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So we have custom emojis now
  • Just needs bigger text easy

  • Hexbear crashes whenever I try to teach someone a damn lesson so here:

    My post on the "no red brown alliance" banner should not have been removed. I got a lot of smug and condescending responses and the site kept hanging when I tried to reply. You seem to think that because non-Marxists like Red Scare, Maupin, and Infrared (all weirdos into Heidegger who HAVE NEVER READ MARXIST WRITING! THEY ADMIT IT! EVERY SINGLE ONE! JUST LIKE ZIZEK! STOP ENTERTAINING THESE PEOPLE!), or the deranged Fourth Political Theory people exist that means there is some tendency for alliance between Marxists and fascists.

    You are repurposing a club that was used to beat the CPUSA for its politics on Cuba and the USSR, & to slander the USSR for making a treaty with Hitler (Matt Christman did this recently btw he called it an alliance, you all have goopy brains). You're repurposing it against people who are literally just brown-brown. There's no red-brown. Goddamn

    It's like "no genocide denial" - sure it sounds nice to you in your imagination, but it has history. In reality it means banning everyone who denies Stalin & Mao killed 50 billion people, banning everyone who points out China isn't sterilizing Uyghurs, wholeheartedly eating the Victims of Communism Foundation propaganda or you don't get to speak.

    Ironically the first time I heard this phrase was from Alexander Reid-Ross (before he got ousted from Portland State for sexual harassment) posting about the Chapo subreddit, using analytics to prove they were fascist by association. The same way he used dubious anonymous twitter account examples to pin guilt by association on things.

    Also was used during the Iraq war & Syrian war as slander against antiwar communists, it's the exact same kind of thing as "why do communists think russia is based??? It's not communist silly!" thing but applied to Saddam Hussein and Assad.

    Really just goes to show how well Twitch reality show politics trojan horses NATO bullshit into people's minds

    So we have custom emojis now

    Dunno how to add this but please I'll do anything

  • So we have custom emojis now

  • What exactly is the problem with these people anyways?

    First guy I heard this phrase from - bear with me please - is Alexander Reid Ross. He wrote articles about the subredditstats/etc analytics on the Chapo subreddit calling them all fascists. Seriously. He wrote articles on Juche Nazi and White Nationalist Maoist twitter accounts he probably made.

    He got ousted from his university (portland state?) for sexual harassment.

    Anyways that's the most legitimate use of it in history all the other examples are worse. It's used to sell a completely wrong version of WWII that absolves the allies.

    From “Heavy Purchasers” of Pregnancy Tests to the Depression-Prone: We Found 650,000 Ways Advertisers Label You – The Markup
  • There is a little widget in there that lets you search through the whole database of these

  • From “Heavy Purchasers” of Pregnancy Tests to the Depression-Prone: We Found 650,000 Ways Advertisers Label You – The Markup

    A spreadsheet on ad platform Xandr’s website revealed a massive collection of “audience segments” used to target consumers based on highly specific, sometimes intimate information and inferences

    From “Heavy Purchasers” of Pregnancy Tests to the Depression-Prone: We Found 650,000 Ways Advertisers Label You – The Markup

    Political profiles Ultra-Conservative Streaming TV-Viewer Deep Root Analytics > Defund Police Persuadables Deep Root Analytics > Anti Defund Police Lifestyle > Political > Flags & Trump Lifestyle > Political > Doves Social Profiles by Type > Black Lives Matter Supporters


    Ethnic segments Affluent Ethnic Couples Elite Jewish Urbanites Elite Urban Ethnic Mix Hispanic American Suburbs Middle Class African Americans Modest Ethnic Mix Modest Jewish Enclaves Pure Hispanic Suburban Hispanics Urban African Americans

    Diagnosis for Atrial fibrillation Congestive heart failure Coronary artery disease Hearing loss Hypertension Diabetes DVT Leukemia Non-hodgkins lymphoma ADHD Arthritis Propensity for Stroke Menopause Migraines Liver disease Insomnia IBS Heart disease Fibromyalgia Erectile dysfunction Depression Diabetes Exocrine pancreatic malfunction Obesity Smoking cessation Sleep apnea Urinary tract infection Likely symptoms of Menstrual cramps Insomnia Migraines Sleep disorders Asthma DVT MS Depression Health relevance for Polycystic kidney disease Chronic idiopathic constipation Chronic migraine ADHD recent adult diagnosis Reproductive health Family planning Pregnancy / maternity Infertility / IVF Pregnancy and ovulation apps Heavy Purchaser - Pregnancy Test Kits Heavy Purchaser - Male Contraceptives K-Y Brand High > Heavy Buyer Trojan Brand High > Heavy Buyer Clearblue Brand High > Heavy Buyer (Pregnancy test) FirstResponse Brand High > Heavy Buyer (Pregnancy test) Nature Made: Fertility and Ovulation - Cross Device Nature Made: Pregnancy Location and Action - Cross Device Viagra - Unhealthy Place Visits (adsquare)

    Yogthos went THERMONUCLEAR on a liberal.
  • 🫡 I have the man bookmarked

  • Lmao

    Chicago's ambitious plan to convert 5 million square feet of empty office space into affordable housing places a big bet on remote work

    More hilarity over, I gotta say libs do add a lot of entertainment value to the site
  • I couldn't even see comments I made from here on to there. Are we all blocked from visibility? I can just use my lemmy login.

  • 72 Hours Before JPMorgan Offered $290 Million to Make Epstein Claims Go Away, a Lawyer Disclosed that the Bank Had Withheld 1500 Documents

    By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: June 15, 2023 ~ Sigrid McCawley is a Managing Partner at law firm, Boies Schiller Flexner, which has been representing

    0 WaPo Mad That Debt Ceiling Deal Didn’t Cut Social Security

    If there’s one thing the Washington Post doesn’t like about the debt ceiling deal, it’s that it didn’t cut Social Security.

    WaPo Mad That Debt Ceiling Deal Didn’t Cut Social Security

    Neal what the fuck are you talking about The Supreme Court made just about everyone happy for once

    Tyler v. Hennepin was a true unicorn of a case.

    [Neal Katyal] argued that Hennepin County’s position was supported by the Statute of Gloucester of 1278, which gave feudal lords in England the ability to recover their land from tenants. Justice Neil Gorsuch told him, “I just don’t understand what on earth any of that history has to do with this case.”

    0 Most of US faces elevated risk of blackouts in extreme heat this summer, NERC warns

    All areas are expected to have adequate resources for normal summer peak load, but extreme weather could create widespread challenges, the North American Electric Reliability Corp. said Wednesday.

    Most of US faces elevated risk of blackouts in extreme heat this summer, NERC warns

    What incident does he refer to with the oil well? Fred Langlois (@Fred_Langlois_)

    Canadian police bombed an oil well to frame climate protesters, coerced a couple to carry out a bomb plot to frame them for terrorism, raided Indigenous camps on behalf of oil interests, watched while an angry mob burned a Mi'kmaq lobster pound, evict homeless people from camps..

    Fred Langlois (@Fred_Langlois_)

    > Canadian police bombed an oil well to frame climate protesters, coerced a couple to carry out a bomb plot to frame them for terrorism, raided Indigenous camps on behalf of oil interests, watched while an angry mob burned a Mi'kmaq lobster pound, evict homeless people from camps..
