If u think Trump gives two shits about the economy for WORKING class people, than I have a bridge to sell u.
The only way Trump could be more treasonous at this point is if somebody could prove that he was taking cash from Putin to fuck over Ukraine.
I hope somebody steps in in 25th amendments this guy‘s ass …
This isn’t about supporting Europe or NATO or Ukraine. This is about not capitulating to a hostile dictatorship that likes to invade other people‘s territories without provocation. 
What happened? Trump acted like the over grown man child that we knew he was.
Yeah, watching Trump and Vance speak to Zelenskyy was like watching JFK try to talk to those two old grumpy guys on the Muppet show…
Trump said one thing thats true, “You’re in a bad position right now, and you don’t have the cards…”, Ukraine doesn’t have the economy to put up a lasting ongoing fight with Russia, especially if they’re getting troop support from North Korea
 I think we should pour every surplus American weapon we have and donated to Ukraine immediately and then we need the pressure people who purchase oil and natural gas for my ran and Russia and forced them into some sort of economic sanction  Then we need to take all the F 35s that we paid billions and billion dollars and development money for and deploy them to the eastern European sector and put up a no fly zone
But, I am just an internet shit poster who got banned from Reddit.
This isn’t unbelievable, If I were Ukraine I would have been insulted by not been invited to the peace talks and would reject any deal the US made at all. This was bound to fall apart.
Also, Trump is the world’s biggest man-child, he was going to embarrass our country no matter what.
I have zero faith that Trump and Vance will do anything that favors ongoing world peace and/or limiting Russian Aggression, instead I believe Trump and Vance will serve their own interest by selling out Ukraine and baking up a scheme that will gain favor of their Russian buddies, who control an amazing amount of wealth for a country with such a high poverty rate.
No, I think the dumb thing to do would be to assume that the person who was convicted of 30+ felonies concerning a legal campaign financing is being fully transparent about his intentions and the amount of money he shifted over to the worlds, greatest billionaire(Musk). Also don’t forget that Donald Trump was convicted of a charity scandal and now he can’t run a charity inside the state of New York without court ordered supervision.
Those government reports should be 100% truthful but if you’re willing to believe that they are under Donald Trump, then I have a bridge to sell you .
El queso está viejo y mohoso. ¿Dónde está el baño?
Am I the only one who thinks that getting rick rolled is something that should’ve been stopped in like the 90s??
Does this include all the money that the government is giving to Elon Musk??
Musk looks a 50 year old starting a boyband for 17 year old girls.
Our gov is taking our tax money and not showing us what they are doing with it. If its not a scam, show us where the money is going.
I did this for Facebook and some other companies like X and avoiding using Walmart back in 2010.
Another court decision that we can expect this admin to not comply with…
I agree with this if anybody would less than $35,000 per year decided to disregarded judge over a parking ticket they would’ve gotten a harsher punishment. Then Trump got in all of his legal woes combined. 
Yes. Why not.
Yeah I honestly think we should pass a law that says any campaign donation needs to have a name on it. I don’t care if 2000 people donate to a super pac and a company sticks it’s name on it, or if all 2000 people are identified, but anonymously giving people money is a no go for private citizens EVEN IF IT”S NOT TAXABLE
Official act would be complying with the Judge…but potatoe, patatoe…or whatever.
And yes, I spelled potatoe wrong both times on purpose.