obvious fake though; the toilet isn't gold plated. he wouldn't touch it. he'd just shit himself and let someone change it later, rather than touch a non-gold toilet.
5 And whenever you pray, do not be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, so that they may be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward.
6 But whenever you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
One of my favorite verses. Preachers will do all kinds of contortionist shit to wriggle out of this one. Usually they don't have to though, because their followers only read the parts of the book the preacher cherrypicks.
There's an old concept I like- The best cure for christianity is reading the bible.
At least Heaven’s Gate kept to themselves. Applewhite was a repressed, self hating gay man who developed that kind of friendship damaged gay men and damaged gay women do. They didn’t proselytize in the later years, they didn’t kill others.
Trump is more a Jim Jones. Pretend to hold an ideology you don’t necessarily believe (Jones was known for being progressive on race - but was a sexual predator and one wonders what the benefit was). Once the jig is up, take everyone down with you.
The day Trump dies will be a very interesting time for his supporters. I could see it going either two ways. One would be them denying it and treating it like when Elvis died people reported seeing him in public and the other possibility is them going full Jamestown.
I could definitely see that happening and Trump end up in a wheelchair like Stephen Hawking having to use a robot voice to speak or even better we end up with a weekend at Bernie’s situation.
This is why I was hoping for an electoral defeat instead of a successful assassination.
It's not the act that concerned me, it was the wild chains of disparate psychopathy that ensued from his followers. No better way to make a martyr than kill whatever they're preaching about.
This shocking outcome has been a lesson and loss for his followers, but they are no longer emboldened by his bullshit.
They'll change the legislation for non Americans to gain proper citizenship. Musk will then assume the mantel of leader when Trump dies. Trump will be like after Pope John Paul II or even a martyr. They'll be mass Christian Nationalist uprising as other in that group would want someone else to supplant him. That's the new out group after everyone else is taken care of
They will recreate some qanon underground “leader” that’ll generate a movement with bs hidden messages that he is alive and living in a safe area. And just like a good cult leader pretending to be Trump, will tell his cult followers what to do, on some 4chan forum. With followers not knowing it’s some idiot fed agent working for CIA.
I don't think the administration will publicly admit his death. They'll just deepfake him and claim he can't make any appearances outside of video communication for national security reasons.
It's creepy that they're doing some weird religious gesture, but I think it's a lovely sign of the times that one of the freaks on the left (as we're looking at it) just has to record this emotional and reflective moment for their socials lol
It's called "laying on hands" among Christians. As in, "let us lay on hands and pray for them." In theory it should be a way of showing support that someone is not alone. Usually, I'd attribute it more to religious people doing a silent 'look at me, I have a direct line to God for this person!' [Like you said, they're so in the moment they pull out their phone; yeah, that screams holy moment.] Which is funny because Protestants think everyone has a personal relationship with God, so what's the extra prayer for? In case God wasn't listening to the requestor, but they might listen to Ultra Religious person? Doesn't sound very personal to me.
You see god charged up Trump full of christian energy and they're trying to leach it away with the wireless god juice receptacles installed in their hands. I would want proof too for when I charged people to leach it from me.
There's a pervasive belief that god has chosen Trump as his "imperfect vessel" to get his shit done on earth. Therefore christians don't have to care about the character of the man, he's literally the force of god on earth to them.
This is not because people of US have chosen to do so, having only two strong parties is the only logical outcome in a “democracy” designed like it is in US right now.
What people forget is that separation of church and state is meant to protect both from each other. The mixture of Christianity with conservative politics creates an unsolvable contradiction between community and individualism that, I believe, has contributed more to the decline of Christianity in the US than the oft cited bigotry and child abuse.
AI still isn't quite this good. There would be something off somewhere. No, this is certainly reality. I believe he'd be all for it, after all he's center of attention, where he wants to stay.
It's because you have to close your eyes and hold your breath to actually stand that close to him. Placing your hand on him helps ensure that he is at least arms length away or the stench is just too great.