Fuck this headline and all reporting that shelters trump from responsibility for his constant failures. It didn't turn to chaos, trump and vance shit all over it because they're weak, stupid cowards pretending to be what they think an alpha is.
You lost all credibility at "according to trump."
I hope every American feels the humiliation of having these bumbling alpha wannabes representing their country.
It does feel like the oligarchs are making their endgame moves. They don't care about functioning economies anymore, they just want control of whatever is left. If nobody stops them in the US, they're coming for all of us.
That's a good point and thanks for the perspective. Of course I don't know what it's like for anyone in Ukraine at the moment, and I can understand the desperation. But trump is a thug, and a wannabe gangster. He will burn all of Ukraine if he thinks it will benefit him. His word is worthless, and so is any deal with the US. Every world leader knows that, it's just so frustrating that none will stand up and say it, they just keep treating him like a legitimate president when he's so clearly not.
You'll never both envy and commiserate with bikeseats so much simultaneously.
Zelenskyy would probably get more support from his people if he told trump to get fucked than by being his dancing monkey. I know he's desperately trying to do what's best for Ukraine, but sucking up to that piece of shit isn't it.
Well this is contradictory to what all the polls anyone has ever heard of are saying.
I never understood it, and I grew up on 80s action movies. Love Arnie, Bruce, Sylvester (before maga), even Chuck. But never got into James Bond at all.
I lived in America for a decade and my wife is American. Thankfully I got our family out before trump's first rampage. I've despised republicans since not long after I arrived there and figured out what they're really about, and I watched them lose their minds during the Obama years. But watching now, as republicans openly vote to cut real programs that the US working class pay for specifically so they can hand that money to the wealthy as a tax cut I'm just disgusted.
If this budget goes through and there isn't rioting in the streets, then Americans as a people are truly beaten. And wherever you are in the world, you'd better start preparing yourselves, because the oligarchs are coming for you next.
FFS. So the US successfully extorted Ukraine. World leaders need to stop fucking doing business with trump. Shit like this just makes him worse.
And the idea that this will keep the US in their corner is beyond stupid. He'll be demanding more within a month. Fuck trump and fuck America.
How many trump wannabe parties do we need in this country???
Oh boy, go to the states and hurt yourself and go into a hospital. Or try being unemployed for 6 months. Or go to uni without millionaire parents. What we get for our taxes has gotten significantly worse in my lifetime, and the LNP are working on bringing us into line with the states, but trust me, we get a shitload more for our tax money than they do.
Yeah, but Americans get pretty much nothing for their tax money compared to us, and republicans have been trying to bring it down to literally nothing for decades.
I'd change it to poor people don't have disposable income and therefore can't save money. If you're poor, 100% of your income goes to just making it through another week.
Understanding that simple fact reveals the flawed logic in so many conservative economic positions. If you give $100 to a billionaire, they'll put it in their offshore tax haven, but if you give that same $100 to a poor person, they'll spend it, so someone else can spend it, and that's how you maintain an economy. I wouldn't be surprised if this "50% of spending" figure has less to do with rich people spending more and more with poor people spending less as the screws get tighter, it's not like the rich just suddenly decided they need more stuff.
There have always been Nazis in America, even during WW2. Listen to Rachel Maddow's podcast "ultra" to hear about how close they came to a takeover of the US way back then. They never went away, they just went low profile for a while.
Once the oligarchs squeeze every cent they can out of wages, public services, and the environment, the military is about all that's left. Gotta get that infinite growth from somewhere!
Not necessarily. They've still got all those cool toys, and a bunch of simpletons with an excess of arrogance and delusions of being "alphas" are going to want to play with them.
This is cool and normal. I don't think the fact that the administration that despises DEI policies firing a highly qualified black man to replace him with what I'm sure will be a tragically incompetent white man is anything to comment on. Carry on with the top notch governing, maga. 👍
They're either stupid or they're liars.
trump puts 25% tariffs on Aussie steel and aluminium
I hope we respond by putting tariffs on American pickups. Democratic nations need to cut the US out of the global economy entirely until they learn how to act right.
Apologies if there's any weirdness in this post, it's my first one.