Comrades, I have a confession to make... (you could win big, read this to participate)
I have been terrible and have hidden an alt account on lemmygrad!
Spring is coming up soon in a few months, and that also means Easter. And Easter means Easter eggs!
Anyway. As you might have guessed, your goal in this Easter egg hunt will be to find out my alt account!
You could win a Steam game out of it! (Not any steam game but a specific one as I have some keys, but it's good I promise).
Here's an FAQ to help you out during this hunt:
Why are you doing this?
I got the idea from last time Wisconcom tried to infiltrate (not the discussion from a few days ago, even earlier) but never got around to it. I want to show him how easy it is to actually make a convincing alt if you put some effort into it, which he never cares to do.
But I have full faith in my comrades to figure out my alt account in a timely manner!
I must let you know that I taken care to make this alt account as ethically as I could, considering the circumstances. I can't say much more at this time though.
How do I participate?
Everyone can participate, except the admins as they know which account I have hidden around if they look into our account requests.
You will have to rely on your sleuthing skills as well as discuss with your comrades (edit: forgot to finish my sentence); As of now I will not be replying to DMs about the alt, but this could change too.
When you feel that you have collected sufficient clues, drop a comment in the thread below!
How do I win?
This is where it gets interesting. To win, you must not only correctly identify the account, but also explain your reasoning.
Then, you must make that reasoning known in the comments below -- that's right, everything you say can be used by anyone else to help them so make sure you're right!
This means you also can't just spam account names until you get the right one.
The first person to figure out the correct account wins! But if you win, you get to decide who should win the key to the game, it doesn't have to be you. That way, you all work collaboratively like communists instead of filthy individualistic capitalists. (we can change this if you also collectively decide it's a bad idea).
There might be runner-up winners (2nd, 3rd place etc) as I had originally set aside one key for the game but I still have some that people apparently don't want to take. How ungrateful!
What do I win?
I don't want to spoil the game just yet but it has good reviews, it's a good time waster and it came out not long ago on Steam.
What if the hunt is too hard?
In the spirit of an egg hunt, I might periodically drop hints. I won't specify how though, you'll have to keep your eyes open.
I have no idea if this is gonna be easy or hard, so we'll see how it goes.
When does the hunt begin? And when does it end?
The hunt begins now, my alt could be literally anyone! Maybe it's not even created yet? 👀 Who knows! Certainly not me.
And it ends whenever I run out of keys. However, if people find it fun, then we will not spoil the answer until everyone has had their fill. The remaining players will simply be playing for fun.
If nobody finds my account for a month, let's say? Then the hunt still goes on! You will find this alt, or perish. It's an order!
Bumping so more people have the chance to play. By the way, much like a real alt account, I am not saying anything. edit: very cool, we have "pin to local" now with the update! I'll pin this to the whole of lemmygrad for a few hours just so everyone has a chance to see it. because they were the first to reply to this post, then replied to themselves AND replied despite their rule of not engaging in discussion here that could affect the game.
I dunno I don't feel like they write in a similar fashion to Resist, IMO it's someone else, although you made me think it's totally possible that someone commented "It's me!!" as a joke in order to disguise they being the alt.
SyntheticStardust seems like it is asking too obvious on purpose questions and it is a new account soI call it suss. I'm thinking it may be Disco Elysium or Victoria 3 but who knows.
I don't know who it might be but I think I do know what game it is since Crit mentioned they have several keys. Not gonna spoil anything but if I'm correct it is neither Disco Elysium or Victoria 3.
Perhaps Maxim_the_Russian? I think it's possible due to their recent account creation, and the fact I got a semi-odd feeling from them since their "Let's just do it. Let's start a Revolution in America" post. It seems odd to me that a Russian-American Living in the states thinks that their is sufficient support for such a movement. Then again, this might just be me being paranoid. If not, sorry to Maxim_the_Russian for my suspicion (unless you are a fed or something I guess).
I am unfortunately not logged on often enough to participate in a meaningful way, but I think the concept is really funny I like it, keep up the good posting content comrade🫡👍
It's all fun and games till you accuse someone of being an alt because "I don't believe this person is real" only to find out you were wrong and now you feel like a suuuuuuper douche.
That is something to consider. I don't want to interfere with the game (hence why I am not replying to anyone in the thread, I think I can drop that), but I also don't want this to turn into a witch hunt. I might step in more if it starts to get too far, here's hoping it stays fun and casual.
Its amusing to go from Hexbear where there was a discussion about how its rude to "wrecker-jacket" i.e. accuse people of being wreckers because it encourages bad-faith discussion when a post is genuine, to here where we have a fun game called "spot the alt account"