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  • I don't really know how people can even use YouTube without ad blockers. Sitting through minutes of advertisement is not going to make me want to buy your product if I start mentally associating your product with frustration and annoyance. If these video ads are going to be repetitive and annoying, at least make them funny.

    It seems like there is nowhere on the Internet to get away from ads currently, even here, where you thought you are safe, you are now reading an ad for my newest movie (you know the one), now also available on streaming!

  • I haven't turned off ad-blocking in 20 years. That's because I "don't allow" companies to use my home and my computer as their place of business.

  • Adblockers are eventually just going to become undetectable because of this. Adblockers are about to get so much better!

    • 2025: Search removed. Spend a decade crippling the function, then claim the usage data support getting rid of it!
    • 2027: Expiring updates. Juice those watch numbers with a new artificial scarcity measure. Marvel Bullshit 49 Theatrical Trailer, available for seven days only! Featuring AI Robin Williams and a Mr B_ast guest ad!
    • 2028: Web Environment Integrity inserted. Hand warmer sales crater as mobile viewers relish their new handset functionality.