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nemesis nemesis
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Anybody else despise the stupid “freedom” argument AmeriKKKans use against us?
  • Capitalists love to use floating signifiers to galvanize reactionaries of different stripes

  • Reading about free medical procedures in English is always an experience
  • Sorry gonna semi-hijack this thread to go off about tubal ligation (sterilization for someone with a uterus) in the US.

    Although the ACA requires insurance plans to cover tubal ligation, 18 states allow providers to set their own policies and these policies can be used to prevent access. Specifically for white cis women, they will deny the procedure for being childless or having "only" one child, being unmarried (to a cis man), or being deemed too young. Even if they're married, doctors will sometimes demand their husband's approval. And even if none of these conditionals apply, the provider might add additional hurdles like needing a psychologist's approval. And of course, there's the "religious objection" card to be played at any time. 1 in 7 people in the US get care from a hospital aligned with the Catholic Church, so that's a lot of religious control over women's bodies.

    Now if we're talking about BIPOC cis woman, especially those in poverty, incarceration, or other precarious situations, the system will trip over itself to find reasons to forcibly sterilize them. Also any woman who are disabled or have autism have no trouble whatsoever getting sterilized if they ask.

    I wonder why there are so many barriers for white, allistic, able-bodied women to get sterilized and so easy to do for all other women. What a mystery.

  • Rule
  • Oh hey I made this

  • So we have custom emojis now
  • Sorry I'm bad at coming up with metadata shit but I assembled a few choices

    When you get to post the Parenti quote:

    When the CIA fails another assassination attempt:

    When asking who must go:

    When you're in a random number competition on your opponent is an anti-communist:

    When someone is fedposting:

  • Comrades, I have a confession to make... (you could win big, read this to participate)
  • POV when today's the day you decided to join Lemmygrad