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City, village or countryside: where do you want to live?
  • GOODS is a communist clothing co-op. It's from the blurb on the page for their Urb shirt.

    Their manifesto is pretty all right, too.

  • City, village or countryside: where do you want to live?
  • City. Very much looking forward to how much better cities will be with socialist development.

    GOODS FOR THE PEOPLE puts it well:

    The future belongs to sustainable smart cities.

    Ecologically speaking, increasingly concentrated mega cities is the only path toward a future of harmonious integration of humans and nature. Socialist cities of the future, such as the Forrest City being developed in the PRC, can develop and function in much more rational, healthy, and communal ways than random chaotic development under the tyranny of private ownership of land and industry.

  • Happy friday, comrades
  • Gonna try to radicalize people at happy hour, wish me luck

  • So we have custom emojis now
  • I think it was originally a Telegram sticker pack, I'm no artist haha

  • So we have custom emojis now
  • name shortcode keywords image
    Lenin Tears of Joy :leninlaugh: lenin, laugh, cry
    Lenin With Love :leninkiss: lenin, kiss, love, medal
    Lenin Flag Thumbs Up :leninyes: lenin, flag, yes, okay
    Lenin Surprised :surprisedlenin: lenin, surprised, hat
    Lenin Wave (art) :leninwave1: lenin, wave, hello
    Lenin with Sunglasses :lenincool: lenin, cool, sunglasses
    Lenin We Can Poster :leninwecan: lenin, we can, poster
    MEL Thinking :melthink: marx, engels, lenin, think, hmm
    Lenin in Robe :leninrobe: lenin, robe
    Lenin Carrying Log :leninstrong: lenin, log, strong
    Lenin Writing :leninwrite: lenin, writing, thinking, working
    Lenin Facepalm :leninfacepalm: lenin, facepalm
    Lenin Finger Guns :leninfingerguns: lenin, finger guns
    Lenin Pulls Out Shotgun :leninshotgun: lenin, shotgun
    Sad Lenin Statue :sadlenin: lenin, statue, sad
    Lenin Flips Off :leninflipoff: lenin, flip off, middle finger, bird
    Lenin Cheers :lenincheers: lenin, cheers, tea, toast
    Lenin Protects his Cat :leninbadnews: lenin, cat, bad news, oh no
    Lenin Robs a Bank :leninmoney: lenin, bank, money, robbery
    Lenin is Unamused :leninannoyed: lenin, annoyed, unamused
    Lenin Shrug :leninshrug: lenin, shrug, i guess
    Lenin What :leninwhat: lenin, what, how, why
    MEL Party :mellaugh: marx, engels, lenin, ML, laugh
    Lenin Yells at Capitalists :leninyell: lenin, capitalist
    Lenin plays the Accordion :leninaccordion: lenin, accordion, music
    Saint Lenin :saintlenin: lenin, saint, hamsic
    Lenin Whatever :leninwhatever: lenin, whatever, eye roll
    Lenin Distressed :lenindistressed: lenin, distress, oh no, joey
    Lenin Crying :lenincrying: lenin, crying, sad
    Lenin gives you a Rose :leninrose: lenin, rose
    Lenin Shush :leninshh: lenin, shush, shh, secret
    Lenin has an Idea :leninidea: lenin, idea, lightbulb
    Lenin on Vacation :leninbeach: lenin, beach, vacation
    Lenin Doesn't Want Your Money :leninmoney: lenin, money, no, bribe
    Lenin Okay :leninokay: lenin, okay
    Kiss Your Lenin Bust :leninbust: lenin, bust, kiss
    Lenin Slaps the Bourgeoisie :leninslap: lenin, slap, bourgeoisie, bourgeois
    Lenin on the Train :lenintrain: lenin, train, tea
    Lenin with Flags :leninflags: lenin, flags
    Lenin Taps Head :leninheadtap: lenin, head tap, good idea, roll safe

    Finally finished.

    I'm not going to add that other set I mentioned in previous edits because I looked and they would be unreadable when small. Heck, some of these might be, too, but they're better.