One Worships Hitler; Gestapo Imprisoned The Other...
alxmg @slrpnk.net 5 0

Lacking empathy is the last thing people should want from their leaders.
Having a baby? Use this one weird trick!
alxmg @slrpnk.net 1 11

You got a very loose concept of "nazi"
An immense weight on a great man
alxmg @slrpnk.net 62 3

Absolute hero this man, every European and democratic country should hope to have its own Zelenskyy.
This Trump Voter Is Having Second Thoughts After ICE Agents Detained Him at Gunpoint
alxmg @slrpnk.net 6 0

Consequences for your own actionw are so sweet.
this guy makes david koresh look like bob ross
alxmg @slrpnk.net 2 0

It is a suicide cult, in the sense they're killing their country.