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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

I misspelled specific.

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Comments 61
Sun God
  • This reminds me of that part of that space opera I read where there was a nomadic colony on mercury which needed to always be moving at exactly the right speed to stay on the dark side of the terminator.

  • Why isn't anyone helping?
  • fuck it. I voted dem every election and they did fuckall. We got obamacare, whoop deee doo. we have to buy insurance now. fat load of good that did.

    Fuck the dems. I'm leaving and voting for some other party, and you should too. campaigning for a third party should start right fucking now, so the dems can't say "oH, ThE TiMe FoR SuPpOrTiNg a ThIrD pArTy IsN't 5 MoNtHs BeFoRe An ElEcTIoN!" Fuck you, you goddamned fake ass left party.

  • I miss myspace
  • the good news is, often times those old forums are still up. so if you're doing a very niche hobby, like trying to outfit your '05 nissan sentra with a turbocharger for some reason, there are forums talking about it. you might even be able to respond to the threads. who knows.

  • Democrats keep helping Trump confirm his abysmal nominees.
  • Actually yeah. They need to do everything they can to keep these fascists from enacting their agenda. The right did it to Obama when he tried to get Merrick Garland on the supreme court. The Dems should do the same thing.