Nothing quite says “high-performance muscle car” like a popup ad for a Mopar Extended Warranty covering your whole center console. That’s right, Dodge Charger owners are now experiencing an exciting new feature: pop-up ads that appear every time the vehicle stops at a light. This garbage feature was...
Nothing quite says “high-performance muscle car” like a popup ad for a Mopar Extended Warranty covering your whole center console. That’s right, Dodge Charger owners are now experiencing an exciting new feature: pop-up ads that appear every time the vehicle stops at a light. This absolute garbage feature was spotted in the wild, take a look here.
They're solid vehicles. My 08 caliber died last year with nearly 300k miles. Their interiors are just so old looking. I had an 97 Contour that doesn't look much different than their current interiors.
Welp every manufacturer that shows this should go down immediately upon first offense.
Not even kidding, this should be corporate suicide.
Dodge and Jeep are (well Jeep already was tbh) both firmly on the "actively speak out against" list. If I was in a place of hugely inflated power, I would dismantle the entire company, and sell it to whoever that company likes the least.
This should honestly be a brand ending scenario in less than 5 seconds after the first ad. CEO should be in the bread line TODAY from getting hit with this.
ABSOLUTE zero tolerance. There are no valid arguments against this and I will die on this hill.
Jeep and Dodge are both owned by Stellantis :) It's one shit-circus out of France the Netherlands (corrected because apparently I don't know geography).
On the good news front, the market is beating them like a rented mule. Dodge alone is down 29% in sales year-over-year.
I had never heard of Stellantis until the comments on this post.
That's at least a little good news, but I want day-after total zero existence for stunts like this.
As in executed the day after murder kind of immediate punishment. In this case, total, irrevocable punishment.
C suite people literally living in shelters fighting for leftovers at a food bank after paying out years of employee salaries and benefits kind of punishment.
You can't just fine people like this for crimes. You have to actually take away money and the ability to accrue more than enough to live on.
Any minute now one of those brave-browser idiots will be along to tell us all how great ads are because they can make us aware of products that we had not yet discovered or remind us of products we didn't know were near by.
I've noticed brave users are some of the biggest useful idiots on the internet.
I genuinely think there are 2 classes of brave users: people who are invested in the company trying to viral market it, and the morons who fall for it.
They're just testing to see what people are willing to accept.
Every time you see a useful idiot saying "it's not that bad" or "they're a business and they need to make money", you know who to blame for why things are the way they are.
Did you know John Deere tractors have a dedicated piracy scene? Because the tractors require authorized technicians to service them and doesn't allow farmers to service them themselves, spoofed firmware has appeared and is fairly frequently used to bypass this.
My point is, if you can jailbreak a tractor you can jailbreak a car. Just a matter of time.
When that old antipiracy ad was like "you wouldn't download a car," turns out they were vastly overestimating your average American tractor owner or car driver's respect for the corporate arcology.
“It should also be noted that ads are part of your contractual agreement with SiriusXM, but we are working on the frequency,” replied a Jeep Cares representative. “Thank you for your patience.”
A Stellantis spokesperson told Fortune in a statement that “a temporary software glitch affected the ability to instantly opt out in a few isolated cases, though instant opt-out is the standard for all our in-vehicle messages. Our team had already identified and corrected the error, and we are following up directly with the customer to ensure the matter is fully resolved.”
Companies sure so have a lot of "glitches" and "technical difficulties" when they're introducing controversial features that forces it on a group of people, only to be nearly immediately removed with all kinds of excuses..... And then the feature is forced for everyone within a few months.
Almost like it's NOT unintentional, they're NOT experiencing technical difficulties, and they're actually just testing the waters before diving in, with neatly 0 intent to pull back unless the consumers put upenoigh of a fuss the company execs get scared.
You are typically allowed to have limited interaction with a mounted phone.
You can't pick your phone up or anything like that, but you are allowed some very limited usage if it's mounted. It's no different than a built in car dash at that point.
However, fuck this, this is beyond expected use, and is definitely going to cause distracted driving.
You're usually not supposed to interact with the screen either when driving, and it's easier to put your hand back on the wheel when the screen is mounded instead of dropping your phone... but I get what you mean.
I have a Renault master from 2016. I'm pretty sure I can squeeze another 50 years out of this diesel removed with adequate maintenance and care. Plus my other car is an e-bike.
That's awesome ! My dad had a Renault back in the 70s air cooled...which is super weird for living in middle of nowhere. He overheated it eventually haha
The cost of used cars isn't much better assuming you don't want a piece of crap. After almost being killed by 2 used cars I'd prefer to not risk it anymore.
I was very lucky in that I can repair most cars. It's a lot harder now. Before I had a real job, all my vehicles cost less than 3k. If you learn what to look for and to stay safe (brakes, tires) you shouldn't really be in danger with a used car. Now in an accident, some ass in a 30 foot tall dodge truck will kill you, but that's kind of unavoidable even if you're on the sidewalk
Subaru has great safety ratings and the "used Subaru tax" (as in, a used Subaru tends to be more expensive) is because they are very good cars. They have some of the best safety ratings on the market.
An ad that appears at the top of the steering wheel, that always stays at the top since they embedded a circular screen into the wheel so the ads can always be shown.
If someone develops an aftermarket fix to make the ads go away, now that might be a product/sertvice people will want to pay for. Look at Dodge - creating new job sectors!
Why would i be buying a new car anyways? I don't want one, the newest car I'm even interested in purchasing in the future is over a decade old. I just drive my wife's car when I work on mine.
Good that you have an older Civic. The newer ones are lemons - Honda cheaped out on the air condenser from 2017-2021, so no AC! The electrical shit in the dash is all kinds of fucked up too.
I drove 80's and pre 92' VW's up until 2019 and now I'm exclusively driving pre 04 VW's . They are futuristic to me , heated sats , heat , AC its crazy .
I've amassed enough maintenance parts and transmissions to keep me going indefinitely..or until some jackass makes them illegal then I guess I'll just ride a bike
I will not buy or watch anything with ads. I can't stand ads. Ads represent everything wrong with the US and capitalism. Just not stop shit shoveled into our faces.
Pretty much everyone asked for this with their actions and choices as consumers. Lucky us, we can still choose not to buy a Dodge Charger or a Swasticar.
Stuck in traffic......introducing, the all new 2025 elantra! Hyundai has done it again! We all known it sounds like sentra but they keep making new elantras every year! Now just 54,978.73 with a 56% Apr amortized weekly!
Papa pa pa paaaa! I'm loving it!
New on the McDonalds menu!
Thanks for listening to 100.7! Your friends Krissy and tushy.
Avocados from Mexico!... Now just $4.50 extra on every taco!
Donate to Snt Vincent's cousin Alfredo Medo. Every year thousands go hungry without a proper apply wristwatch...
At Von's club we're family!
You've arrived! Welcome home! Don't forget the two dildoes on your Amazon cart! The pink one is Christina's favorite. Antonio loves the blue one because its gir....door slams!
Hatchback opens.....when you open up a new Coke check under the cap to win a trip to Eldorado! ...hatchback slams!
Lol seriously! When we had our first kid and moved to a new place we didn't unpack the TV at all and that made things inside the house quiet. Like weird quiet.
I really fucking dislike that you used Hyundai when they are like the one company that still does cool fucking shit at prices normal people can afford.
So while you are allowed to use a cars dash for car functions, you should not be drawing someones attention away from the road while at a red light.
How could this be anything but distracted driving.
What happens when this ad pops up, you look at it and read its quite lengthy text, and then get rear ended because you weren't keeping an eye on the rear mirror?
I'd love to see that lawsuit (although it'd suck for the hurt person)
As an unfortunate owner of a Chrysler and having owned and driven a ton of other cars I can confidently say Stellantis makes the shittiest cars you can buy in US. On screen ads are just a small piece of an immense garbage island that is this shitty company.
I want to really know how often this works. Has there ever been a single instance where someone says....."let me read this popular. Oh my! I really should get am extended warranty. Let me just click accept."
And even if they do accept it, what then? Does Dodge expect the person to continue reading the terms of service and enter their credit card their car?
My 2007 just clicked over to 271K miles and I'm going to keep it running as long as possible. It has all normal bells and whistles of a limited version, but was built before all this madness began. It's a CAR.
So, here's a solution that will likely work but I'm just extrapolating based on auto industry stuffs. If the ads are driven by SiriusXM, they're likely coming over the satellite radio. The shark fin on top has several antennae in it, including the XM antenna, which is on a specific frequency band and antenna type. Find the wiring harness for the shark fin, trace the SiriusXM cable, unplug or snip it. You'll lose XM, but, honestly, based on the garbage I hear on a lifetime subscription radio these days, I don't understand why anyone pays for it, except for living in or traveling through remote areas with frequency and wanting live background noise.
Chances are it's possible they'd also try and load the ads via a paired Bluetooth phone for Internet, (maybe) if that's the case it's a little more difficult. Probably impossible on iPhone, but on Android may allow one to disable the act of shuttling data to the car stereo via Bluetooth. If Stellantis uses an app to proxy data to the car stereo, deleting the app on the phone would break it.
Lmao, meanwhile I'm reading your comment about ads in an article about ads in a car, and your comment appears on my screen right under an ad for Bumble. (I'm on Lemmy Sync)
If this happened to me and assuming I had physical knobs/buttons for AC, etc, and those wouldn’t be affected, I would take a hammer to it, mount an iPad Mini or something for GPS, and just listen to music/podcasts/audiobooks on my phone via a Bluetooth speaker.
I already have bad road rage (I’m not proud of this & am actively working on it) and this would send me over the edge.
I've been saying this for a long time. We need to recognize it for what it is, attention rape, and reject it completely.
The junk mail you get in your mailbox should be illegal. I've tried contacting people to have them stop, but low and behold it's USPS that's responsible and there is no mechanism in place to stop it.
So many platforms now make you pay for their service and then show you ads with it. You pay to be advertised to. I mean the car is exactly what I'm talking about.
I honestly believe it's a detriment to US culture, how saturated every environment is with advertising, people don't even see it anymore, it's "normal", invisible.
Do not pay for a service that show you ads, I wouldn't even use a service that relied on advertising. Use only paid services that do not advertise. Do not buy products that advertise to you.
Brand new 2024 vehicle: I disabled all connectivity. No software updates, no remote start through their app, nothing; it will never connect to the internet. These greedy car and ad companies have lost the benefit of the doubt. Literally no amount of money will ever be enough for these giant corporations...
To be completely honest, I haven't gone that extreme yet. I know where the antenna is and could disconnect it fairly easily, but for this particular model it doesn't seem necessary. I've disabled all wireless connectivity (similar to airplane mode) and so far it persists through battery changes. No nags after the first one and no attempts to connect or re-enable wireless functionality, but I'm keeping an eye on it...
We need to tally up all the accidents and pedestrian hit-and-runs that occur involving cars with this “feature.” It would likely be enough of an increase you could reasonably make a class action lawsuit. I have no sympathy whatsoever for a car manufacturer that can’t get it through their heads that distracted driving is a major cause of accidents, and could easily happen by their own features.
It's when someone knowingly does something that's so obviously likely to cause death or injury that that indifference to life can essentially be treated as intent, and if someone does as a result it isn't manslaughter or wrongful death, but murder.
Classic examples would be arson or knowingly selling tainted medicine.
I'd quit my job and start running the campaign for anyone who's willing to run on outlawing this shit. I'd work 75 hour weeks handing out fliers about distracted driving.
I never thought I would say this, but thank god there are a bunch of car hobbiest in my area.
If this type of invasive shit becomes mainstream, I at least know that the auto community around me will be able to fix anything that gets put into my travel device.
Just make a list of advertisers who actually advertise in these, and actively avoid & shame them. It is fair that they try new things out, but the problem is, when the consumers accept them.
I sometimes wonder if my current car will be my last new car. My car has some tracking that I can supposedly disable, so I understand the appeal of classic cars more. I might have to pick up a mint condition early 2000s car for my midlife crisis.
I saw this on Lenny about Jeeps. I asked someone sitting in a new Jeep if she got ads when she came to a stop and she said no. So now I wonder if there is something about the trim level or something. She said it was 1 year old. Maybe this just started.
Like the ridiculous subscription mouse a few months back, I'd be willing to bite with the right incentives, but those aren't incentives the manufacturer is going to be OK with. I'd take a car with ads, so long as it was sufficiently discounted compared to a normal car. And then I'd look up how to disable the ads.
Well, that's truly horrible, but at least it can distract you from the fact you are in a car like that for some reason. Unless it's an ad for the a newer model.