So we have custom emojis now
So we have custom emojis now
We can add anything as an emoji and we virtually have an infinite amount of slots available.
Post the emojis you want here, most upvoted will be added.
Please upload them on Lemmygrad ready to be used, due to the way uploading emojis work. That means you need to get rid of the background etc. This is what the interface requires:
and every field must be filled, so please provide a name for it (as well as : : shortcode) and some keywords I guess. Not sure what these are used for. About categories I'm not sure we're really gonna use them, at least not yet.
edit: they get really small when you upload them too, see here:
So keep that in mind when you suggest an emoji.
name shortcode keywords image Lenin Tears of Joy :leninlaugh: lenin, laugh, cry Lenin With Love :leninkiss: lenin, kiss, love, medal Lenin Flag Thumbs Up :leninyes: lenin, flag, yes, okay Lenin Surprised :surprisedlenin: lenin, surprised, hat Lenin Wave (art) :leninwave1: lenin, wave, hello Lenin with Sunglasses :lenincool: lenin, cool, sunglasses Lenin We Can Poster :leninwecan: lenin, we can, poster MEL Thinking :melthink: marx, engels, lenin, think, hmm Lenin in Robe :leninrobe: lenin, robe Lenin Carrying Log :leninstrong: lenin, log, strong Lenin Writing :leninwrite: lenin, writing, thinking, working Lenin Facepalm :leninfacepalm: lenin, facepalm Lenin Finger Guns :leninfingerguns: lenin, finger guns Lenin Pulls Out Shotgun :leninshotgun: lenin, shotgun Sad Lenin Statue :sadlenin: lenin, statue, sad Lenin Flips Off :leninflipoff: lenin, flip off, middle finger, bird Lenin Cheers :lenincheers: lenin, cheers, tea, toast Lenin Protects his Cat :leninbadnews: lenin, cat, bad news, oh no Lenin Robs a Bank :leninmoney: lenin, bank, money, robbery Lenin is Unamused :leninannoyed: lenin, annoyed, unamused Lenin Shrug :leninshrug: lenin, shrug, i guess Lenin What :leninwhat: lenin, what, how, why MEL Party :mellaugh: marx, engels, lenin, ML, laugh Lenin Yells at Capitalists :leninyell: lenin, capitalist Lenin plays the Accordion :leninaccordion: lenin, accordion, music Saint Lenin :saintlenin: lenin, saint, hamsic Lenin Whatever :leninwhatever: lenin, whatever, eye roll Lenin Distressed :lenindistressed: lenin, distress, oh no, joey Lenin Crying :lenincrying: lenin, crying, sad Lenin gives you a Rose :leninrose: lenin, rose Lenin Shush :leninshh: lenin, shush, shh, secret Lenin has an Idea :leninidea: lenin, idea, lightbulb Lenin on Vacation :leninbeach: lenin, beach, vacation Lenin Doesn't Want Your Money :leninmoney: lenin, money, no, bribe Lenin Okay :leninokay: lenin, okay Kiss Your Lenin Bust :leninbust: lenin, bust, kiss Lenin Slaps the Bourgeoisie :leninslap: lenin, slap, bourgeoisie, bourgeois Lenin on the Train :lenintrain: lenin, train, tea Lenin with Flags :leninflags: lenin, flags Lenin Taps Head :leninheadtap: lenin, head tap, good idea, roll safe Finally finished.
I'm not going to add that other set I mentioned in previous edits because I looked and they would be unreadable when small. Heck, some of these might be, too, but they're better.
41 0 ReplyThese look pretty high quality, did you make them comrade?
15 0 ReplyI think it was originally a Telegram sticker pack, I'm no artist haha
12 0 Reply
Holy cow, these rule!
10 0 Reply
28 1 Replyand a combo
29 0 Reply24 0 Replyand why not ebil stallin
17 0 Reply
24 0 Replywe NEED this one
24 0 Reply21 0 Replytoo trashy tbh
11 0 Reply
Alternatively there's this one I made a few days ago
, maybe it works in emoji format
10 0 Reply
Luigi: fucking liberals
22 0 Reply12 0 Replyunreadable
8 0 Reply6 0 Reply
Could we get the emoji USSR flags?
21 0 ReplyI did what I Could since they are diplayed so small the bad quality shouldn't be too noticable but I'm still gonna try to find better quality ones.
3 0 Reply
Name: Glowie/Glowing Fed
Shortcode: :glowie: (alternatively if we don't want that because of certain associations :glowfed:)
Keywords: fed, glow, imperialism
Name: Young Xi smiling
Shortcode: :youngxi: (open to suggestions)
Keywords: Xi, young, smiling
Name: Xi pointing gun
Shortcode: :xigun:
Keywords: Xi, gun, china flag
21 0 ReplyStalin heart hands
21 0 Reply22 0 Reply
19 0 Replyname: china controversy
code: :china-controversy:
keywords: china, prc, controversy
19 0 ReplyName: lib detected
Shortcode: :lib-detected:
Keywords: lib, liberal, detected
20 1 ReplyAdded shortcode
1 0 Reply
18 0 Reply6 0 Reply
Sorry I'm bad at coming up with metadata shit but I assembled a few choices
When you get to post the Parenti quote:
When the CIA fails another assassination attempt:
When asking who must go:
When you're in a random number competition on your opponent is an anti-communist:
When someone is fedposting:
17 0 Replycan't we just steal the great hexbear ones? What are they gonna do, issue a DMCA?
Edit: Joe Baden
16 0 ReplyWe can, but personally I wouldn't just dump all of them here. I think it's important that we have emojis of our own too and the sheer amount they have would essentially destroy our emoji list due to the huge amount to pick from. Getting them added over time I think would help people get used to having and using them before there's like a hundred of them we're never gonna use.
But I really like how they use them organically in comments.
Edit: def gonna add the reddit though.
21 0 Reply20 0 ReplyFair enough. I think we could also do with a couple Joe Biden shitpost emojis.
Edit: moved them to the top-level comment.
7 0 Reply
We should poach the good ones. Personally I don't want to import their whole culture here. But they have quite a few amusing ones that would fit. Stalin, Stalin with gun, Xi with gun, wojacks (yes I like them, sorry)
6 0 Reply
How could I forget the chocolate milk putins.
19 3 ReplyI've dwawn a few real quick, what do you think?:
name: mom, there is a china under my bed
code: :china_scare:
keywords: china, red scare, manifacturing consent, anti-china
name: facsist cringe
code: :facringe:
keywords: fascist, cringe, reactionary
name: social democratie simp
code: :socdemsimp:
keywords: socdem, social democratie, europe, western, bourgeoie democratie
tel me what you think, you can redraw them if you think you can make them better.
15 0 ReplyI love the first two, not sure what we would do with the last one. But they should be cut into 2 emojis each, so that we can use them individually or in combination. They would look too small as 1 emoji anyway.
9 0 Replylike this?
name: there is a china under my bed
code: :china-scare:
keywords: china, red scare, manifacturing consent
name: scared USA/restless USA
code: :scared-USA:
keywords: USA, united states, paranoid, red scare
name: fascist cringe
code: :fascist-cringe:
keywords: fascist, fascism, cringe, reactionary
name: simp
code: :simp:
keywords: simp
a new one I just made:
name: capitalist cringe
code: :capitalist-cringe:
keywords: capitalist, capitalism, cringe, reactionary
10 0 ReplyI don’t know, the last one looks vaguely anti semetic. The massive nose just doesn’t sit really well with me.
6 0 Replyok, I'll try that, I'm not sure how I can cut the first one especially in a way that would be clean though.
3 0 Reply
the swastika is fucking hilarious
4 0 Reply
This is a good shitposty one.
15 0 Replyjust trying to use everything
14 0 Reply"When Yogthos starts arguing with libs in a Ukraine post."
12 1 ReplyThey seem to vary wildly in size on Jeroba
6 0 Reply
name shortcode keywords image NKVD commisar :NKVDgirl: NKVD, gun, pointing 14 0 ReplyNominating this ice cold shot
14 0 Replywho be?
8 0 ReplyA young Josip Broz Tito, should have specified
9 0 Reply
14 0 Replyis this too nsfw for the instance? or too low-res? it's Xi.
3 0 Reply
13 0 ReplyI need the massive ears rabbit with a proper transparent background though, this is the original
13 0 Reply3 0 Replyperfect
4 0 Reply
Snarl Barx
13 0 Replyzenz
13 0 ReplyAsexual flag emoji:
All USSR flag emojis, Yugoslavia, Romania, DDR and Bulgaria:
13 0 ReplyYou'd need to upload every flag individually and with a transparent background.
11 0 Reply
Care Comrade
Comrade Zoidberg
Marx ok
Christ laugh
These are some of my favorites.
13 1 Replyif you remove the background on zoidberg I'll add him
6 0 Reply6 1 Reply
12 0 ReplyJust dropping in to say holy shit comrades y'all have a bunch of gold to offer XD
12 0 ReplyTHANK YOU
11 0 Reply:URSAL:
9 0 ReplyI tried to find a version of this with a transparent background but couldn't.
I think the keywords field is for when people want to search the emoji collection
9 0 Reply
Removed the backround16 0 Replyu got it from prolewiki discord didn't you 👀
12 0 Reply
Better quality
9 1 Reply
Wojack from someone who doesn’t understand women
8 0 Replyflorida-cool
8 0 ReplyIs there a page that shows what emoji are available on the instance?
7 0 ReplyYou can click on the emoji symbol above a comment field box and then click on the asterisk tab at the end, it'll show all emojis we have
7 0 ReplyInteresting how it's implemented. It doesn't search the comment and replace the shortcode, the shortcode brings up a menu that then inserts the image markdown tag for the emoji. I guess that would mean I couldn't simply type out the shortcode for say :marx-think: via Jerboa for example and have it render.
10 0 Reply
Someone in the community must have all of the ☭ variations for the different parties in icon form...
5 0 ReplyTaglines are also a thing now. I think everyone who's been here awhile knows what the first tagline should be.
Edit: you should be able to upload images easier in 0.18.1, which has a tentative release of July 3.
5 0 ReplyI wonder if someone has an image of Lenin or Stalin smiling, I think either of those would make for great emojis, perhaps even someone like Fidel Castro, Mao Zedong, Xi Jinping, or various other comrades?
5 0 ReplyA classic.
Edit: this one is also great.
20 0 ReplyI'd say the bottom one would be a good pick as it's transparent
8 0 Reply
I'll have to check what the ideal resolution is for the images to be used as emojis.
4 0 ReplyI wanted to send an animated webp image but it resulted in the site telling me the network request failed. Oh well.
4 0 ReplySomeone needs to add the classic “based” -Lenin and stfu liberal
4 0 Reply4 0 ReplyAngry Joe
4 0 ReplyDragon
4 0 Replyfor jerboa users:
3 0 ReplySome pride coloured tanks might be cool. I haven't been able to find anything good so far though.
3 0 Replydo gifs works?
3 0 ReplyI don't think so, but we can try.
4 0 Replytry with this one:
name: this is fine
code: :thisisfine:
keywords: fine, fire, dog, unaware
3 0 Reply
I will go through these and remove the backgrounds later.
3 0 ReplyI lied. I'm getting ready for a job interview and I just don't have the time right now.
1 0 Reply
Im not at my computer right now however if we could get a revolution F. castro old F. Castro and a revolution Dr. Che Guevara
2 0 ReplyAnd God (Marx) saw that it was good.
2 0 Reply2 0 ReplySWEET MOTHER OF GOD
2 1 Reply4 3 Reply8 1 Replyno
7 1 Reply
1 0 ReplyNot sure if this is the place to ask.... But how can I create a community? I fill all the blanks but it not processing it.
1 0 Replythere's some glitches currently introduced by the latest lemmy version, they should be fixed very soon if I'm not mistaken.
0 0 Replythanks
1 0 Reply
Could we get that picture of pol pot as an emoji
1 2 Reply