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Most liberal liberal

who is, in your opinion, the most liberal lib currently alive


recently shot-down ''aerial object'' possibly just an amateur hobby project Hobby Club’s Missing Balloon Feared Shot Down By USAF | Aviation Week Network

Although the club is not pointing fingers, there are suspicions among other prominent members of the small, pico-ballooning enthusiasts community.

the MIC just wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars on heat-seeking gizmos and fancy overpriced Raytheon missiles just to shoot down some kid's science project


skill check rule


what the fuck is a Wisconcom

seriously, who the fuck is that.

i came back from a posting hiatus and now i see people and even admins talking about ''wisconcom'' and a bunch of his alts from time to time.

i need someonde to explain this to me

edit: thank you all for the explanation, i think i understand now


Burger Rule

Opinion on behind the bastards and knowledge fight?
  • aah, good ol' Bellingcat Bob, forever obfuscating the path towards the left and muddying the waters around ANY topic that would usually require a basic ounce of nuance

  • Pipe Rule

    Do you have any favorite lefty symbols?
  • I was just about to mention the star and antlers, dammit