That's the thing though, if Hamas have an approval rate above 50% isn't it getting awfully close to a disorganized government and it's people that's engaging in a full scale war? It's hard to say the war is against a terrorist group when the group is backed by a strong majority of the population that supports their actions.
The very same source also explains:
- Massive support for various terrorist groups, one of them reaching 74%
- 50% of the population don't want peace with Israel.
Think it's hard to twist that into anything other than being bloodthirsty for Israeli blood.
Of course nobody ever deserves to get bombed, just the same as how nobody deserves what Hamas did to the Israelian civilians. My point is to address how disgusting and despicable the behavior of Palestinians are regarding the actions of Hamas, and how ridiculous it is that these behaviors aren't getting called out.
Instead of worldwide demonstrations against israel and celebrations of what those poor civilians had to endure, perhaps it's time for them to start demonstrating against Hamas. It's really hard to feel any major sympathy when they show absolutely none towards the victims of the terrorist attack.
Mate, do you believe the people that voted for Trump supported them getting pardoned? Do you believe people went out on the streets to celebrate it? Have you heard ANYBODY call the pardons and their crimes good? Of course you haven't. In Palestine, aswell as around the world by emigrated palestinians, the atrocities by hamas are celebrated and the terrorists that carried it out will never get put in court. They're heroes in their eyes.
I gave you 2 famous examples that got famous because of how big the backlash was from pardoning war crimes, and your comeback automatically is "OH FAMOUS, 50% OF AMERICANS MUSTVE LOVE IT!". You really have the worst take on everything don't you.
Yes, people do care, a major part of Obama winning the election was his promise to close Guantanamo bay but the congress refused to let it happen. There is no support among the public for it, its hated by everyone, but the government refuse to close it.
Regarding the Hague invasion act, it was created as a tool that could quickly be used without going through congress, if a situation was serious enough to seem nessicary in order to protect and secure a fair trial of all appointed officials and military personnel in any criminal court of which USA is not a member. The ACTUAL name is "The American Service-Members' Protection Act". You're actually trying to compare that, and USA that DO convict and punish their own war criminals when they catch them, with Palestine that celebrates them? Aight. Cool.
I understand the point you're trying to make, but it's just a terrible point because regardless of the situation I would be in, I WOULD NEVER CELEBRATE, SUPPORT, AND TAKE JOY OUT OF SEEING KIDS, WOMEN, AND INNOCENT CIVILIANS GETTING RAPED, TORTURED, AND EXECUTED BY A TERRORIST GROUP. Then we have absolute tools like you trying to minimize it 🤡
And on the topic of punishing the whole country, do you believe it was wrong to put punishing demands on Germany after WW2? Was it unfair to make the nation pay for the damages they've inflicted? Was it wrong to put trading embargos on entire Russia because Putin decided the war with Ukraine had to happen? Of course not.
And the point of this comment was what specifically?
Of course, war is hell and this will never end well for anybody. Check the statistics I linked though and you'll find that 50% of Palestinians don't want peace as long as israel exist. How would any sort of peace be established if half of the entire population is against it? The Jews and the Muslims have been in conflict with eachother over Jerusalem since the 1800's. As Jewish people moved into the city at an increasing rate the Muslims and jews started murdering eachother. The atrocities have been aweful from both sides for soon 150 years, long before Israel even existed and sadly now after this terrorist attack, it will probably end up as "just Israel".. I hope any innocent civilian have the ability to get out of there before things really escalates.
However, to come back to my original point, you'll never find compilations online of israelian soldiers doing the same things that the beloved Hamas did, and if they wouldve, you would never see Jewish people celebrate the rapes and murders of children and women.
Anybody here can say whatever they want, it's beyond disgusting to see the amount of support and celebrations that was going on during the 7th october attack and the total lack of reaction from the rest of the world regarding it. Grow some fucking balls and condemn the celebrations. I'll never have the urge to help anybody that approves of and/or celebrates the things shown in those videos.
Ah yes, silly of me to be against humanitarian aid to be dug up and used as weapons by a terrorist group, extra silly since that terrorist group and their actions have a majority supported by their population.
Oh definitely, agreed. I'm not siding with israel at all, I'm calling out how absolutely disgusting it is that people are coming to defense of these actions, and defending the worldspread celebrations of these deeds by the people who emigrated away from there.
Misinformation, stereotypes, and "Wuttabaut 'murica" galore! Truly hit the trifecta. Not really no, when war crimes have been brought up the general concensus has been jail. Don't make shit up.
Famous examples are that navy seal "Eddie Gallagher" or the 4 blackwater guys that killed 14 civilians in 2007. They were all convicted, but made the big headlines with a huge backlash after Trump pardoned them, the absolute fucking bafoon.. If clips surfaced of american soldiers comitting these actions, people would be outraged. Remember Guantanamo bay? There was a huge public backlash and push towards closing it from all sides, and there's strong support for arguing "the war" was lost because the public turned against it.
Google "american soldier jailed afghanistan" and the list of links will just keep going page by page. You'll never see any terrorist imprisoned in Palestine because of their involvement and participation in the 7th october. But yeah sure "WHAT ABOUT 'MURICANS?!?!?!"
Oh yes I'm not justifying israels expansion at all, israel isn't some completely innocent toddler sitting in a corner. It's however very interesting that you're excusing the recorded actions that has showed up online though, the rape, the murders, the torture, the executions of whole families in their homes, because "israel also did bad!".
I feel no empathy for those who affiliates themselves, supports, and/or celebrates it. Those actions regardless of the reason or source are absolutely fucking despicable. They specifically targetted civilians instead of soldiers, police, or people in the government. They went in to specifically kill anybody that couldn't defend themselves simply for being jewish, and living in Israel. Watch the clips again and then tell me "Oh yeah well what about....."
The support for hamas is 57% in palestine, Islamic Jihad has 71% support, people with Palestinian background are celebrating the executions, the rapes, and the murder of children on the streets in the western world even.
A more reasonable comparison would be to feel completely done with USA because of the republicans or democrats, but not even that compares since the support of both parties actually are lower than that of Hamas or Islamic Jihad in Palestine
Just a few things thats come up in Sweden in "support of palestine" after the 7th october attack.
Big number of cars driving up and down the streets honking and waving flags hours after the terrorist attack. In the comments people are discussing how big this demonstration was, and how several streets were completely shut off, aswell as some Danish commenters explaining how it was the same in Copenhagen.
Last drop in the bucket was how they dug up the water pipes that europe paid for, to make rockets out of them.
Exactly this. People are oversimplify the whole story. In my opinion there's 2 camps of people who currently supports Palestine.
- They just don't know the historical background and don't know specifically -what- Hamas did the 7th, nor the huge support Hamas has in Palestine. (to clarify, A TERROR GROUP that has SUMMER CAMPS where they train kids to become terrorists).
- They support them because they enjoy jews getting killed.
Concidering how the rich arab countries has reacted during their neighbour's times of need earlier: closing borders and not caring, group number 2 seems likely.
Just picture that the Palestinians actually celebrate Hamas terrorist attack, they feel joy over the actions many of us now have seen on videos and they celebrate it even in the streets in Western countries.
Imagine that 57% of Palestinians supports Hamas and 50% are against the idea of peace, 71% supports PIJ (Islamic Jihad), all while Biden won his election with 51%, Obama won with 53%, George Bush won in 1989 by 53%, last time any president got more votes than the support Hamas has in Palestine was in 1984, 39 years ago! Source about Palestinians support.
That's how enormous the support of Hamas is, and some of ya'll are defending them. You need to watch the videos released of the atrocities Hamas committed, see the actions that you're defending, but I bet you don't even have the stomachs for it.
Dammit, flew right over my head
I mean, I doubt that concidering PS5 and Series X has roughly the performance of a RTX 2070, while Series S has roughly that of a GTX 1650. If that's anywhere near the truth there's something seriously wrong with the game design. That's about 150% difference in performance compared to the hardware in this post.
Edit: yes I know I misread his joke, I addressed it further down.
So, this is releasing on Playstation and Xbox aswell? How the fuck will they be able to run it -at all-, 480p and 30 fps on low?
Well I'm 30 and I have 3, I'm really happy for everyone that doesn't need and therefore just dont own cars, must be enormous savings per month on top of the lesser impact on the climate.
Edit: Aaaand there comes the car hate- ya'll are talking about not imposing shit upon others, yet here you are judging me and my wife for not making it by without cars because of specific circumstances 🤷♂️ aight hypocrites.
This is the way.
Ads are not just cancer, on YouTube they're also fucking scams, the ones claiming to be mr.beast and those that promises free vbucks comes to mind. Ads as a service needs to die, it's an over-abused market with no real value.
Reddit mods claimed my buddy was stuffed
Had to upload 2 more pics and a video of her smelling me for them to un-ban my post. Fuck reddit.