I'm referring to reasoning with the audience, not trump or his stooges.
Fair enough. I definitely don't expect perfection, but I like to highlight the problem with Big Suit so that other people are aware it's an issue.
I agree with you about Fetterman. I don't keep up with him so I can't corroborate your claims, but the fact that he doesn't wear a suit does not automatically make him an ally of the working class.
By… wearing a suit? You’re gonna have to go into more detail here to get your point across.
Yes. It contributes to a culture where we need to pay into the suit industry in order to be successful. It's a complete waste of money and only serves to continue passing it around at the top. Every dollar wasted on nice suits could've been spent improving the lives of people who can't afford nice suits.
I’d like to get there, but I’m really not sure that we are yet.
Maybe your reading comprehension isn't that good, but I was referring to how you mentioned John Fetterman in contrast to AOC and the other suit-wearers.
but for someone working within the system she’s as radical as it gets.
Kind of. "For someone working within the system" is the key point.
That's not true. They're supporting a system that exists to pass a bunch of money around at the top. Each one that wears an expensive suit is guilty of this.
John Fetterman isn’t an ally of the working class just because he wears a hoodie to congress, for example.
I'm glad we're at least on the same page here. I don't keep up with Fetterman, but isn't he also an ally of the working class? Again, I'm glad we can see eye to eye on what I'm referring to. Bringing up Fetterman is a great example.
They are expensive, and that's all that matters.
More cooperation is better, but this will have to do in our removed stupid society.
(it's okay to say stupid but not removed, which is removed.)
I've seen people mention that Trump knew about Epstein, but I've never seen them make the connection to him withholding that information from us for decades.
It creates the argument that either Trump isn't as all-seeing as his base would like to believe, or he's part of the cabal that protects pedophiles like Epstein. We're not allowed to look in this direction.
It's my understanding that websites can identify your OS and there's nothing we can realistically do about it, but it has something to do with how fonts are rendered. I'm not an expert, but this is what I recall from trying to obscure my OS from websites.
Here's a post on the matter: https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/173233/how-do-i-hide-the-os-i-am-using-from-internet-sites
Javascript isn't that big of a deal.
Because it is.
We live in a hyper-consumerist, scam society.
It's gotten so bad most people don't even realize the problems when they see it. Unfortunately, I think AOC was defending paying $>10 on a single meal, so she's part of the problem.
She always wears very nice suits.
Damn. That video is hard to watch. It's clear Zelensky is at a grave disadvantage because American English is not his first language.
It would be way easier for him to reason with these people and get his message out if he could just talk like a normal American.
He's not able to explain what's actually a very simple and clear concept: the US gave Ukraine security guarantees that it did not fulfill. Then he gets steamrolled by people who can speak English better than him and all he can do is sit back and watch.
Donald Trump also praised Epstein, saying he liked women on the "younger side."
“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined “Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery.” “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”
Brow-beating is an extremely effective tactic on the internet.
We see it on both sides, so most discourse devolves into whoever is censored/moves on with their life first loses.
It can make the appearance that Russian trolls with their literal non-stop promotion and shilling of trump bullshit in 2016 are more successful than they are, which invariably contributes to their success.
I wish we could see what was happening as it's happening. Unfortunately, all we can do is let it happen around us and future generations can study how we've been taken advantage of without realizing it.
Donald Trump knew about Epstein but didn't tell us; we had to find out for ourselves.
The fact that nobody is saying this and none of you have considered it until reading this comment should be very telling at how deep their power runs, and how stupid we are for going along with it.
We literally aren't allowed to have our own thoughts. We can only think and talk about what the powers that be have deemed appropriate.
What benchmarks are you seeing that are telling you this is a better deal than the alternatives?
Come on, you can be specific so I don't have to assume what you're talking about.
If anyone asks me this, I'm going to tell them I don't know but I'm figuring it out as I go along.
Newsie.social has (had) 20k active users, mostly professional journalists. It has in the brink of shutting down due to lack of funding for two years already.
Fosstodon started with enough donations that they could even send some of their money to upstream projects. Nowadays they are invite-only because they don’t get enough funding to sustain infinite growth.
Moth.social was active while they were sponsored by Mozilla, they are shutting down in March 12th due to lack of funding.
Can you provide any sources for where you're getting this information? Did any of these instances share their server expenses and how much was being donated, or are we just supposed to "trust them bro"?
This is just wishful thinking. Go ahead and open an instance with open registration, see how long it will take for you to regret it.
Are you delusional? I'm not even going to entertain how stupid this response is.
And there is a huge number of admins that got users and then burned out due to harassment, spam, entitled users asking for/against federation due to petty drama…
And there's a huge number that don't and enjoy having power over the discourse, as evidenced by how many of them do it.
I have to say, you're pretty naive innocent to the world around you. It's to be expected that you're going to bat so hard for people trying to take money from you without verifying their expenses.
*Apparently he reported my comment to have it censored for calling him "naive" rather than present arguments that show us that he's not.
Right. Stay in your fairyland.
an expensive and cumbersome responsibility
Wait till they see how expensive and cumbersome fighting a war is...
What do you have to say about Ukrainians setting up defenses other than nukes?
Oh no, you think there's scientific evidence therefore it's objectively true.
"Scientific evidence" has never been wrong before or distorted to serve a certain goal. "Scientific evidence" never recommended lobotomies for women, or suggested that homosexuality is a mental disorder. If it did, then anyone who disagreed with it would be delusional by your "standards."
Don't try to conflate soft sciences with hard sciences, it only makes you look moronic.
Honestly I don’t even care if it’s half as fast as a 4070, that’s fast enough for me.
You're the one who's trying to argue its power, and then when presented with a better option you say "it's fast enough for me."
Have you seen benchmarks comparing the performance of this iGPU to dGPUs?
Please share.
Can anyone recommend generic controllers that work with Linux? [Update]
I don't need anything special or pricey, just a basic controller that does basic controller things.
I've tried a few generic controllers, but they have issues with bluetooth, battery life, and automatically shutting off too early from idling.
Does anyone know of any generic controllers that don't have these issues? I don't mind if the battery life isn't the same or better than official controllers, but they shouldn't straight up lie about the capacity. It should be illegal.
Update: I ended up going with a generic PS4 controller from Walmart. The brand is Yuoy, which I am unfamiliar with but I'm willing to see for myself how good their controller is.
This is the one I got https://www.walmart.com/ip/seort/5486552170 and so far I am satisfied. It's a bit heavier than the other generic controllers I have, which I hope is a sign of a bigger battery. The d-pad isn't quite as good as the legendary Sony d-pads, but I'm getting used to it. It's not nearly as bad as the 360 or logitech d-pads, for example. I think it's pretty good.
I'm also not having the issue with it turning off after 5 minutes of idle time. So far, it hasn't turned off at all from idling. I'm not sure if there's no auto-shutoff at all, or it may just be respecting my Steam setting to have it shut off after an hour of idle time. I don't feel like testing it right now.
So far, for $17 this controller seems to be acceptable. I'd still like to shut off the touchpad, but that's not really the controller's fault.
I will continue testing and update this if I have any issues. As it stands right now, I'm looking forward to getting another one and hope it's the same.
Update: I am having issues reconnecting the controller after I disconnect it with bluetooth. I need to go through the re-pairing process by holding the share button (select) and the PS button. The controller shows up as connected for a few seconds, then goes back with the other disconnected devices saying the connection failed. This is a big issue. I will try to see if I can find an easy fix, if not then this is enough to make me return the controller.
Here's a video documenting the issue: https://freediverse.com/w/2DVMHpkjaA4rcX8WqhuKts
Why are mods censoring threads about free VPNs?
Riseup provides online communication tools for people and groups working on liberatory social change. We are a project to create democratic alternatives and practice self-determination by controlling our own secure means of communications.
I've had one thread locked and another removed for daring to suggest a free VPN.
What rules was I breaking? It looks like the mods are just censoring me without breaking any rules because they know they can get away with it.
Edit for when this post is censored:
There are proud consumers making up bullshit that "riseup doesn't want people using their VPN unless they donate, and they don't want people using it for torrenting."
That's complete malarkey pulled straight from their rectum. Here's a quote from the website that none of them read before spouting their nonsense: "This is an experiment to see if we can create a VPN service that is easy enough for everyone to use and that people will donate enough to sustain."
You guys are literally making up bullshit to justify why you're wasting money, then getting mad at and censoring anyone who tells you that you can be getting something for free.
It's an expected response, even among piracy communities unfortunately.
Consumerism runs deep.
Edit for the mod who locked this post after responding so I can't reply back (nice):
I'm not being any more abrasive than the people in my comments, which isn't breaking any rules. I'm also not off-topic, and you should be ashamed of yourself for trying to peddle that lie.
Can you explain why my previous posts were locked/removed? Or do the mods just get away with censorship while I get punished for calling it out?
Reply to mod here because post is locked:
> I locked the previous thread, because it was kinda offtopic and far from a constructive discussion
It was not off-topic, and the only people being non-constructive were those in the comments making up bullshit to justify their consumerism.
> I’m not the one who locked this thread, but I can fully understand the decision, considering that there are 4 reports for this post alone
Cool. So you admit the mods will censor posts just because of reports? It has nothing to do with actually breaking any rules?
Has anyone tried Riseup VPN?
I've been experimenting with some free VPNs, and it looks like Riseup is legit. I'm able to torrent on it without issue and the speeds are acceptable for my connection.
How come we don't recommend this more? Everyone is always saying "no free vpns," but how many of you have actually tried them? I feel like I've been wasting money on my VPN ever since I found Riseup.
Are we just being hustled by the viral marketers and their useful idiots?