Now showing the true face of one third of our registered voters. Untied Scams of Ambivalence with beloved shill, Pump and Dump Rump. The bloated corrupt personification of everything that is wrong with us. Step right up!
It's gotten so bad most people don't even realize the problems when they see it. Unfortunately, I think AOC was defending paying $>10 on a single meal, so she's part of the problem.
We agree. We have about 3 years until the next presidential election cycle, maybe, and we either need to challenge the Democratic party, or improve it.
I have ideas about a targeted solution that would leave about 99.5% of the population better off, and provide the other 0.5% a peace they prove constantly on no uncertain terms by how they live they would never be capable of attaining in any other way.
I wish I was allowed to say it.
The gallows funniest bit about this whole situation is that the ones perpuating it aren't happy either, even in victory. They could have 50 quadrillion dollars and their own space station mansion, and they still wouldn't be satisfied, because our civilization rewards a very specific kind of dangerous mental illness.
They should be getting care in secure mental health facilities to keep society safe from their avarice, the kind they defunded for tax cuts through captured government.
We have a year and a half to reform the Democrats before the midterm elections. If they win then just because of pure backlash without reform, they'll take it as a neoliberal status quo mandate and use it as an excuse to sleepwalk into entrenched fascism even more.