President in effect endorses ethnic cleansing of territory before hosting meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu
Donald Trump has said that Palestinians have “no alternative” but to leave Gaza due to the devastation left by Israel’s war on Hamas, in effect endorsing ethnic cleansing of the territory over the opposition of Palestinians and the neighbouring countries.
Speaking as he prepared to host Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, on Tuesday, Trump repeated the suggestion that Gaza’s population should be relocated to Jordan and Egypt – something both countries have firmly rejected.
Trump claimed Palestinians would “love to leave Gaza”, telling reporters: “I would think that they would be thrilled.”
I’m sorry, but were the democrats stopping the thing?
Stop framing this like this is on the people who didn’t want the genocide to happen. It’s such a weird victory lap I see people here taking. Without fail.
News: something horrible has happened in Gaza.
a bunch of people on lemmy: I was so right.
You’re reading news about people being ethnically cleansed and you’re patting yourselves on the back. What in the fuck.
The establishment US and the ownership class are all-in on this genocide. We are exactly where we would’ve been if Kamala had won. They all support Israel. The democrats just had to do some surface level finger wagging because they knew they were relying on the votes of a bunch of people who see how genocide for what it is. They were lying to you and you’re acting like Israel and the Palestinians aren’t on the same exact path they would’ve been had Kamala won.
You all are sick for taking these horrible stories as some kind of victory. The ownership class is pitting you against republicans, and you against the people who didnt vote exactly like you did in an election. And why was that? Because the people you voted for were enabling a fucking genocide.
As was said elsewhere, history won’t be kind to Biden, trump, Kamala, and Netanyahu. But it won’t be kind to the people who were looking the other way to vote for the enablers.
We were handed a shit sandwich. We all had zero good choices. So some people decided they couldn’t bring themselves to vote for enablers of genocide. That isn’t an incorrect decision. Stop fighting the people who—I mean, I’m assuming(?) you don’t support the genocide…—want to see the genocide end. Because what could you possibly be getting out of that but all these back pats you’re giving yourself?
Stop framing this like this is on the people who didn’t want the genocide to happen. It’s such a weird victory lap I see people here taking. Without fail.
Our blue conservative "allies" want nothing to do with representing any of us. That's why the way forward is pushing for electoral reform so the democrats will be forced to actually compete for our vote.
I get the feeling dems are so frail and fragile from using First-past-the-post voting as a crutch for so long that they wouldn't be able to compete. They certainly can't compete with the circus that is the republican party.
Fucking embarrassing.
Democrats know keeping 3rd parties from participating is a existential struggle for them. They are clearly willing to sacrifice the USA over giving up this hostage scenario.
Choice was the status quo and pushing towards a solution or palestines almost immediate erasure to violent cheers. Nothing to do with being 'right', about hoping yous aren't completely cooked and see sense. Just as far gone as MAGA unfortunately.
The "uncommitted folks" had nothing at all to do with this. You should've been uncommitted in the primaries if you don't actively support genocide. Who you vote for in the generals is a different matter, but are you seriously saying people who supported more progressive options over biden when there was literally no danger or downside to it are responsible for trump? Bc they committed the sin of empathy and supported palestine? Even if they still voted kamala?
80% of Israelis support ethnic cleansing of Gaza. If they actually attempt it, what makes you think Biden/Kamala would have tried to stop it?
I think the only difference is that Trump would cheer on the cleansing while Kamala would have tut tutted about it.
Kamala isn't dead. She hasn't fallen off the face of the Earth. Has she released any statement even now condemning the idea? She doesn't even have to fear AIPAC anymore. She has nothing to lose in condemning the idea. If she won't even release a statement condemning it now, what makes you think she would have lifted a finger to prevent it if she had been elected?
That was the whole point of the uncommitted movement. The only difference between Trump and Kamala's Israel policy is that Trump vocally supports war crimes, while Kamala quietly supports them.
Ooh, a statement. Well that's all she, or anyone else who supports Palestinians getting to stay alive and in their homes can do now. Everything we're discussing on this thread has become pointless, because the side that wants Israel to take both Gaza and the West Bank and violently remove all the residents there now controls all branches of the federal government. It's gonna happen, and we've run out of ways to stop it after this last election. You may as well demand your pet cat make a statement, it will have as much effect.
The point is that the people who were attacking Biden for his Israel policies were just Trump supporters (and literal bots) that were masquerading as passionate Israel supporter. They didn’t give a shit about who would be best for Palestine, they just wanted to get Trump elected.
We know this now by the silence from those people now. End game was achieved when Trump got elected.
History will not be kind to either Netanyahu, or the Biden/Trump presidencies.
This will mean fuck all the to Palestinians who became “displaced persons” just so the Israeli’s can have their own Lebensraum.
The rest of the world needs to get off its ass and ensure Gaza is rebuilt on Israel’s shekel for the Palestinians like a modern day Marshall plan. And ideally prosecute a couple of people for actively advancing genocide.
The rest of the world needs to get off its ass and ensure Gaza is rebuilt on Israel’s shekel for the Palestinians like a modern day Marshall plan. And ideally prosecute a couple of people for actively advancing genocide.
Except remember, those are America's shekels being spent.
This will mean fuck all the to Palestinians who became “displaced persons” just so the Israeli’s can have their own Lebensraum.
Does Lebensraum mean to have the safety of not to get attacked by your neighbors?
I'm not justifying this plan but to say that was Israel wanted this all along when they disengaged in 2005 and didn't start the war is a bit out there
Have more alternatives in the voting booth by passing state level electoral reform! Then people could vote for who they want and still have their vote count against the Republicans.
Who could possibly say no to having more then one chance to beat the Republicans?
I’m sorry to disappoint you but we are unhappy with both parties. Biden is an absolute devil for allowing this genocide to unfold and providing both weapons and rhetorical and political support. Trump is an absolute devil too, the difference is that he’s absolutely unhinged and says the quiet part out loud.
I feel sorry for the domestical issues this is causing you now and the general chaos this guy creates but for us Palestinians Democrats and Republicans aren’t much different in their support for Zionism.
What would a Democratic win have changed here? Have you already forgotten then 15 previous months where Democrats were sending Israel cash, jets, 2,000lb bombs, arms, and every other tool they needed to continue their genocide?
What evidence do you have that Kamala would have opposed this idea as president? Has she released any recent statement condemning the idea? It's actually a lot easier for her to do so now than it would have been with her as president. She's a private citizen now; she need not fear AIPAC campaign dollars. She need not fear offending Biden. She's not lifting a finger to condemn the idea now, when she faces zero downside in doing so. What makes you think she would have opposed it as president?
Sure, Trump is a lot more vocal in his support of ethnic cleansing than Kamala would have been. But I think Kamala would have simply looked the other way and refused to intervene if Israel attempted it. I see zero indication in her actual behavior that she would have intervened if she was currently president.
Biden literally sanctioned them just for settling, Trump reversed it.
Of course this wouldn't have happened under Kamala. It may have dragged on for a bit, but they delayed the ceasefire until Trump got in, if he lost - they were down bad in an increasingly worsening PR situation and were somewhat tied to that. Now they don't care, look at them. Probably launch gaza baby NFTs and pocket the profits too just for kicks.
Straight into the west bank as Adelson paid $100m for the privlege, and now celebrating an ethnic clensing. There won't be a palestine at the end of this term.
Put the rhetoric aside, and the answer is yes. Israel stole a lot of land from Palestinians under both Democratic and Republican presidents and kept them under an oppressive apartheid system depriving them of their rights. Both parties vetoed UN resolutions to stop or even condemn the practice.
The Israeli government proposed annexing the West Bank in violation of international law, and while one president said he disagreed with the idea, he said he’d back Israel if they did. The other one said he’d support the idea and back Israel either way. Putting aside the rhetoric or intentions, the action is the same. That’s why Palestinians aren’t cheering when one party wins over another in US elections, because they saw what happened when republicans or democrats won; their situation didn’t change. If you feel otherwise, go visit and talk to them like I did.
Alright. So let's assume for the moment that you're right, and both parties would do exactly the same thing regarding Palestine. Just for the sake of argument.
Then they're still not the same.
Would Kamala have handed entire departments of the U.S. government over to Musk? Would Kamala have signed a bazillion EO's, taking away people's rights? Would Kamala send thousands of people to Guantanamo? Would she have allowed ICE to raid schools or hospitals? Would she be systematically erasing transgender people from public life? Would Kamala be scrubbing databases and removing information (CDC for example), or making people waste time to delete certain terms from every database and website because of "woke" or "DEI"? Would Kamala have taken the U.S. out of the WHO? Or the Paris Agreement? Would Kamala be threatening to annex Greenland? Or start trade wars with allies? Or do petty shit like removing the option for regular Americans to file taxes for free online? Or pardon 1500+ violent idiots, at least 4 of whom have already been commiting new (and running from old) crimes? Would she install an antivaxer, who also promotes raw milk, to Health and Human Services? Or abolish the Department of Education?
Would she, would she, would she?
They. are. not. the. same.
And you repeating the same tired bullshit over and over and over will not suddenly make it true. You can try to convince yourself that what you did was the morally right thing, but in your own words: put aside the rhetoric and intentions. The consequences are on you.
But anyway, we both know that Kamala would not be the same regarding Gaza. Never would she have said she wants to "take over Gaza" and "own it" and to turn it into the "Riviera of the Middle East" to create "thousands of jobs." She would never have proposed the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.
Don't get me wrong. I don't think she would have done anything to actually help Palestinians, aside from some symbolic stuff or vague threats she will never act on. Somehow Americans seem to just love Israel, whatever horrific shit they pull, they'll always side with Israel.
But "both sides are the same" is a blatant fucking lie.
Both sides aren't exactly the same, but why don't you want more differences?
Sides could be irrelevant of we replaced First-past-the-post voting with a more representative electoral system. The solution is more democracy, not gleefully telling people they have no choice but to vote for your preference.
Population transfers aren’t unheard of. In Greece/Turkey, Italians from eastern Adriatic, German from Prussia and Silesia, Pakistan/India millions of people moved.
This Holocaust comparison is completely dishonest and betrays any knowledge of how it happened. Used in this context, it’s Holocaust relativism at best and likely antisemitic.
"How could ‘forced deportation’ ever be achieved without extreme coercion, indeed violence? How, indeed, could deportation not be forced? How could people not resist? How could it not involve the destruction of a community, of the way of life that a group has enjoyed over a period of time? How could those who deported a group not intend this destruction? In what significant way is the forcible removal of a population from their homeland different from the destruction’ of a group? If the boundary between ‘cleansing’ and genocide is unreal, why police it?"
I'm not a fan of Biden. I didn't even vote for him in the last election. I'd much rather be angry about the amount of weapons we are still supplying to Israel, than be on here skewering the morons who threw out the baby with the bathwater and skull fucked the country for the foreseeable future. I'm gonna do this every fucking time trump does something shitty to Palestine, because 4 fucking years is damn long time for the protest voter's and abstainer's goldfish mental faculties to remember what their little stunt cost everyone.
Do you think places like Puerto Rico and American Samoa are states or colonies? Do you think they get good political representation? It never ended lol
In fairness, this is BS. A leaked Israeli paper from early 2024 stated that that IDF and the Israeli's government overall goal WAS to remove all people from Gaza. Once and for all, if they could get away with it. The fact they systematically destroyed whole towns and places of culture educates us and reinforces that this was the plan all along. Trump is an Israeli puppet, nothing changes there, but the removal of people and the destruction of Gaza was the Israeli plan all along. This was known.
It is THEIR land. Their home. Why should they be shipped anywhere? That is an outright crime.
Accelerationism has made things worse for everyone. Now we have a US president who has declared his intention to ethnically cleanse the Gaza Strip of Palestinians. If you want things to get better then you have to act in a way that is useful to that end. That means voting for parties that are to the left of fascists and that have a chance of winning. In the US, that's the Democrats.
I don't think that legitimate elections are happening in 4 years. They're gutting everything and installing their flunkies just as they said they would in p2025.
There are other countries with their own elections facing the threat of a fascist takeover. Canada has one on October 20, 2025 that could be called earlier.
I don’t think that legitimate elections are happening in 4 years. They’re gutting everything and installing their flunkies just as they said they would in p2025.
I think that it is likely we will not get fair and free elections if any elections at all in 2026 and 2028. It's still possible that we do. We thankfully cannot rule out fascist incompetence in general, but we can't count on it either for specific things. Regardless if we do have elections or not, having a movement that can win elections in theory is still useful for resisting and defeating fascism.
You can't make the survival of democracy hinge on everybody having to vote for you because else it would be getting even worse. You actually have to present an option that promises that things get better. Significantly even, since most people in the US are absolutely struggling.
As voters we had the opportunity to prevent fascism for four more years by voting for neoliberals. This would have given progressives and socialists another opportunity to co-opt the Democrat party. The failure of the Democrats to provide a compelling alternative does not mean we should be complicit in our own destruction and allow fascists to murder us.
This is not a particularly helpful message for the time being since the election is past and won't be for a while at best.
This is more a wish on what could have been and leaves little room for current discourse when this is a dead end topic.
This is not a particularly helpful message for the time being since the election is past and won’t be for a while at best.
Other countries will have elections to determine if they have a fascist takeover in the next four years and beyond. Canada's next election is October 20, 2025 but could be called sooner.
This is more a wish on what could have been and leaves little room for current discourse when this is a dead end topic.
American accelerationists still need to learn their lessons. There was a hate crime in my home town recently against a member of the LGBTQ+ community. People in the local LGBTQ+ community went to a meeting to express their concerns directly to the police force responsible for conducting the investigation. This was an exercise in demonstrating power. The local news is talking about it and people know we will not accept intolerance.
So the election has passed in America, but many of us may find out there are opportunities to make a difference and be vocal. A person needs to understand that doing nothing isn't useful to participate in that kind of a moment.
Accelerationism is alive and well as is demonstrated by people in this comment section. So even though we can't change the 2024 election results, we are going to keep talking about them. If we do not, the 2026 and 2028 elections, which are not guaranteed to happen now, will look very similar. Even if there are no more elections in America there are still people who need help. They will not get that help unless people believe they need to be helping.
You’re reaching out to people too stupid to understand basic logic.
Thankfully this problem has nothing to do with general intelligence which we don't understand anyway. This is a problem with information and knowledge. There is a lot of false information. And people are unaware of true information. Thanks to the internet we have the opportunity to educate people we have never met to correct this.
These are people who fell for accelerationism. It's an idea that anyone, of any political position, can fall for. It's so tempting to think that things can get better by getting worse. Because all accelerationism asks of us is to do nothing. People will look at history and see the bad things that happened to people who tried to change things for the better, assassinations, murders, assaults, arrests and incorrectly conclude it had to get worse in order to get better. The truth is people kept working to make things better despite these set backs. People learned from their mistakes and then applied what they learned.
We need to keep reaching out to people because accelerationism is both useless and false. If we let things get worse they will continue to get worse indefinitely. People who believe in accelerationism will keep believing in accelerationism no matter how bad it gets. Unless we explain to them why accelerationism is useless and false.
Which is why an anti-democratic felon rapist is our leader and is currently deconstructing our federal government.
This has been caused primarily by the right-wing information sphere and the general capture of mainstream media by billionaires. Fox News has been brainwashing people for decades. And Q-Anon was able to get the boomers who didn't know better to trust what they read on Facebook.
I've had multiple family members brainwashed by Fox News and other right-wing media. They are all competent women who held down jobs and raised families. One of them wrote code and another built furniture and metal art. Considering they are all white they would get high scores on IQ tests. It doesn't matter how smart or competent a person is. If all the information a person consumes is fascist propaganda it's logical to expect that person to vote for and support fascist candidates.
Americans making this about Trump vs Kamala is getting really really annoying. I mean, we get it, you are pissed off at each other. We've read the same arguments dozens of times already, and at this point it is getting extremely tired. It sucks the oxygen out of every conversation. Is this what the discourse is going to be around Palestine and Israel the next four years?
I don't think these people actually care about Palestinians, it's team sports. They care more about saying "I told ya so" than advocating for people who are suffering.
The US President, yes. You have to understand that internationally, at this point, we just see him as just that: The US President. Your elections are your internal issue and we don't need to be expending all our energy psychoanalyzing your electoral system. As not-an-american, I don't give a damn about how mad you are at your fellow citizens who might or might not have stayed home at election day or voted in a way that you think was stupid. Not every fucking world event needs to be understood from the perspective of the role of Jill Fucking Stein as a spoiler candidate.
EDIT: Rule number 1 says "[...] Not United States Internal News [...]". This applies to posts, but I think after a certain point, overtly brigading every fucking world event thread with the internal US perspective kind of beats the point.
I'd ask protest voters if they're feeling pretty stupid right now, but the truth is they never gave a flying fuck about Palestinians. They only cared about feeling morally superior.
Your first thought reading this isn't about the human tragedy or people dying, nah, it's about making a told-ya-so point to your fellow american about how they should have picked your favorite genocider instead. You are trash, buddy.
Yeah loser, my first thought after these dipshits sealed Palestinian's fate by not voting for the BEST candidate regarding Palestine while simultaneously placing our own nation in extreme jeopardy is to point out that they're fucking fools and WE all told them so before they made a huge fucking mistake.
Yeah, because Kamala was so pro-palestine lmfao. The democrat party's policy was literally "maybe we'll support genocide a little less than the other guys. Maybe."
Like, any sane party would have seen how polling showed that a huge chunk of your base rejected your stance on Palestine and reevaluated. But nope, Dems went full steam ahead with it.
Like goddamn, you're here calling other people trash because they didn't want to support a candidate who was okay giving a blank check to a foreign country earmarked for carpet bombing civilians? Get over yourself jesus.
What does that have to do with people who claimed they cared about Palestinians doing the right thing and voting for the BEST candidate regarding Palestine? Because Trump made it extremely clear he wanted Israel to steamroll Palestine and, oh shit, now that he's president that's the stance he's taking. WHO COULD HAVE FORESEEN THIS!?!?!?!?
Honestly, you're doing a great job of personifying the exact fools I'm talking about.
Like, any sane party would have seen how polling showed that a huge chunk of your base rejected your stance on Palestine and reevaluated.
You realize that a responsible government can't just change its stance regarding allies every 4 years just to win an election, right? We would have no allies. It'll be a cold day in hell before we jeopardize our most important ally in the Middle East. So are you suggesting Democrats should have stooped to Republican levels and lied to the American people by saying they would stop supporting Israel and then just taken that back after they won?
Like goddamn, you’re here calling other people trash because they didn’t want to support a candidate who was okay giving a blank check to a foreign country earmarked for carpet bombing civilians?
No, I'm here calling trash people trash for pretending they cared about Palestinians and then refusing to vote for the BEST AVAILABLE OUTCOME for Palestinians. I mean, I guess you could argue that they aren't actually trash, but just really, really, super stupid people that somehow thought not voting for Palestinian's best shot would be a smart thing to do. I'm willing to meet you in the middle on that one.
These dipshits sealed Palestinian's fate AND put our own nation in extreme jeopardy. They can honestly go fuck themselves.
Kiddo, why would I feel stupid when I voted for the BEST candidate regarding Palestine's future? I made the right decision while these fools wasted their vote on a 3rd party or didn't vote at all in protest, ensuring Palestine's worst-case-scenario, which is now happening.
Do you tie your own shoes in the morning or do you use velcro?
The amount of hatred against phantom leftists that on the one hand lost the Dems the vote and on the other were too weak to have their demands considered is crazy.
No, these people didn't lose you the vote. They don't even exist in this ambivalent form. It was everyday citizens that heard Democrats push the same racist border talking points Trump spewed last election and went "Hm, if even the Dems say this is a problem, I'll vote the party that talked about how evil Migrants were for decades, the GOP". It's people tired of increasingly struggling to make ends meet and the Dems saying everything will stay the same, while Trump promised them change. We know that he just means destroying the last remnants of social security nets for poor people and everything that stands in the way for oligarchs making kaijulllian dollars. But people are stupid and desperate. Why can't the Democratic party be held to a higher standard than whatever this is?
No, they aren't. Expecting the Dems to get the vote by not being the fascists is a low standard. They have to present more than that. They didn't, in fact, and now the party blames leftists for not voting hard enough when it's their failure.
Jesus, when Luigi Mangione allegedly killed that healthcare CEO, it showed how the entire country liked seeing that, and the Democratic party has no idea what kind of campaign they could maybe run? I'm not saying they should run on a billionaire purge platform, but c'mon, maybe use your one billion dollar campaign funds for sending a message for you and not against the other one. Instead we got a 25k grant for a house purchase if you jump through three hoops. Wow, inspiring stuff.
And Hillary Clinton being characterized as making "no big changes" tells the whole story here. Her opponent went on a "drain the swamp", "we're going to make America great again" campaign and building up a hispanic and muslim scape goat. Everyone who is educated knew these were lies, but people were bad off, even then, and needed change. To be a hawkish candidate in a war exhausted society who runs on nothing but trying to achieve the first female presidential office is a weak attempt at saving America from Trump.
If you have absolutely no empathy for fellow human beings, no sense of morality, no concern with topping off a holocaust with a cultural genocide, no concern with what anyone wants for themselves …… I guess that describes the orange guy
Single-issue voters, when EVERYTHING was at stake, deserve all the hate they get, but are too stupid to understand. The worst kind of trumpers, ones that don't think they are.
The voters of the usa are the assholes who help a facist to win, voting for this asshole or not voting for any candidate and let a facist win, if you only have two options in an election, a shit politician vs a facist you always vote for the shit politician but i read a lot of shit excuses of US assholes that they be almost forced to vote for a facist, now you have a shit facist as president so yes, is your fault
Wow it's almost like this was predictable. Good thing all those liberals who didn't vote for Harris could not have possibly known Trump would be even worse....
Canada is sending drugs or something, but conservatives have never cared about illegal immigration by white people. Latinos however are "different" and don't belong here. Currently that means non-American Latinos and the US, but it'll extend to Latino Americans in the wrong place within the US. It's never been about citizenship.
I fully believe he'll put them in camp, or send them to Guantanamo or El Salvador, where they just agreed to house any US deportee or criminal, no matter their nationality. or....they'll be cleansed.
Does anyone remember what fueled many of the Al Qaeda operatives hate for America? It had nothing to do with the brutal suppression of Palestinians, right? ...right?
No alternative but to leave, OK great so which country is going to give up their land so the Palestinians can have a big enough place to call their own country?
So beyond fighting about what happened in 2024…
What are you going to do about it?
Are you calling your senators? Representatives? Federal level? State level? Governor?
Even if you live in a red state, you can be annoying. Leave voicemails. Ask for call backs. Write letters. Blue state - better. Cmon, they’re spineless. Shout louder than everyone else.
Then look for local issues. Local manifestations of fascism that are small enough for you to do something about. Show up to city council and school board (there have been lots of efforts to overtake these smaller bodies too.) Community organizing for Palestine could also be community organizing for addressing attacks on the homeless, women’s autonomy, etc.
Boycotting using apps such as No Thanks is very effective. Israel needs money to bribe politicians. Once companies take even a 1% loss for supporting Israel they will rapidly divest.
The democrats were already funding billions of dollars worth of leopards in Gaza. This narrative that Muslims voted for this is disgusting when they really had no choice in the matter regardless of what a joke of a "democracy" we have pretends. Why do you think democrats refused to let them speak at the DNC?
Vote for a guy funding an ally doing bad things but at least expressing disapproval and working for a party that has been known to be flexible with its constituent's desires.
Vote for a guy that made it clear before the election that he believes Israel should steamroll Palestine and is the leader of a party that he 100% controls, so there's no room for flexibility.
If he said this to people in my home town, there would be 1 resounding answer from those left standing "Live free or Die" so actually Palestinians that have nothing to lose because it was taken from them, literally don't have a choice but to stay and fight the boot on their neck.
I don't think anyone in Palestine is fighting for freedom as most would understand it. They will be free from Israel but that population isn't going to be free like Belgians are free.
If your reaction to this is to whine about the US internal politics you're a heartless piece of shit. My dead friends aren't political stakes for a bunch of american who only care about themselves and their stupid elections.
No, Trump said we'll send Americans to find the unexploded bombs & die on behalf of Israel, pay to rebuild Gaza on behalf of Israel & then let Israelis live there and we get to pay for it.
Folks, let me tell you, the deal of a lifetime is waiting for our Palestinian friends! You don't want to miss out on this incredible opportunity. Imagine leaving Gaza and moving to a place where everything is better—like really, really better than before.
Just think about it, folks. Gaza has been through some tough times, but we’ve got a solution that’s going to make your lives so much better. You’ll have more opportunities, better jobs, and the best of everything. It’s like a real estate deal that just can't be beaten.
Now, I know some people are worried about Jordan and Egypt not being on board, but believe me, they’re just jealous of how great this deal is. They don’t want to admit it, but deep down, they’re envious. You don’t need their approval because you’re already winning with this move.
So don’t hold back, folks! This is your chance to make things huge. You’re going to love it, and so will everyone else. It’s going to be tremendous!
P.S. If you’re on the fence, just think about it—what do you have to lose? The best deal in history is waiting for you, and it’s not going to be around forever. Make the move while you can!
I really have a hard time understanding how all this is independent voters fault. There is so much rhetoric about how third party voters are to blame because things are "so much worse with Trump". Ignoring the fact that even adding all the third party votes to Kamala wouldn't have changed the outcome. 99% of the atrocities in Gaza happened under the Biden/Harris administration. I'm not saying Trump orchestrated the cease fire or wouldn't have ramped up the attacks. But there is no precedent to act like Kamala would have advocated for the Palestinians in this situation. In fact, she explicitly sided with Israel. She isn't some savior y'all. She was on the wrong side on this one. Quit pointing fingers.
comment section full of spineless beggars who wants everyone to live on fake crumbs thrown by dnc hacks. what’s biden, harris and pelosi doing these days ? they seems to have made fortunes pretending to represent us and now enjoying themselves leaving us and palestinians to get fcked same as under biden.
are we all forgetting biden hugging the scum netanyahu and him getting a standing ovation for murdering millions with our money.
aipac owned kamala would be no different other than wording it with lots of word salad of “allies”and right to defend (genocide).
reality is our country has became a rotten oligarchy owning both parties and they see normal voters as no different than how israelis see palestians. they will happily butcher us and our kids for an extra yatch
cry all you want but its not going to change that millions of past dnc voters want to see likes of pelosi and schumer hanged in the streets than blackmailed into voting for them again. just so they can continue to make millions selling the country to same oligarchs while we keep eating shit with a different packaging.
That was the problem though wasn't it? Right after the Economy was Gaza and the Dems were the guy on the right. It was only ever the leadership on the left.
Assyria did it before the Romans. They had a general resettlement policy that moved people into mesopotamia. Unless you were talking about Assyria and the Romans as the two.
god damn the liberal smugness in this thread is revolting
you’re seeing a fucking genocide being orchestrated right before your eyes and all you can think of is "well at least I voted for the slightly less worse party" ???
It’s an odd kind of projection on their part. They were upset that their beloved candidate was getting attacked and told us to put our pain aside and shut up and fall in line. They were mad that their beloved candidate got protests because they betrayed their own constituents, asking “why aren’t you protesting Trump?” when many of us protested both when they were in office.
They’re just sour because Biden/Harris had nothing to show for their failed policy and don’t want us to remember the promises they broke during both campaigns.
You sure showed them, didn’t you? I’ll bet Palestine is overjoyed with your decision to not participate in helping elect someone that isn’t trying to force them from their homes and sending even more tonnage of weapons to be used against them!
Genocide refers to the deliberate destruction of a group based on its identity, as defined by Raphael Lemkin, who introduced the term after witnessing the horrors of Nazi atrocities. The term was legally recognized in 1946 by the United Nations. Genocide includes actions such as killing, causing harm, and inflicting conditions that destroy a group. Israel’s military actions in Gaza are not aimed at destroying the Palestinian population but targeting Hamas, a terrorist organization. Statements from Israeli officials and military practices reinforce that Israel does not intend to harm innocent civilians in Gaza.
Israel’s military response in Gaza is aimed at Hamas, not the Palestinian population, which is not genocide but a defense against a terrorist group that seeks Israel’s destruction. Hamas's actions represent genocidal intent, targeting Israeli civilians and propagating hatred against Jews. Israel's actions are consistent with international law, focusing on eliminating Hamas and its military infrastructure in Gaza. The use of significant military force is justified, given Hamas’s attacks on Israel. These actions are not genocide, as they are in direct response to a genocidal attack by Hamas.
Israel’s military efforts are designed to minimize harm to Palestinian civilians, with the IDF issuing warnings before strikes and setting up humanitarian corridors. Despite challenges, Israel’s focus is on protecting civilians by evacuating them from battle zones and providing aid. The actions reflect Israel’s desire to protect civilians from harm while addressing the threat posed by Hamas. Claims of genocidal intent are contradicted by Israel's humanitarian efforts in Gaza. The goal is to remove civilians from harm's way while dismantling Hamas's infrastructure.
Hamas deliberately places Palestinian civilians in harm’s way to use them as human shields and to manipulate public opinion by inflating civilian casualties. It fires missiles from civilian areas, turning them into legitimate military targets. While Israel aims to avoid civilian harm, it cannot entirely eliminate the risk due to Hamas's tactics. The responsibility for civilian casualties lies with Hamas, which exacerbates the situation by using civilian sites to shield its operations. Israel’s military actions, while tragic, are legally justified in targeting legitimate military objectives.
Claims of genocide by Israel in Gaza are based on misunderstandings and unverified information. The true circumstances surrounding civilian casualties are unclear due to Hamas's control of Gaza's health ministry and its influence on casualty reporting. The real causes of civilian deaths, including whether they were caused by Hamas’s actions or Israeli strikes, are often unclear. Claims of genocide are fueled by misinformation, and the real blame for civilian suffering should lie with Hamas. Efforts to end the suffering in Gaza would be better focused on defeating Hamas, ensuring peace for both Palestinians and Israelis.
Consider this:
When kid A breaks an action figure of kid B and kid B then pulls the hair of kid A you still make kid A apologize first as they started it.
If however kid B proceeds to gang up on kid A, stab them, pee on them while they're lying in the ground bleeding and then start running off with a gas can and lighter promising to burn kid As house down, ... Well, then you fucking stop kid B and call child protection services to get that kid some serious help.
I know this might not be a perfect metaphor, but I'm so tired of pretending Israel is purely a victim defending themselves. They've gone past retribution a long time ago.
Both parties support Israel. Trump reined them in so that he could reallocate his resources and make headway on his own foreign policy, but has no problem seeing Gaza stolen from the surviving Palestinians.
Yes. For one, Israel had already started on their zone idea. For two, Blinken was advocating for a two state solution because that was one of the requirements for Saudi Arabia to establish ties with Israel.
I can’t imagine the Middle East is going to be content with this occupation, especially if it leads to a new trail of tears.
Exactly. Kamala isn't facing AIPAC anymore. She's not running for office. She faces literally zero downside in publicly condemning the idea. Since she isn't condemning it now, why would anyone assume she would do it if she were currently president, when the pressures against her would be much higher?
"She's not a public figure anymore, she's a private citizen, why isn't she condemning this?" Where? In congress? In the white house? How do you know she's not being vocal about this?
Amazing. I would be thrilled if I was living in that rumble with jihadi overlords. Lets be honest if the gazans were given free pass (for example) to come to the west, gaza would be deserted. Even neighbouring countries are far better to live in.
This is an opportunity of a life time if it actually comes to fruition. Trump is really thinking outside of the box to bring an end to this artificial conflict for good.
So, I am a sadistic monster for pointing out that kidnapping civilists and meístreating them instead of just getting rid of your extremist leaders led to the desaster. And not even showing regret and distancing yourself from those religious zealots doesn't help, of course. But I am the monster, not the kidnappers. How dillusional are you???
They were for releasing their own hostages. And those Israelis opened fire on the busses carrying them and immediately went on a spree to arrest more people for no reason.