We can add anything as an emoji and we virtually have an infinite amount of slots available.
Post the emojis you want here, most upvoted will be added.
Please upload them on Lemmygrad ready to be used, due to the way uploading emojis work. That means you need to get rid of the background etc. This is what the interface requires:
and every field must be filled, so please provide a name for it (as well as : : shortcode) and some keywords I guess. Not sure what these are used for. About categories I'm not sure we're really gonna use them, at least not yet.
edit: they get really small when you upload them too, see here:
I love the first two, not sure what we would do with the last one. But they should be cut into 2 emojis each, so that we can use them individually or in combination. They would look too small as 1 emoji anyway.
Looking really good! If it's possible to do more work on the china under the bed so they can integrate better together that would be dope, but they work like that too I think. Lots of ways to mix and match.
they look like this currently, which gives the emojis sort of a broken look when used together. The bed isn't continuous. I'm not sure how you could fix it, probably by redrawing the China flag differently? So that when the two emojis are put next to each other they look like just one
I see what you mean but I would argue that just a large nose alone isn't spesific to stereotips about jews specifically. The beard, the expression, the hat, ect are just as important in that depiction. If we had to ban everything that mearly share one trait with it, we would have to ban pictures of Marx (because of his beard).
I agree, but in Nazi propaganda the nose was considered the most important part and even had its own name. They genuinely believed that the nose on Jews would be different.