Ukrainian president says ‘guarantees of peace and security’ were vital ahead of expected talks in Washington on Friday
Donald Trump, at his first cabinet meeting, said he believed the US is negotiating “very successfully” with Russia and Ukraine.
The US president suggested that a ceasefire deal is close. “We’re going to make a deal with Russia and Ukraine to stop killing people,” he told reporters.
Asked if he is willing to make security guarantees as part of the deal, Trump replied:
I’m not going to make security guarantees beyond very much … We’re going to have Europe do that, because Europe is the next door neighbour.
He added that the US will be partnering with Ukraine “in terms of rare earth.” “We very much need rare earth, they have great rare earth,” Trump said.
Trump said it was “great deal for Ukraine too, because they get us over there, we are going to be working over there”.
I get the impression Trump has no clue what’s going on. He’s just just regurgitating bullet points that someone—probably Putin—put in large print on a piece of paper.
He has the attention span of a toddler. He latches onto ideas, and specifically things that will satisfy his ego, his greed or his lust, with a laser focus, for exactly and only so long as they manage to hold his attention.
And at the same time, he has essentially no conception of objective truth. It's not quite that he lives in a fantasy world as that his need to satisfy his ego, greed and/or lust is so much his focus that everything else pales in comparison, including truth.
So he essentially sincerely says whatever he thinks will serve to accomplish whatever it is that he's focused on at the moment. It's not so much that he lies as that he doesn't really make a distinction between truth and lies. The only meaningful measure of a claim is whether or not it will serve his goals.
And all of that means that a smart, canny and manipulative man - Putin, for instance - can get him pointed in whatever direction he wants by feeding him the right bait and the right bullet points to go along with it.
It's not so much that he lies as that he doesn't really make a distinction between truth and lies. The only meaningful measure of a claim is whether or not it will serve his goals.
Been saying this for years. The man literally can't tell a lie, everything that comes out of his mouth is the truth. I don't think many people have been around someone that's full-on Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).
And yes, once you figure out that's his disorder, he's as easy to manipulate as a toddler. Also been saying since he won the election, his handlers are in charge this time and it couldn't be more obvious. Look at his Truth Social posts for one example. They're far more clear and focused, easily written by someone imitating him. Any one of us could do it.
Exactly. This became very obvious after his meeting with Russia, he just started repeating their talking points without any critique. He has zero plan or strategy, just chasing feelings and vibes to feed his giant ego.
Zelenskyy would probably get more support from his people if he told trump to get fucked than by being his dancing monkey. I know he's desperately trying to do what's best for Ukraine, but sucking up to that piece of shit isn't it.
Zelenskyy would probably get more support from his people if he told trump to get fucked
Oh how I wish this was true but a lot of Ukrainians are so weary they really just want the war to end and are frustrated with Zelensky. Believe me not everyone has the moral high ground or integrity, many, many just want him to make any kind of deal, no matter how big the insult and humiliation are.
("Moral high ground" and "integrity" are very heavy words in this context. Right now, after just watching the argument, I am a bit speechless and can't find better words. But please know that I do not want to refer to these people as having no integrity, morals, ideals, etc. They are desperate and have lost so much I can't even put it in words.)
That's a good point and thanks for the perspective. Of course I don't know what it's like for anyone in Ukraine at the moment, and I can understand the desperation. But trump is a thug, and a wannabe gangster. He will burn all of Ukraine if he thinks it will benefit him. His word is worthless, and so is any deal with the US. Every world leader knows that, it's just so frustrating that none will stand up and say it, they just keep treating him like a legitimate president when he's so clearly not.
The thing confusing me most is why Ukraine would trust any US' "guarantee", when they've been nothing but untrustworthy.
And people's lives are not toys. I get the sentiment behind wanting less people to die. But Trump and Putin do think people's lives are toys, so I can't imagine the outcome of this being beneficial in any way to Ukraine.
He's gonna get the rare earth minerals deal, and then immediately go back on his word. This guy hasn't told the truth his entire life. Why would he suddenly start now? A podcast by Brendan James and Noah Kulwin on US Foreign Policy. All their info is sourced and can be found on the website for each season. Can be found for free wherever you get your podcasts from
Brendan James is a staff writer for International Business Times. He previously worked as a reporter for Talking Points Memo and Yahoo! News. His writing has also appeared in Newsweek, VICE and Salon.
Noah Kulwin is a writer for the new statesman, the intercept, jewish currents, defector, the drift, new york magazine, the new york times, the baffler, the new republic, the american prospect and elsewhere - After a critically-acclaimed retelling of the Iraq War, season two of Blowback presents the unlikely story of the Cuban Revolution: - After covering the Iraq War and the Cuban Revolution, in season three Blowback co-hosts Brendan James and Noah Kulwin now turn to the Korean War. - After covering the Iraq War, the Cuban Revolution, and the Korean War, in season 4 the Blowback co-hosts Brendan James and Noah Kulwin now turn to Afghanistan
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Will the rare earth they send us be in a bucket? Like a paint bucket? Or even more rare like in a small envelope? Will it also be strange? Rare and strange? Or rare and weird? So many chooses!