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Anybody else despise the stupid “freedom” argument AmeriKKKans use against us?

Freedom of what? Freedom from public healthcare? Freedom to harass minorities? Freedom to exploit the working class?

  • Freedom to be oppressed, duh. You tankies are so dumb lol, true freedom is being oppressed by your bosses who float in the spoils of your labour. Stupid tankies, you can't understand this concept of "freedom" so imagined by our greatest founding father who brought upon it heaven on earth, as chosen messiahs of God, with such revolutionary ideas of freedom unlike those stinky brown and yellow people who think freedom is not being subjugated by foreign powers, and their own bosses, while they continue to practice their wicked ideology of "Communism". /s (Although it's not unreasonable to believe that libs will think this way)

    • Nonono, not freedom to be oppressed. It's the freedom TO oppress! The freedom of oppression. That's how they see things. They don't like being oppressed as well, but they don't care about that so long as they're not the ones drawing the short end of the stick. Even if they knew of better ways to live, they still prefer the stick to be there, in a rigged way, so they can not only practice their freedom to oppress others, but prevent you from taking this freedom away from them.

      However, bootlickers are different, because they have no power. So they are also oppressed. But the bootlicker, he wants to be oppressed because if nobody were there to be oppressed, in the rare occasion he finds himself with power, he will have nobody to freely oppress with it! So he will try to convince others that suffering is good actually. He needs others to suffer with him, otherwise he would be a fool, suffering alone and with no hope of ever becoming the oppressor.

      I don't know that all of them think this way, but this would be the only way for it to make sense. Of course, they won't give the game away. They will try to rope you in with them.

      Freedom, to oppress.

  • Pick one:

    • Freedom of speech for fascists, freedom for businesses to exploit workers, freedom for reactionaries to flout the law
    • Freedom from homelessness, freedom from hunger, freedom from crushing medical bills
  • Freedom of what? Freedom from public healthcare? Freedom to harass minorities? Freedom to exploit the working class?

    That reminds me of how the 90-s in Russia were once described on r/AskARussian. Freedom to kill, steal, think of what you're gonna feed your kids tomorrow and freedom to attack border towns for certain FREEDOM fighters terrorists.

    It is a frustratingly persistent illusion. Thanks, philosophical idealism. People are too caught up in thinking how they might have whatever if they just try hard enough to notice that the game is rigged and that the game presupposes someone is gonna get robbed. And that someone is most people.

  • Capitalists love to use floating signifiers to galvanize reactionaries of different stripes

  • 🐍 Gadsden flags everywhere. Its a settler 🐷 country.

  • Well, it's a word used in ignorance. Kids are told from a young age that murica is the "land of the free". They just regurgitate that when they have an opportunity and have no idea what it really means.

    I am very much an America liberal. I also am a gun owner and a veteran. However, I fully understand that the entire constitution does not consist of the 2nd amendment and is just one of many amendments.

    • America liberal. I also am a gun owner and a veteran

      Do you even understand where you are? Why would you even use the word “veteran” if you’re a communist. Or are you a proud baby killer?

    • Just so you're aware, you're on a communist instance. We don't really like the US here, or the US military.

      But you're absolutely right. It is instilled in children in the US from birth. I've witnessed it first hand. They teach kids about how the pilgrims came to the US to escape persecution. They neglect to teach that the pilgrims left Europe because Britain chose to re-instate the monarchy instead of dealing with any more of their bullshit (those assholes even tried to ban Christmas, because it was too much fun). They teach that "we the people" chose to have freedom from the monarchy. They neglect to teach that "the people" were only white landowning men, and they rebelled because they didn't want to pay taxes. They teach that slavery was banned due to the good will of Abraham Lincoln. They neglect to teach that slavery is still in existence, and Lincoln only banned slavery because it would enrich northern business. He still had indentured servants and was responsible for the largest mass execution in US history. Not of slavers, but of natives who stole food because they were put on worthless land with nothing to eat. They teach to never forget the Alamo. They don't teach that the Alamo happened because a group of American slavers fought for their right to own people. They teach that they triumphed over the nazis. They don't teach that the Soviets largely won the war, and the US took in as many senior nazis as they could. Not to mention that their puppet, West Germany actually re-incarcerated the LGBT people freed from concentration camps.

      But congrats on having guns. We tend to like those as well. It might interest you to know that gun control efforts started in the US in response to black communists owning guns with the Mulford Act.