After the combative Oval Office meeting, Trump wrote on Truth Social that Zelenskyy 'can come back when he is ready for peace,' upending talks to ending the war in Ukraine.
The footage of this meeting is truly remarkable and worth watching.
I think it's important to watch uncut unedited footage of meetings like this from time to time, to see the behaviour of leaders first hand. Otherwise it is too easy to just get swept up in the narrative of whatever social bubble you interact with.
In this meeting Trump demonstrates a total disinterest in any past events or context for current decisions; but he becomes quite animated and angry at the end of the video. Apparently he felt criticised and wanted to hit back. But he didn't seem to be paying much attention at all to what was being said.
Zelenskyy is calm throughout, but has clear frustration as Vance and Trump speak over the top of him. Trump accuses Zelenskyy of total disrespect, and says he is 'gambling with World War III'.
Really, it is worth watching. See how leaders of the USA behave.
It's literally a national embarrassment caused solely by Trump because his fee-fees were hurt.
In the past week, we've seen Trump sitting in the oval office and making a national embarrassment of himself in front of THREE separate world leaders: France, the UK, and now Ukraine. Three. In one week.
When you view all of his behavior over the last month and his first term with the context that he’s been a Russian asset the entire time, it all makes sense. It’s not embarrassing, it’s deliberate.
And Zelensky called him out on it. He literally told Vance that he's never been to Ukraine, and Vance literally responded with the political equivalent of "I'm not a real army general, but I saw one on TV once." . Like holy shit, you watched some news reports and you think that gives you the right to tell a leader of another country how to fight a war when you don't even have the fucking balls to stand up to your own boss, who's long since shown to be a fucking cuck himself?
Fuck JD Vance. Him, Trump, and Musk. I hope they all fucking choke on each other's toes.
And for the record, I'm not saying Zelensky is perfect, but right now I'd consider him the greatest wartime leader since Churchill. 3 years in, and he's at least holding a stalemate against an enemy that on paper should have been able to roll over him in 3 days. There any way we could send Trump over there and have Zelensky run here? I'd take him gladly over anybody in our government right now.
It was unavoidable. Really. I mean, what did you expect? The only other option available was voting for a <gasp!> black woman. No need to get crazy or anything here.
Is this really that weird? I feel like I have been to work meetings with more intensity. Also my read on it was that Zelensky was super annoying. The way he interrupted Trump and Vance all the time even though they are in charge of the situation and location. I know Trump does it too, but dude that's not how you handle this situation. You'd think that Zelensky would know that. Any middle manager in corporate America would handle it with more grace. Sheesh
This isn't middle management. This was trump and vance acting like children towards our allies. This was trump and vance and maga showing they're putins cock sleeve. It's crazy how much you trump supporters will lick the taint and swallow the balls just to try and make trump look competent.
Trump and Vance are russian assets and should be tried for treason.
Yeah, nah my take was Zelenskyy was frustrated to be there, coddling up to putins peppers while his people are being killed. He went from having a trusted reliable partner to someone who's parroting Kremlin talking points, and implying that it was Ukraines fault in the matter of months. He's not a middle manager, they are both their respective countries leaders.
I work with some Ukrainian and Israeli contractors. They are much more direct than the typical American, and there was some cultural calibration that had to happen on both sides of the relationship.
Of course any competent international businessman or seasoned politician would already know this and navigate those cultural differences as a matter of course.
I'm not sure what 'more grace' you think Zelenskyy could have shown in a situation like that. Trump and Vance are telling him that he's "gambling with World War III", and telling him that he needs to say "thank you" - but without letting him finish a sentence. Trump was saying some really harsh stuff, but not allowing Zeleskyy to respond to it. This is the only time Zelenskyy tried to talk over the top of him; and you think it is "super annoying".
In the earlier parts of the meeting, Trump was not engaged at all. Trump commented that "I wasn't there then" while Zelenskyy gave context of how Russia has abused trust given to them in diplomacy; apparently Trump thinks nothing matters unless he is personally involved. This is the attitude Trump brought to the meeting, but you think Zelenskyy was "super annoying" and should have handled this senseless berating with more grace. I disagree with you.
This is literally doing permanent damage to America's reputation. We can't even say "We didn't know" because we saw what Trump did during his first term, what he promised on the campaign trail, all the illegal and corrupt activity he's involved in, and we re-elected him anyway. We knew, we re-elected him, and he did exactly what he said he was going to do. That is going to be an awfully steep hill to climb for the next President who's going to be tasked with repairing the damage Trump caused.
The meeting started out with Musk -- who has absolutely no business even being involved in our government -- openly mocking Zelinsky's attire like he's a high school bully picking on the poor kid in the neighborhood. This is what we are projecting to the world.
I would also like to point out that while companies such as AP and Reuters have been banned from the White House, Russian state media was allowed in.
This couldn't have been a bigger win for Putin if this meeting was followed up by a shot of Trump sucking on his toes.
So much embarrassment, so much national and global damage, so much damage to America's reputation. All in one meeting. Decades of work, pissed away by two nepo babies and their fragile egos.
Why would/should anyone in the international community trust the US after this?
US diplomacy can turn on a dime depending on who is elected now. The US cannot be trusted beyond the term length of the current president or even current congress.
The rest of the international community is going to unite and isolate the US. Its not ever going to be good again
You're not wrong. I'd never trust the US again unless it became socialist, fixed all the problems within and without, eg national health service, eradicate homelessness and drug addiction, get rid of Guantanamo bay, make reparations to Africa etc.
Forever is a long time, but there needs to be consequences for Trump's behaviour. It would be unwise to rely on the USA after this. Establish trade relationships with other countries, and don't outsource your defence to the USA.
This is the end of a once great america, no matter Trump's promise...
All trust is gone for years, perhaps decades to come.
The petrol dollar that gave the US it's hegemony by stepping away from gold reserves into the dollar as backing financial system will be dismantled.
It already was on shaky grounds with the US printing infinite money without guarantees to pay off a huge debt beyond the petro dollar's shield, but now all trust in the US is gone and the shift to another monetary system will start.
BRICS will take off and Trump can not stop it (not even counting him being under russian influence to let it happen).
Europe will pay oil in euros for a while.
In a decade we might see rise of a global traders currency based on a true, set value.
zelensky knocked trumps dick in the dirt to his face inside the oval office, i thought it was awesome, so few times to world leaders get a chance to say precisely what they mean to another stronger country who is hurting them. our boy did just that. never seen anything like it before.
Fuck this headline and all reporting that shelters trump from responsibility for his constant failures. It didn't turn to chaos, trump and vance shit all over it because they're weak, stupid cowards pretending to be what they think an alpha is.
Yeah, this title is terrible and I don't know why this post of many on the topic is being upvoted. It's completely misses the real story and instead frames it like Trump is some sort of defender of peace.
General Bone Spurs and Pvt Pyle gang up on an actual hero. Just when you wake up and think how things can get any worse, something like this comes along.
The world is watching, and I hate to say it, but I'd love it if they banded together and called us out, or cut us off. With as thin skinned as this administration is, they'd lose it. They like to puff out their chest and talk a big game, but I bet when it came to back things up, they'd fold so easily. Sad part is, they'd probably just redirect the blame.
We can't just depend on everyone else though. Something has to happen here. Some sense has to be beaten into us somehow.
WW3 is absolutely coming, make no mistake about it. The only thing that's unclear at this point is the timing, and who will be on which side exactly when it happens.
If you're between 16 and 26 and live in Europe, this would be the time to get out. Conscription is unavoidable at this point.
The idea that Russia would escalate if it loses in Ukraine is absolutely ridiculous. Russia in 2014 was doing great. If Ukraine wins, Russia goes back to a prosperous nation like it was in 2014.
Not sure if it's what OP meant, but I think Russia winning is what sets the immutable path to world war.
This is a test of the global west. If it faulters, Russia takes another stab at Europe within 5 years. China at Taiwan. Probably coordinated on timing to further test the resolve of the west.
As long as Russia has bodies to throw at a conflict, it has no reason to stop. Russia fully switched to a wartime economy, not something you do if you're not in it for the long haul.
If the elections had turned out differently, things might have been differently as well. Alas...
I definitely hope I'm wrong about this. I claim no special insight or understanding other than simple pattern recognition and some decent knowledge of history.
WW3 will only happen if China's leadership decides that, before they all die of old age, they want to retake Taiwan. I'm not sure what cascade of alliances and boycotts will occur, but cutting off global manufacturing and computer chip production will definitely cause something to happen.