Contract negotiation time!
I also advocate for the initial array index to be .5 to be equally annoying to programmers and mathematicians alike.
Liquid soap batter. Due to allergies, I make my own soap and it makes a good amount. So I just store it in my jars until I need to make more. Then throw a weighted amount and 4x water in a different jar and simmer in boiling water until my soap is ready and can be scented.
You don't need to shit on the people trying to help
When the advice is akin to telling an amputee to just grow back a limb, yeah you kinda do.
I understand that the advice is coming from (what they consider to be) a good place, but that doesn't change that the advice is coming from a place of ignorance and shows they likely have no understanding of your situation. I've had NTs try this with me, and they get mad when I systematically tell them why their advice is not applicable or coming from a place that shows they have no understanding of my situation. And sometimes they've even told me that I'm just not doing it right, because if I was, it would work.
Generic advice is only good when you can't be bothered to understand someone's situation and feel the need to insert yourself into someone else's life, and without being asked a good amount of the time.
"Wow, that's an amazing list of things I never considered doing"
Man, NTs get mad when you sarcastically point out why their advice is bad and you're not willing to play along to not hurt their feelings.
I'll have you know that I put soap in those!
Yeah, I love watching him melt down as he realizes his normal tactics are worthless against a professional. Also, the lame face saving projection that Neil struggles to not laugh off and Benny sputters at is just *chefs kiss*
Man, that was a great episode
The main takeaway is - Steven Crowder is not very smart, one might say he is really dumb, not in a derogatory way, it's just an observation, but he fails to grasp some basic concepts
The deposition confirmed beyond all doubt (again) that crowder (and, one can assume all of the rightoid idiot entertainers - including ol' Benny 'Dry Ass Pussy' Shaps) only sounds smart because they're going after kids with minimal debate skills. Any time they have to actually be smart (like trying to lie to a lawyer about what you do or don't know, or thinking you're so fucking clever using babbys first logical trick) their opponent runs circles around them without breaking a sweat.
So many times Bankston would ask a question, Stevie would respond, and mid response I was already asking follow questions that Bankston got to not long after. And oh my gods was it painful to hear him have to explain basic grammar concepts to Stevie....
I'm still mad I paid full price for my wapo sub last year before they went bugfuck. I haven't opened the app or read one of their articles in 6mo, so the fuckers got basically free money from me. BUT NEVER AGAIN!
Cooking in electric is fine, just different. I had an exposed coil stove for a while which was passable, but my glass top coil range is rather good. I grew up on gas and honestly my only complaint about electric is a bit slower heating time and it doesn't react as fast as I'd like, but it's not nearly as bad as people like to claim.
why even work from home.
The freedom of not wearing pants at your desk
I was going to say file indexing, but surely that runs in the background.
Assuming indexing is enables, yes.
Remember, type B ends are the "B"est ends
And really only on both sides. Thankfully, auto detect only requires one side to have it to work.
The bigger headline is "Skype hasn't been dead this whole time"
Wtf do people think doing nothing is going to accomplish?
Maybe just maybe, people are ok with gore/porn when they're expecting it, but don't like seeing it when they're not?
I don't use meta garbage and have been on the Internet long enough that I regularly saw gore videos as a teen because I hung out on 4chins all the time. I'm not averse to gore, but I still don't want to randomly see that shit in my feeds.
Also, well adjusted people generally don't feel good when they randomly see gore and shit....
Shouldn't your (assumedly modern) PC/networking gear be able to handle that for you? It's my understanding that only one side of the link has to have auto crossover, so as long as one end supports it, it should be fine.
Some of the women I've known talk about saving the horse to ride the cowboy.
I've always been partial to "I'm here" or "6ft above ground"