Yeah i should turn off my computer
So protection racket? Buy lockheed martin or China/Putin will be mean to you?
Fuck off
i want you to stop sending bombs. I dont care much about which genociders in power these days
Are you seriously saying people who got bombed for a year that their only option is through a "political process".
Lmao if I was palestinian I would only want to bomb new york.
And that's why you lost. As long as you're ready to throw foreigners under the bus you will just be seen as the scum you are.
Typical first world sheltered westoid.
Palestinians on the ground are being starved, bombed and shot at. You think they give a shit about american elections, idiot? Go outside.
The greece/Turkey population exchange was a tragedy, asshole
Your first thought reading this isn't about the human tragedy or people dying, nah, it's about making a told-ya-so point to your fellow american about how they should have picked your favorite genocider instead. You are trash, buddy.
You're the one who should feel stupid. You supported genocide out of pragmatism and you still lost.
If she wanted to win she shouldn't have been part of a genocidal administration.
Personally if you're an american voter I would spit on your stupid face.
If your reaction to this is to whine about the US internal politics you're a heartless piece of shit. My dead friends aren't political stakes for a bunch of american who only care about themselves and their stupid elections.
Look up the word "genocide" in your posting history.
This is you. You care way more about what a bunch of american voted than the actual genocide. You're spending way more energy whining about your stupid elections than trying to do something about the genocide.
You don't give a fuck about foreigners. You only care about yourself and your country. You don't deserve to win elections.
Ah yes my dead friend in lebannon is a tiktok disinformation campain.
Jeez one day I will find the mods who leave this kind of shit and fucking stab them.
So they picked genocide instead of rebelling? What a bunch of pieces of shit lmao
"FomEnT DissenT" removed hearing my friend died in lebannon is all the payment I need. The dems the ones fomenting dissent with all those bombs they sent to a genocidal regimes.
They are not supporting you, idiot. They support genocide victims.