat race and live off capital). Even then, in the USA you need several million to buffer the likelihood of a medical condition bankrupting you...
The VAST majority of Hollywood — especially comedians and writers — are working class and poorly paid. Even the majority of the famous ones grew up relatively average/poor. Most are not nepo babies or even in the 1%. Most are allies that are silenced or neutered by studios and production companies (capitalists) out of fear of being sued or blacklisted. Only an extreme minority of them have anything near oligarch money, and none of them made that from their labor.
I'm not sure why that matters? Pretty sure he has profited off of the fruits of his labor unless he owns some kind of orphan crushing enterprise I'm not aware of.
You're right, but I do think we'd see societal improvements long before we got to Bill Burr if we started slaughtering the richest from top to bottom. I bet after you take out the Forbes top 200 list, anyone with that kind of cash would be racing to give it up, or to disappear. Either way, sounds like a huge win for the world.
20 million seconds is: 11.5 days.
1 billion seconds is: 31 YEARS and 251 days.
If you made $80,000 a year it would take you 12,500 years to get a billion dollars. Twelve thousand five hundred years.
He's a pedigreed professional at the top of his field at the end of his career. Literally a world class statesmen regardless of if you favor his positions. Why wouldn't such a person be worth 5-10 mil? He earned his position which can be with a strong salary... For decades. Even tame investments in the whole market would steer him handily towards that worth
That doesn't even touch on the mountain of social good and enrichment and support of the poor that he has directly contributed to over his career
Bernie doesn't say "eat the rich", you're saying that. Bernie makes specific statements about who to tax, and when and how.
He does pay his fair share. If the richest in the US paid tax like he does, there wouldn't be a problem.
What a brain dead thing to say. Is your whole argument that only the non rich are allowed to mention that the system is broken? Does he have to divest of all his assets before making any observations about our economic system? What a weird thing to get hung up on. This cant be real.
You needn't be broke to want to end billionaires. Plenty of people clinging to their status as 'middle-class' want to end billionaires. They can be insulated AND correct.
There’s a difference between “both siding” and criticizing everything you disagree regardless of where it comes from. Bill’s humor is that of a comically grumpy character.
What’s wild is he isn’t even that wealthy for a billionaire. Musk is in the hundreds of billions level whereas this creep is only in the single digits billions. Kinda weird tbh give how evil he is.
Imagine if we gave hoarders the same status we give wealthy people.
Like you're invited over for dinner.
You get to the door and ring the bell. They yell, "come in." You push the door open against 10000 stacked news papers pushing back at you. You're instantly hit with the smell of animal feces and urine. You unironically say, "wow, so decadent." You climb over a pile of furniture and to get to a small clearing in with a couch and a coffee table covered in clutter. You tell your host, "So much stuff, I'm so jealous, you truly possess all the worlds material goods." They heat up some discount canned ravioli on a hot plate because the only place in the entire house you can habitate is that small clearing with the couch.
After you finish your fine dining experience you leave and you realize you never once saw any animals.
Hoarding is a disease. Doesn't matter if it's useless garbage or the idea of a pile of money you'll never use.
I always liked the analogy with monkeys in the zoo. Imagine there are 10 monkeys in a cage. Every day you drop in 20 oranges. After a while you realise that one monkey is sitting on a pile of oranges, hoarding them. He can't even eat all the oranges, while some monkeys go hungry. No one would think: "man that must be one smart monkey." You would think something is seriously wrong with that guy.
It hurts them. They have to isolate more. Deny certain family members. Be deceptive and cagey. Wealth is a diminishing returns thing. You don't just become more and more happier with the amount of money you have.
it's that how you imagine millionaires with money? Like full house stacked with dirty used paper money? :DDDDDD it's digital numbers in bank account these days. Difference between old stacked newspapers and numbers in the bank is quite astronomical. And if he will never be able to use it, so his children grandchildren and generations to come will use it and will have EZ life without problems which poverty brings.
Elon Musk could lose 99.99% of his money and still have more money than 99% of Americans.
He's done it, he's won capitalism. He can stop and never worry about money, his children would never need to worry about money, and his grandchildren would never need to worry about money. And yet he keeps obsessively hoarding more money that at this point he has literally no use for.
I feel he is the only person I've seen try to go around and sound like a sane person about this shit. He let's me know I'm not crazy. I hear him from different sources too. He's not just trying for a sound bite on legacy media.
Maybe we collectively need to recognize billionaires like they recognize their workers. I propose the following:
“Becoming a billionaire” is still a thing that the most aggressive, ambitious sociopaths among us can aspire to. Because they and the broken people that idolize them will insist that great things cannot happen without the promise of great rewards. And obviously the only “reward” of any meaning to them is money.
Once you are a billionaire, you get a nationally broadcast pizza party on CSPAN and we engrave your name into a plaque in some “hall of smart winners” somewhere in DC. You are declared a champion of the economy and the President shakes your hand and declares a one-time national day to be in your honor. Or they read your name during the superbowl that year or whatever. Your place in history is locked in.
Assets and earnings in excess of 1 billion are seized and given to charity, or infrastructure, or healthcare or whatever. Used for the betterment of society. It should be done responsibly in a way that won’t ruin the assets, for example not liquidating billions in stock all at once.
The government publishes a leaderboard every year that shows which Champions of the Economy™️ gave the most back to society that year in the form of excess earnings. And we all pretend that we’re REALLY impressed.
They can have their on-paper status and their superficial adoration they hunger for. And they can even be stupidly rich by ANY standard.
Can anyone argue this is not a great idea? Even by being devil's advocate, I genuinely can't see any reasons why this would be worse than it currently is for anyone. 1 Billion still grants you A LOT of luxury and influence, just about as much as any single human should reasonably ever need or desire. And the best part is that we wouldn't even need to pretend to be impressed! Imagine a parallel universe where Nole Ksum "contributed" 400 fucking billions to improving infrastructure, healthcare, and research. Wouldn't you actually like the guy who has made the world, or at least your side of it, measurably better?
Yep. I didn’t want to make the post much longer, but I almost went on about how this could easily be a win-win scenario.
The one speed bump I wonder about is that loss of shares means loss of control of the company and its board, which your “founder & CEO” types will not like.
…but I guess reasonable people may consider that a feature, not a bug.
Usually when people are asked when America was Great™ they'll point to the burgeoning middle class of the post-war economy of the 1950s. Sometimes they'll point to separate drinking fountains however we'll ignore racists for now. The economic nationalists won't like it when you point out the thriving economy was partly the result of other economies still receiving from war, but more importantly for the middle class there was a 94% marginal tax rate for income over $200,000 in 1945, which meant dollars were circulating and demand was created for more jobs. The trickle-down clowns who insistent the rich getting richer is good for the economy would be slightly more credible, if they weren't the very same people saying the poor demanding higher wages is bad for the economy. As Nick Hanauer put it:
We plutocrats need to get this trickle-down economics idea behind us; this idea that the better we do, the better everyone else will do. It’s not true. How could it be? I earn 1,000 times the media wage, but I do not buy 1,000 times as much stuff do I? I actually bought 2 pairs of these pants, what my partner Mike calls my manager pants. I could’ve bought 2,000 pairs, but what would I do with them? How many haircuts can I get? How often can I go out to dinner? No matter how wealthy a few plutocrats get, we can never drive a great national economy. Only a thriving middle class can do that.
Once you are a billionaire, you get a nationally broadcast pizza party on CSPAN and we engrave your name into a plaque in some “hall of smart winners” somewhere in DC. You are declared a champion of the economy and the President shakes your hand and declares a one-time national day to be in your honor. Or they read your name during the superbowl that year or whatever. Your place in history is locked in.
No, you've won the game so you start over with zero dollars on level 2 (someone breaks one of your legs to make it harder).
It might be neat to have the rich lean into their new admirable roles and directly support the schools and hospitals publicly. If they keep their net worth down, the government does not need to seize anything.
But then we run the risk of them pulling the shit where they donate to their own charities they control. But if we’re writing regulations to limit net worth like this, then writing the regulations about where they can send the money seems simple in comparison.
CEOs could maintain control of society while avoiding bad press simply by providing people with what they need—living wages, healthcare, and secure retirement plans. They could still rule while ensuring a fairer system. BUT THEY WONT.
No, any CEO that tried to do this would get eaten alive, if not immediately by their board/investors then a bit later by competition from more ruthless ceos. In a capitalist system they literally have no other choice.
I don't really see any way to fix it from the inside. Things are going to get a lot worse before they get better, and not by methods they're going to like. I'm with bill burr here
Worked for Rockefeller. Dude was probably richer than Musk with inflation considered, and practically threw money towards charities (admittedly, using that money to improve cost of living and wages would have been better, but the rich gotta make their hoard still)
They won't, because greed doesn't get punished. Even worse, the law protects money. And the sociopaths/narcissists/psychos are the ones getting rich (of course) and the don't have empathy, care, or believe in 'fair'.
Correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't listened to Joe Rogan in a decade, but I dont think Bill Burr has been invited on since he (hilariously) called out Joe's anti-vax views back in 2020
Based on this newsweek article, that happened around June, 2020. Looking at the JRE website, I think Bill Burr got invited on one more time in December 2020, but hasn't been on since.
The rich are not the problem, the wealthy are the problem. I like the way Chris Rock put it: 'Shaq is rich... The white man who signs his check is wealthy.'
Millions of people could be up there with Bill Burr, if a few hundred wouldn't hoard over half of all wealth in the country.
Maybe we should put him in charge. It'd be better than trump AND principled leadership. Probably also entertaining. Theres nothing more American than that.
"I'm a big believer in helping out people that need help, but I'm also a big believer that at some point you gotta like quit your whining because no one gives a fuck about you or your dream. Ok? It's up to you to care about it so at the end of the day you gotta make shit happen.
Right, I would say the limit should be "no billionaires" so that if your net worth including investments exceeds $999M then you have to sell off some property or give money to the taxman until you are under $1b net worth. $999 million is still more money than anyone would ever need but just having no billionaires would be a great start.
10 billion?
I can't see how someone realistically would needs more than 10 million, but okay, let's set the limit to 500 million. A ridiculous amount of money.
But 10 billion? That's an unspendable amount.
(And to think we will see trillionaires (1,000,000x million) in our lifetime...)
Eh not always. He's shown a lot of personal growth in the last 10 years, maybe 15. He saw the problems at the time but he had some Boston blinders of misogyny and misattributed the cause a lot. He seems to have fixed it. Therapy did wonders for him it seems.
To be clear, the 1% I am speaking about are NOT the 1% of your neighborhood, county, or city(necessarily). I speak of the Global 1%. The 1% that make your retired home owning uncle with just under 1million in his retirement look like the firmly lower middle class that he is.
Yeah, I looked up some random articles and it looks like for the US it takes $5-10+ million to be in the top 1% of net worth, while globally I saw numbers under one million.
And according to one article that’s a bit old, $100K net worth puts you in the top 10% globally, and just $5,000 puts you in the top half.
I think they mean the $100 million to billionaire class. Or at least I've always taken it to mean that, no one in any fabricated middle class will be harmed.
It's a common phrase used to refer to them. If you didn't know that you don't belong in this conversation. If you did know that and were still a prick you're being disingenuous.
Disagree. Rabid dogs who must be euthanized deserve care, compassion, and respect when doing so. Rabies isn't a life choice a dog makes.
Billionaires deserve no such care, compassion, or respect.
also did Bill Burr ever apologize for all the transphobic shit he's said recently? Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with anyone of any walk of life gaining class consciousness, especially if they talk about it. But it'd be even better if he's stopped being transphobic on top of that.
I'm pretty sure the only anti lgbtq comments bill burr has ever made was a bit about how when you watch something intimate the mind tries to place you in the scenario and when it's two guys kissing it's really hard to stomach, but Bill Burr has always leaned left and I honestly doubt he cares in the slightest about other people's gender or sexuality
Billionaires should not exist. You don't get to be a billionaire without exploiting people - for that matter once you get over about 10M you're probably stepping on people, or exploiting systems, in order to continue growing your wealth. And why, exactly? It's a sickness that gets worse the richer someone gets. It's been studied and confirmed that people who have excessive wealth convince themselves that they deserve it, they earned it individually, and that they are special and more valuable than others. So instead of riding off into the sunset, they feed their addiction by buying outsized and unearned power in order to shape the laws so that they can make more money. Just fuck off already - you won at capitalism, now get the fuck out of the way and stop screwing over everyone else and making our lives miserable.
Beyond 100M we should just take it all for the state. 100% tax rate. If you want to keep earning beyond that, then great, you will have the glory of contributing to the public good.
But since billionaires have convinced idiots to advocate against the idiots' own interest, and argue that the billionaires can't be constrained in any way, then this will never happen in the current social context. So next best thing is to do as Bill says. Put the fear of God into them.
To me it’s not about being “rich” or a billionaire, it’s about staying “Rich” by exploiting others OR the law. Trump is a prime example of human trash that has millions(Or billions if you believe him) but he’s just about the poorest person I have ever heard of him you measure his integrity.
I don't have a problem with a billionaire that is so successful that they are constantly throwing millions at other people's problems to solve them and can't stop making more money because they pay great wages with great benefits and produce great products at fair prices.
A theoretical such ideal billionaire would realize their employees generate much more surplus value than they're paying them in wages. They'd therefore increase the wages so much so that they're not a billionaire anymore. Instead their employees would be millionaires or more.
They’re quite rare, but a few do exist, we just never hear about them.
People like Chuck Feeney, who ‘gave away his fortune in secret for many years, choosing to be anonymous, and donating more than $8 billion in his lifetime.’
The famous ones hoarding wealth are all sociopaths.
We had an economic plan for this almost a century ago. It was called the "euthenasia of the rentier class" advocated by john Maynard Keynes. I guess we didn't expect the rentier to also control the financial system.
A not so sweet reminder that the US had concentration camps, one of them being the infamous Manzanar camp in California that housed Japanese-American citizens as their property were seized and sold to the public. Not too long ago, eh?
For every billion in a billionaires hands, how many lives are lost? It can probably be quantified.
Using this paper, we can calculate a number of deaths per megawatt of energy consumed (using global averages). If the planet consumes 17,000 TWh annually, and there are 10 million deaths annually, thats about 0.0006 deaths per MWh.
Just quick and dirty numbers but from some lazy searching the following companies used..
Samsung: Nearly 30 TWh in 2023.
Google: Approximately 25 TWh in 2023.
Microsoft: Around 23.5 TWh in 2023.
30,000,000 MWh×0.0006 deaths per MWh=18,000 deaths
24,000,000 MWh×0.0006 deaths per MWh=14,400 deaths
24,000,000 MWh×0.0006 deaths per MWh=14,400 deaths
Now these big tech companies don't all use fossil fuels, but we're just trying to get into a ball park... so lets continue as if they had used all fossil fuels..
18,000 deaths/ 17.92 billion USD≈1,004 deaths per billion USD
Google (Alphabet):
14,400 deaths/ 94.2 billion USD≈153 deaths per billion USD
14,400 deaths/ 69.02 billion USD≈209 deaths per billion USD
So we can estimate some where between maybe 100 and 1000 deaths per billion dollars for these tech companies. Now of course how you make those billions matters (maybe). For example, we can do the same thing with Exxon mobile, which represents 3.7% of global emissions. 10,200,000 deaths×0.037≈377,400 deaths. 377,400/ 37 billion, Exxons 2024 profits gives us 11,200 deaths per billion.
We can of course also divide this out to get to about how much profit is generated before a single person dies. Maybe this could be considered the lower limit where profit extraction should be considered criminal
In the lower end scenario, it would be at between 6.5 million dollars and one million dollars in profit extraction would relate to at least 1 lost life. Obviously extremely rough numbers, but if we look at some one like Musk, allegedly worth 500 billion, that would relate to between 100k and 500k deaths their profit extraction is directly responsible for.
And of course this is only from particulate matter emissions from emissions. There are many, many other externalizes not quantified here. It also isn't fully representative because, yes, many companies do purchase renewables (Amazon claims to be renewable) but this probably gets us close enough to start having a more serious dialogue about the relationship between extractive capitalism and consequences to human life. Based on these back of the napkins, it would seem like every billionaire should be considered responsible for, at a minimum, at least one lost life.
And to put that into Hurricane terms, Elon Musk represents around 300 hurricane Katrinas.
"The real damage is done by those millions who want to "survive." The honest men who just want to be left in peace. Those who don't want their little lives disturbed by anything bigger than themselves. Those with no sides and no causes. Those who won't take measure of their own strength, for fear of antagonizing their own weakness. Those who don't like to make waves — or enemies. Those for whom freedom, honor, truth, and principles are only literature. Those who live small, mate small, die small. It's the reductionist approach to life: if you keep it small, you'll keep it under control. If you don't make any noise, the bogeyman won't find you.But it's all an illusion,because they die too, those people who roll up their spirits into tiny little balls so as to be safe. Safe?! From what? Life is always on the edge of death; narrow streets lead to the same place as wide avenues, and a little candle burns itself out just like a flaming torch does. I choose my own way to burn." -Sophie Scholl of the White Rose
Well, the current system is unsustainable. See history. So if you don't care now, somewhere in the future you will. You can't keep ignoring the problem hoping it goes away.
Capitalism = free market. Unfortunately. The current system works perfectly. It is not sustainable and the rich get corrupted more and more, but that's capitalism for ya.
Fair? What's that? That doesn't exist in nature or in greedy man. Fair is a societal construct. Paper beats rock, money beats fair.
That's only true in a limited sense in any existing capitalist system. If your definition of "free market" is a competitive market with no artificial barriers to entry, that is impossible without state regulation-- otherwise oligopolies emerge followed by regulatory capture. If your definition of "free market" is an unregulated market, it will almost immediately stop being competitive and will be captured by the big players who will manipulate it in their own interests. So there you go, two definitions of "free market," and existing capitalist systems are neither.
There is an ideal within capitalism in that regulators keep competition between firms up, and stops monopolistic practices. Under such a system, companies and consumers interests are wholly aligned and this benefits the lower-to-upper middleclasses very well, with some fringe benefits for the working class too.
It is this stasis snapshot of the market that people refer to when they say capitalism can work. I'm not wholly against it, I just sort of feel that regulatory capture is hard to fight against and that any stable capitalistic system will devolve into a monopoly/cartel if given enough time.
This is the same level of bad faith arguing as claiming Bernie sanders is a wealthy millionaire.
He’s definitely the poorest senator and given how long he’s been in congress that’s saying something when most of his peers are filthy rich and compromised.
He on the other hand wrote a book and inherited property through his wife.
Oh Bill Burr, what a rebel. Did you say this and then hop in your limo, sipping on a cappuccino at some overpriced coffee shop in Los Angeles? Because that's just soooo not the image of a real-life firebrand like yourself, is it?
Newsflash, Bill: "Billionaires should be put down like rabid dogs" is not radical, it's not edgy, and it's certainly not provocative. It's just basic human decency. I mean, come on, you're talking about the same people who own half the media outlets in this country. The same people who make millions off the suffering of others.
And what's with the whole "rabid dogs" thing? Is that supposed to be some kind of clever metaphor for how these billionaire sociopaths are just running around, spreading their diseased ideology and ruining everything they touch? Please. It's just a lazy way of putting down someone who is already being criticized by millions of people.
And don't even get me started on the irony. You're complaining about billionaires, yet you've got your own Netflix deal that's worth tens of millions of dollars. So no, Bill, I don't think you can talk about how you wish we'd put down these "rabid dogs" when you're probably more concerned with padding your bank account.
I mean, what's next? Are you going to start ranting about how much you love socialist Bernie Sanders and how we should all just give up and live in a tent city because it's the only way to combat income inequality? Give me a break. You're not some kind of true original thinker, Bill. You're just another middle-of-the-road comedian who thinks he can make waves by saying whatever outrage du jour is popular.
And you know what the worst part is? I bet most people are going to be more turned off by your fluff piece than anything else. They'll read this article and think "oh, Bill's got a new rant!" instead of actually listening to what he has to say about the issues that really matter.
But hey, keep on complaining, Bill. Keep on talking about how you wish we'd put down billionaires like rabid dogs. Maybe if you spent more time actually doing something to change the system and less time pontificating in your limo, people would actually start listening to what you have to say.
What a poorly manufactured take. The poorest among us are too busy gasping for air to take on the fight. We'll take all the soldiers we can, while you smugly continue comforting your pitiful ego.
If your idea of a solider is someone who puts out hot takes like this while not only being PART of the system but by helping support it, good luck to your cause! It's going to take a bit more than some rude words from Bill Burr to get the revolution started.
A lot of text, but I am missing your point I think.
Is it "he without sin cast the first stone"?
That's a bit of a moot point, since that means noone can ever criticize the current system. So...
Humors and enables? Is that when he went on his show and likened him to a neanderthal?
Rogan would exist either way, Burr going on and telling him off in front of Rogans fans is as much as you can really ask of a comedian. Burr has the ability as a wealthy white man in America right now to say absolutely nothing and just agree with the guy trying to give him further tax cuts while stiffing the working class, but he chooses not too. Hell, Burrs form of comedy would have landed him shit tons of gigs with the conservative base.
Yet people will always removed about everyone not being perfect. Persuing only perfection will always be a hindrance of achieving progress.
Yeah going on his show and throwing bro jokes around with him is indeed enabling. I call my buddies Neanderthals too and then we laugh and have a beer together like burr and Rogan do always. They’re friends, cause they’re rich and we’re not. So no matter what you do to defend Bill Burr and Rogan, they really don’t care about it since you’re not in their club
You go where the people are if you're equipped to make them look the fool. Bill is absolutely qualified to talk to Joe Rogan and make him look clownish. The only people who should avoid Joe Rogan are people who nod along to his Facebook stories rephrased as people he knows' stories or offer no opposing narrative. It's like Adam Friedman going on Jesse Petersons demonic talk show. He said to a relatively big audience, "Freaking out because a college student says death to America, even if true, is kinda pussy shit, no?"
Yeah that's how I think too. The problem isn't Bill Burr going on Joe Rogan, the problem is not enough people like Bill Burr go on Joe Rogan.
It's bad for Rogan too. I use to like his show when it was him being a dumb guy talking to smart people. The smart people would explain things to him and by proxy I'd learn some things too. Or at least be entertained by a conversation between an ape talking to an astrophysicist.
But now Rogan thinks he's got good ideas and thinks he should talk about what he thinks. And his ideas are so very bad.
It’s funny when non rich people suck the dick of those who couldnt care less if you died or not. 🤣
I honestly don't expect them to care and neither are they obliged to. Expecting them to care about your problems and getting mad that they don't is just weird lol
I will never understand billionaire worship. They wouldn't give a single flying fuck if you died alone in a ditch, no matter how much you lick their boots.