Do what they did to Russia, kick the US the fuck out and start calling it the G6. It was the G8 from 1997 to 2014, they can stand to lose another.
The US is literally trying to kickstart an economic depression in the US. Why the fuck would you want these guys in economics talks when they clearly understand FUCK ALL about economics? A US depression will fuck up the rest of the world's economics as well, and that's clearly the long-term goal.
When Trump does something, the party that controls House, Senate and Supreme court follows his marching orders, the richest and most influential individuals act as his lieutenants, almost half of the country agree with it, and the other half doesn't resist or strike, then YES! THE US DOES THE THING!
The Nazis didn't have 100% popular support in Germany. They didn't have 50% active supporters. They had 10% party membership, even though non-members couldn't enter a career in many fields, were harassed by authorities, and lots of people were entered into the party automatically.
Still, it was NAZI GERMANY.
There's an Arabic saying that roughly translated goes something like this: Sins are wide and good deeds are narrow. The meaning is that when a large part of a group of people is sinful, just not being implicated in sin doesn't protect you; you have to work to stop or you have no business trying to be excused from whatever punishment will come. In other words, you gotta work to stop the evil being done or you're well within the moral blast radius. So... That's what's going on here; with this framework more than 99% of America is guilty.
American here: make it the G6. I am 100% serious. Trump is not your friend, and the rest of our fucking government is demonstrably inept in the extreme in terms of resisting this fascist takeover.
Amen. Also American. Cut America off. Do not stand for this stupidity. If American voters regain their minds in 2 or 4 years, we can all figure out how to move on. If not, America doesn't deserve your grace and goodwill when it's showing none. Ostracize us for the good of the world.
honest to god embargo us. saction us. you will do more to help our people by cutting donald trump at the knees than anything else you could do. we need help making his cult realize what they've done is bad and i think the only way that happens is if food gets expensive
I'm going to be honest here: I approve of your proposal. At the same time, I live in a European country with conscription that borders russia. I don't think you understand how reliant Europe has become on the US MIC. Even in Norway, where we have Nammo and Kongsberg, we are nowhere near being able to supply a significant force with arms.
In the 90's, Norway could mobilise and arm ≈500 000 soldiers within a couple of days. Today that number is probably < 50 000. Building production lines takes time.
In the next election (this autumn) my vote is going to the party that takes up-arming the most seriously.
Another American here. Yeah, we’re not Europe’s friend anymore. I hate it, but it’s true. Dear Leader has made it abundantly clear that unless you are somehow enriching him and/or his billionaire cabinet, he’s not interested in being your friend. You can hold up as many past agreements and treaties his predecessors signed and it won’t mean jack shit to him. Putin is his daddy because Putin loves oligarchs, and wants to be an oligarch sooooooo bad.
I've come to notice that the rest of the world is already beginning to leave us behind. The realization came with the TikTok ban. Soon as I heard that TikTok could be banned, I started looking for alternatives because I was pretty sure it was going to happen. I stumbled upon XHS by accident and about a month before everyone else. I was absolutely fucking blown away by China. It's unlike we've been told in almost all respects...
I really came to realize that other countries are leaving us in their dust and it's only a matter of time before we're not the Apex predator anymore, and frankly I can hardly blame them.
Have you uh... actually been to China? Or talked to anyone from China (in real life)? I do both, quite often. Without fail, anyone with the means is actively trying to leave. And not in a "grass is greener" way. Those emigrating to America are fully aware of the political turmoil, they'd just rather be out before it's not physically possible to leave.
It's unlike we've been told in almost all respects...
Based on testimony from a demonstrably censored platform?
I'm not arguing for American superiority or that the vacuum won't be easily filled by other countries. But that change isn't automatically an upgrade.
My wife found XHS (aka RedNote) as well. I did not realize the extent of anti-China propaganda that I had inadvertently bought into, and like you, I was absolutely blown away.
Yes, PLEASE! The rich fucks need to start feeling the consequences of this bullshit where it hurts. It's the only domestic demographic that can offer enough pressure to motivate this administration to change their behavior.
Kick the US out. If our democracy survives Trump, you can always readmit us when we have a president who acts in good faith. Otherwise, this shit is only going to get worse...
Unfortunately it's likely going to take more than just electing a nice guy for USA to earn back its status as a trustworthy ally. When the country can just go rogue every four years, making threats against allies and backing out of agreements — and half of the country is so nationalist that they applaud it — you can't really establish a basis of trust.
I'm a US citizen. Please kick us out. The more countries that take concrete action against us that actually hurt us the more likely congress and the voters are to stand up to Trump.
By allowing our politicians a seat at the table you're opening yourself up to more harm.
Isolate us, make the voting public feel the consequences of their actions. Respond to tariffs with tariffs on red states. Sanction administration official of the inevitable human rights abuses that are coming. Call out the lies of our Government openly and with evidence.
This isn't going to change if there are never any consequences for the people who're doing this as well as their supporters. Revoke the visas of our oligarchs, limit their travel, stop doing business with their companies. Create incentives for educated Americans to immigrate to healthier democracies and ban our social media companies before they finish poisoning your country as well.
Precisely this. Once this trust has been lost and the 'G6' face a world where they cannot count on the US, geopolicies will change and the US will not be perceived trustworthy anytime soon. As it stands, it will be considered yet another global power with anti-democratic tendencies, policies that endanger world piece and disrupt the common pursuit for prosperity and is considered best kept in check.
Yeah, China's not in even though it's the second largest economy in the world. In the 90s it almost became G-8 to include Russia, but then Putin screwed that up.
It's not all that different of a situation from Russia being kicked out because of Putin's shenanigans, really.
Should try to get Brazil to leave BRICS and join the G-7 club. The US could go be in BRICS bullshit (or maybe then it'd be called the USRICS?) with the other authoritarian assholes of the world.
Maybe Putin's colleagues found out something interesting about Trump back in the days, and made him an offer he could not refuse - "go and become King of America, we'll even help you a little, but you'll serve us".
Wild speculation, of course. But he definitely doesn't have national interest burdening his mind in any way or manner.
P.S. If I worked in the Secret Service, I would use my telescope to watch birds fly and tree leaves wobble. Even if there was a remote weapons station turning towards my client, or a wire guided object coming in - I would hardly notice until impact.
Its almost as if he wants america out of a war as quickly as possible.
That would mean Traitorapist Trump has gone completely insane since we aren't in any war. And Trump's New World Disorder is going to send nuclear proliferation thru the roof. Every country in the world will rightly want its own nuclear weapons thanks to Trump.
Art class for the bourgeoisies, lab rats for the cat.
Real estate moguls, Chump Towers,
When the wind blows you can hear the windows go rat a tat rat a tat tat tat.
Jimmy Hoffa in the Meadowlands, weighing down that union man.
Grab his ankles, stevedores,
Oh how those Jets do roar.
Coming from a country with ranked voting and more than 2 parties, this looks so ridiculous. It's like the USA electoral system is designed to make people bicker amongst themselves about who is the lesser evil, while oligarchs take control.
Veritasium, on yt ( not a guy I recommend frequently ) has a vid on election-systems.
Approval-disapproval seems to be the sanest electing-system there is..
All the ranked-choice-systems logically have problems, though no-where near as bad as 1st-past-the-post idiocy.
Please, people, if you're interested in the sanest voting-system possible, watch that video, & then organize to replace your system with the currently-best-option, which seems, from that vid, to be the approval/disapproval system.
( it makes the most-approved person win, and one can approve-of multiple different candidates,
so the majority-of-voters get heard, no-matter-what, see? )
Humans in general. Tell people that "doing nothing" is the moral action and they'll sure as fuck do nothing, because it's the path of least resistance.
In maybe the most important race of this country’s history, Harris couldn’t bring herself to denounce genocide and war crimes like a decent human being and instead chose to support a corrupt, fascist foreign nation that more closely resembles Nazi Germany than another country today.
Party loyalists tut-tut at the voters and learn exactly nothing, yet again.
Kick us out, Trump is not in the G7 to do anything but fuck it up. Being a self interested stakeholder is normal but he's not self interested. He is clearly under Putin's influence.
The problem with the latter two is that Australia will never go against the US in its current state. The people might not approve of it but they are reliant on the US to a greater extent than NATO is.
I'd love to ask all of the MAGA heads to just question themselves this: Why go through all of this just to help Putin. Some fucked up shit must go on that Trump risks all of this just for Putin.
The US helps Israel because they like the US more than the rest of the middle east and the US wants control of the middle east so Iran doesn't control it as a proxy for Russia.
So the US supports Isreal to hurt Russian interests. And is now diverting all Ukraine funds to Isreal to waste the money.
Under Biden we were on track to steal Palestine as a reaction to Putin stealing parts of Ukraine.
Now that Putin has Ukraine he doesn't care about distracting the US through Iran and is fine having his puppet Trump keep sending their tax dollars to Isreal.
But since Trump is giving up Ukraine it is more of a trade where the US trades control of Ukraine for control of Palestine.
Blow it apart. America doesn't belong with its former Allies.
Its clear that America has no interest in being apart of the free world, they checked out.
Now fuck off and go destroy yourselves in a frenzy over transgender bathroom doors and eggs. The rest of us still have lives to live and futures to protect.
You would suck your abusive boyfriend's dick with one black eye because you'd be stupid enough to believe him when tells you that if you do, he wouldn't give you a second.
I've always wondered why so many people peacefully marched into the trains, trucks, and death camps, then I see the sheer amount of people like you who say that and remember why. Maybe it's a personality thing, some of us who are faced with annihalation vs annihalation with a fight, we choose the latter. Most people will just take annihalation peacefully out of fear or laziness.
The fuck is G7 anyway, but the face of global capitalism?
Just doublechecking my premises, there's this from Investopedia:
The Group of Seven is an intergovernmental organization made up of the world's largest developed economies: France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada. Government leaders of these countries meet periodically to address international economic and monetary issues, with each member taking over the presidency on a rotating basis...
Yeah, fuck 'em, but all is forgiven if G7 has the balls to expel America.
G8 expelled Russia for the original Ukrainian invasion in 2014. If need be, I suppose they can become G6. Or honestly, in this day and age, there are many more nations whose opinions should be considered. G7 is pretty eurocentric and I say this as an European (though not a citizen of any of the 7)
The G6 should incorporate Ukraine, Taiwan, and Panama. Then extend a treaty of friendship to Blue States within America. America clearly has no (good) future, and the world will change because of it. Might as well make the most of it.
it increases the number of people that want to blow up america every day. i bet americans abroad will have a hard time getting food in foreign countries where the cook did not spit on it.
That's some "are we the commies now" moment. Not really unexpected, but so much more blatent than I expected. It has all the subtlety and nuance of a wrecking ball covered with napalm hitting a fireworks warehouse.
Party-fascism & individual-faschism are both fundamentally the same, in their hatred-of-civil-rights, hatred-of-accountability, hatred-of-integrity, hatred-of-responsibility, etc..
The CCP's as fascist with China as Putin is with Russia: it's just individual-vs-group fascism, no other difference, fundamentally..
Great I wanted to suggest kicking the US out, if they want to do it themselves, less potential for (violent) conflicts.
He can try to "blow apart" G7, but since every other member state is very likely not in the best mood towards the USA, it will likely just result in the US being gone, i.e. G6 has been "born".