Ironically, you're fighting against ideas that were not presented by the OP or in the comments;and, in doing so you brought up the topic that you complain about seeing.
I agree with your position, but the OP was talking about in general society.
Obviously there are edge cases (developmentally challenged people are another example) but, in general, treating sexuality as a taboo subject causes a lot of harms that are not necessary.
Yeah, the gun lobby work details are new.
But the techniques that they use are not specific to the gun lobby. They obtain a lot of personal data, profile the data into silos based on the kinds of messaging that works for them (primarily things that trigger fear, outrage, anger, conspiratorial thoughts, etc) and use those profiles to craft memes.
They then make a lot of fake accounts on social media and attempt to insinuate themselves into the social graphs of their target populations and then spend weeks/months pouring these poisoned memes into the conversation on social media.
In Trump's campaign and Brexit they used a bunch of 'Which Marvel character are you'-style quizzes to ask a bunch of questions to generate the psychological profiles. They also had access to voter role data from the primary campaigns.
The execution of the plan, once they had the targeting data, was the same in all of their campaigns. It's not much different than what advertisers do, but they're not bound by any FCC regulations and have no qualms about lying or being deceptive in their messaging.
That's nonsense, Twitter is thriving and Truth has tens of real users
You can just watch The Great Hack or The Social Dilemma, these are the same people and techniques as what got Brexit passed and Trump elected
No, in the 90s a rickroll was goatse, tubgirl, lemon party, blue waffle, pain Olympics, etc
Google them at your own risk
Can I just type my credit card number here or, ?
In principle, you're correct.
In practice, the social pressure from rich peers will generally win out.
Raspberry pi with OSMC (Kodi on Linux) OSMC remote control (A Vero is good too.) Large storage drive
You can get a plug-in to watch YouTube, you can watch local movies, you can build your own media library using local software and it'll be small enough to carry it around in your pocket.
Most people die within range of charging.
You can only know that if you try.
The kneejerk reaction on social media is that if you see a person disagreeing with you that you should immediately attack them. I think that's probably not the healthiest way to interact with the world.
Sure, there are some irredeemable knuckleheads in the world but most people are average. They're more likely to be accidentally ignorant due to low media literacy than obstinately ignorant. People are more open to having their minds changed that you'd believe from social media where you only see the squeaky wheels being obnoxious in the comments and not the regular person who just reads and goes about their day.
Graphene could easily allow for open source solutions to emulate the SafetyCore interface. Like how it handles Google's location services.
There's plenty of open source libraries and models for running local AI, seems like this is something that could be easily replicated in the FOSS world.
It's a web wrapper that points to a non-Google software repo.
The non-Google software repo is the important part, the interface can be bad as long as it can install software.
I use Obtanium too, but fDroid is my first stop when I need an app. Google's Play store is a last resort.
The Graphene devs say it's a local only service.
Open source would be better (and I can easily see open source alternatives being made if you're not locked into a Google Android-based phone), but the idea is sound and I can deny network privileges to the app with Graphene so it doesn't matter if it does decide to one day try to phone home... so I'll give it a shot.
The President has unlimited pardon powers, and so do juries.
e: oops, double comment
The Algorithm needs to be regulated. (Meaning: Recommendation algorithms should be monitored to make sure that they're not 'discovering' that they can manipulate people with fear, anger and other base negative emotions.)
We already know that the most motivating things for humans is fear and anger/outrage. We also know that these are not healthy emotions for the individual or for society and yet we allow social media algorithms to to maximize engagement using fear and anger.
In addition, it is very hard to craft a message that is both appealing and true. It is much easier to craft a message that is appealing if you can get rid of the Truth constraint.
These are probably the two core issues that are causing us the most strife. Unthinking recommendation algorithms have identified content that stokes base emotions like fear and anger as being the ones that generate the most 'engagement'; and people, seeking to exploit these algorithms for personal gain (advertisers, political actors, etc), craft messages to maximize their engagement (anger/outrage, fear) while ignoring reality/truth/facts because reality is too hard of a constraint.
The flip side of this is that you see people, who practically live on social media, start to unconsciously adopt the same messaging style because it works even better as people become attuned to the fear and outrage.
So, now you have a feedback loop of people being conditioned by algorithms to be maximally outrageous and those masses of people spontaneously generating memes and social connections that reinforce outrage and fear.
This poison is now spreading into our social institutions and governments. Facts matter less than saying things that are outrageous and valuing the truth is obviously a silly proposition. After all, it's plainly obvious that it is much harder to get upvotes if you care about the truth...
Try it, go to a community that matches your political leanings and try to correct misinformation. If you're not banned you will be buried in downvotes because people don't value the truth as much as they value an entertaining lie.
This is no different than a really well drawn political cartoon.
Politicians shouldn't have the power to control the kinds of things you say about politicians.