The Trump administration plans to revoke temporary legal status for 240,000 Ukrainians who fled Russia’s war, fast-tracking them for deportation.
The move is part of a broader effort to strip protections from 1.8 million migrants admitted under Biden’s humanitarian parole programs.
Trump’s policies also target 530,000 migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela.
Legal challenges are mounting, as affected individuals face uncertain futures. Advocates warn that even U.S. allies, such as Afghans who assisted the military, are now at risk of detention and deportation.
Sometimes I feel like I was the only one who remembered that this is what it was like the last time he was in office. Just every day some fresh hell, like a treadmill of anger and grief until the only real reason to protest is so that they don't drive you permanently numb.
The scope of this new order is hard to contemplate. 0.77 million people who are being shown the door today. Our colossus is in need of a new credo.
“Give me your billionaires, your oligarchs, Your hunched war criminals yearning for the Lolita Express, The wretched refuse of your banking sectors. Send these, the landlords, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden arches!"
Edit to add: I know that it is currently only a plan. I do not need to bicker with anyone about this.
Im not American so I probably didn't see a lot of this but my lasting impression was a lot of blustering and shit slinging but no real action or substance. Like everything he tried or promised either didn't get done or was half arsed. Basically i saw it as incompetence and damage through inaction rather than the malicious active damage he is doing now.
You are partially right. For US Presidents, implementing policy is much harder than declaring it, something IIRC Bush and Obama echoed.
But on top of that, Trump had a lot of guardrails in the first term, a lot of old school Republicans and “regular” cabinet that watered down whatever ideas he had.
That is no longer the case. It's only loyalists egging each other on now. And there’s already a lot more bite, it’s just so much that it’s hard to process.
He did a huge amount of harm to our government. Not quite like this time, where most of what he is doing is outright illegal and is essentially a soft coup, but really bad nonetheless - just mostly aimed at making him money and getting/keeping political power instead of destryoying the country. Much of that was outright illegal, but a lot of it was just breaches of "norms" and "decorum".
I literally can't fit it all into one comment, its so much and such a convoluted web of schemes and lies and crimes and support from other politicians/lawyers/the media. And every day was something new. I followed all the legal cases relating to his admin back in the first term - it was hard to keep up with even while it was all happening. Much of the reason he was never charged or indicted for so much of what he did is that you can't criminally indict a sitting president.
The Mueller investigation into the Trump administration's conduct with Russian political operatives found that he more than likely illegally colluded with Russia to the detriment of the US and to defraud and disenfranchise voters, but literally couldn't charge Trump since he was a sitting president - hoping instead that someone would pick up the investigation when he could be charged. It is notable that that investigation produced 37 indictments and 7 convictions/guilty pleas, referred 14 more cases to DoJ for prosecution, and recovered like $48M in misappropriated government funds (the investigation cost $32M, so it was actually profitable). So, this investigation couldn't prosecute Trump, but 34 people in his administration were indicted and the findings of the report suggested they would have prosecuted Trump if they were legally allowed to. That says all you need to know, IMO.
Yeah, his first time around there were people who kept his worst ideas from being realized and drove away the worst of his associates. This time around those people are gone and he is surrounded by those associates and even worse people like Musk.
But the powerful people behind the scenes who are using him as a figurehead learned a lot from his first term and have been developing their plans for years since then. Biden winning a term just gave them more time to work on it. Though there's still chaos like last time (so we don't pay attention to the Project 2025 actions ), we see the lightning-fast implementation of their agenda from Day One: Schedule F (getting rid of civil service workers to be replaced with loyalists), firing the inspectors general to remove a major obstacle to implementing, the rash of executive orders for everything from the shibboleth "Gulf of America" to declaring a national state of emergency to clear the way for everything else. Trump's impulsivity can sometimes get in the way, but he's otherwise the perfect figurehead because he also agrees with the agenda.
What really pisses me off is all the newspapers that have acted like he wasn't president for four years. As if there isn't already examples of how the guy acts.
Sometimes I feel like I was the only one who remembered that this is what it was like the last time he was in office
I feel like it's worse this time. Darker. We didn't have the Ukraine or Israeli war. We didn't have perverse AI videos like the Gaza video with a giant golden Trump statue.
2016 was the rise of Trump. Right now we are in the age of Trump. Trump is steadily increasing his power and I believe fairly soon he will be able to more or less unilaterally control the federal government as he continues his purges.
Last go around sure, there would be a fucked up tweet almost every day, but much fewer actual changes. Yeah Trump did some fucked up shit over those 4 years, but he's done more fucked up shit in the last month than in that whole term.
That is a large amount of people being sent back to a country where there is a good possibility that they will be killed. The country that is throwing them out (the US) has a lot of sympathetic people to their cause...and a lot of easily accessible guns.
How does this specifically benefit russia? Ukraine government is drafting people by force and not allowing any male between 18-60 from leaving the country.
0.7M more people who the government needs to handle logistics and civil infrastructure for. It's about trying to exhaust the war resources in ways that don't directly influence the war in Ukraine's favor.
This, and I would go further. There is no such thing as right and left for russian puppets. Their "ideology" is whatever is needed for their particular populace and the only thing aligning them around the world is the trail of money.
Amazing that there are still groups of people looking at these decisions and trying to discern the rationale behind them as if there was any.
Mental Olympics at this point.
Who’s going to do it? All I see is a bunch of internet talk. There’s no leadership. Just a bunch of ppl scared and posting online or emailing/calling senators. We especially need straight white men standing up. The dem paddle holding was just pathetic.
Krasnov's got his own cabinet afraid to dissent, nevermind the cowardly Libs he's pwning.
The world is watching you, Murca, and we're turning away from you while you let this happen. On your streets, none of you are willing to admit you were lied to. You can't afford this ignorance.
Yes at the end of the day it was white people who put us in this position being the majority of voters for trump. My wife and I are both POC and our respective populations were majority voting for Harris. We are the most obvious people on the chopping block for death camps. I can understand people being frustrated with Americans in general but POC have always been marginalized and our populations not big enough, we aren't at fault for this but far too many are acting as if it is. We don't have left wing milita groups as far as I know. I've never heard of any where I live. We don't have organized resistance set up on our end and I have no fucking clue how to get organized like that and not make rookie mistakes that would get people killed/imprisoned before they could do anything meaningful. I do believe however that much of the 'hate' we are seeing directed at us is being fanned heavily russian/chinese/iranian troll groups to artificially grow a divide between left leaning Americans and the rest of the world.
Talk eventually becomes action, if there is enough of it. By people agreeing with each other, they eventually normalize a thought. It could be something mundane like "this drawn girl is cute", and eventually snowball into "Last night's Hatsune Miku concert was rad, met twenty other cosplayers!"
Do we have any voices as powerful as those in WWII? I have yet to hear someone with a truly powerful place in media speak a heartfelt plea to the Americans because the media has been bought. Even if there was someone who could reach out and speak a message that people could hear, they would never let it air in a place where it mattered.
The amount of friends I have who are perfectly normal and sane people who are bringing up in casual conversations the hope for Trump to be assassinated is insanely high. I'm in Canada.
The ICE fucks who are ordered to arrest Ukrainians here fleeing wartime (children, mothers, elderly) better fucking resign and/or blatantly refuse this shit. If not, these traitors should be executed right along with trump and vance.
I’m a Latino and I’ve always seen ice as the Gestapo of your country, I’m glad everyone else is seeing it. Ice has been a hellhole where the most evil and destructive humans end up working from its beginning.
They are a scapegoat in my opinion for presidents and congress. Congress can't or won't pass sensible immigration reform laws, so instead they just throw money into ICE knowing it's always been a boondogle, but pretend like they are somehow addressing the issue.
Obviously ICE attracts some terrible people, but it would barely need to even exist if our politicians were willing to pass policy changes.
This is evil. The US needs an armed resistance at this point having said that there is no organization, there is no structure or any groups that I know of to join. Individuals acting on their own won't do much, who are people supposed to go after? Where do you find them, how do you achieve the goal? These questions are much more easily answered with an organized resistance. If my country is going to go down this route we have to have this in place first. Until this happens I wouldn't expect much from the people in the US who want to go this route because they want to be able to make a meaningful impact not just become mass shooters hopefully taking down the right people.
You want to talk of insurrection? We Americans have the FBI and NSA to worry about, so don't count on hearing about partisan activity before it actually happens.
I honestly don't know what would have happened. Would the country have been upset and voted for whatever other scum Republicans tossed in as Trump's replacement? Would it have been too late and the country would have just defaulted to Dems to be safe? I don't know. But the kid would have still been a hero.
I'm not so sure about that.
Just like the Federation in the Star Trek universe had the Prime Directive (rule) that prohibits its members from interfering with the natural development of alien civilization, I can see how time travel could have a similar rule. Going back in time to mess with things can create all kinds of unintentional butterfly effects.
As Gandalf says "Even the very wise cannot see all ends"
Tbh, the shot looks like it would've blown the back of his dome off if he hadn't done his classic chicken head jerk at the last possible second, probably right as the shooter was pulling the trigger. Instead, it grazed his ear. Missed him by literally half a second.
Because America is too weak to deal with internal threats.
In less than 24 hours we can reign unholy fire down upon any enemy anywhere on the globe. But if they're in our own backyard we cower before them and allow them to abuse us repeatedly.
And that is why our democracy will collapse and our quality of life will decline.
I think the legal, standing around with signs protest is going to have to have its toothier cousin (the violent riot) starting up again alongside it if we want anything to change. They already painted the 2020 protests as "burning the cities down" despite them being >90% peaceful. We might as well -- to reference Kendrick Lamar's lyrics -- fuck being rational and give em what they asked for.
Speak for yourself. What have you done to combat injustice in your home today?
Believe it or not yes some of us are trying to do something. You’ll have to forgive us for not having the same resources as the executive branch of the US.
Will Americans really still just look on and do nothing while the Trump administration is tearing the country apart?
It appears so.
Our checks and balances within our federal government have failed. Categorically. Our government is not equipped to deal with internal threats like this. We have too many weaknesses within our system and too many individuals unwilling to live up to their oaths.
That leaves it up to the general public. Right now, not gonna happen. Not sure what's going to happen over the next few years. Things are going to get progressively worse. People will get more desperate. Violent crime will increase. These factors may push Americans to protest, probably violently, at levels never before seen in this country. That could bring about a positive change. But I'm not really betting on that happening. People are complacent. People are wage slaves. We're going to have to lose our internet and TV and cell phone service before Americans get bloodthirsty on a large scale. Or if they seriously fuck with social security. That'll cause riots.
But if they're even remotely smart fascists they'd know to do this all slowly to prevent Americans from noticing or at least to prevent them from getting super mad super quick. Like, fuck with Social Security a little bit, so people get mad, but not that mad. Then do it some more a year later.
They're not particularly smart though. So we're basically going to see over the next few years if Americans can live up to our rebellious stereotype or if we've become meek and frail through lack of true hardship.
The general public that opposes this isn't organized yet. This needs to happen first. People seem to want Americans who oppose this to go out and do mass shootings in areas we THINK there might be magats and hope for the best. I really think a lot of this is russian/other foreign trolls trying to rage bait someone into doing this. The people who want to go that route need to have intelligence and other leg work done for them to point them to the right places to get the most optimal results with the least collateral damage. I have no clue how to organize in a way that rookie mistakes wouldn't be made and people wouldn't end up getting imprisoned or killed before they were able to get what they wanted to accomplish done.
Imagine there are still people who chose to go to USA voluntarily?
I'd rather live in neo-fascist USA than in a war zone where I'm liable to be sent to the frontlines and die bleeding out in a trench after a drone blows my leg off.
I'd rather live in neo-fascist USA than live in poverty in many parts of Latin America where I would make 10x higher salary for unskilled labor. I would also have a 10x lower chance of getting my throat slit walking down the street at night.
Neo-fascist USA has literally threatened war with Canada and other neighboring countries, so if you think you won't be on the front lines in a nonsense war started by fascists, then history has a very important lesson to teach you.
Chances are you and other Americans will be fighting in Ukraine alongside Russia by next year at the rate this clown show is excellerating.
There's no American freedom in Neo-fascist USA, just whatever the broligarchy wants. The rights and freedom you, and every previous generation of Americans fought for are pretty much all gone now, so you are sorely mistaken if you assume you now have any.
What. The. Fuck. He's throwing all his toys out of the pram to get the minerals. That's all this is. He's a toddler screaming himself purple, being dragged out of the store.
He doesn't give a fuck about the minerals. This is all Putin's bidding. Zelensky never had a deal, and Traitor Trump never intended to honour it. Next up is the dismantling of NATO, which is already partially done.
He's certainly trying to get the minerals without any legally binding agreement to put American troops in Ukraine. Whether he really wants them (or its just an excuse) and massive question over whether he can be trusted to abide by even legally binding agreements. What would the consequences of the US reneging be? I wouldn't take anything for granted with trump and the magas.
Not sure how Republicans are able to rationalize how expelling these specific individuals makes America any better or fixes literally any of it's problems.
It's fascism by ethnic cleansing. Expect a looooooot more. The pedo wants a 3rd world war and it will happen. He's starting by Canada because he thinks it's an easy target, but also because it's the perfect battleground to display his army's power. Unfortunately, americans are too lazy and under-educated to do anything about it so expect a lot of blood and a lot of fat-ass patriotism because "war time". But in the end, only the rich assholes will be protected because capitalism gave them the control on everything, think gafam. Good job USA, you ruined the world, fuck you.
Personally, I’d expect Mexico to be first considering Trump had sent in elements of 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Combat Aviation Brigade, and additional support units which includes elements of 82nd ABN DIV, 101st ABN DIV, 4th ID, and 10th Mountain Brigade to the southern border a couple days ago.
Additional units albeit National Guard are being prepared to be deployed such as the 36th ID, 1st Squadron, and 124th CAV REG.
they got thier places like NEW ZEALAND TO flee too, NZ should really revoke those citizenship from people like thiel, he is building a complex there to hide from where all the shit hits the fan.
What's his fucking issue with Ukrainians? Is it all about the time when Zelenski didn't help him produce dirt on Hunter Biden? There is around a million of Ukrainians in Poland right now and crime related incidents involving them are rare. They are a net benefit to society. A million more tax payers. Unfortunately due to incompatibility of their education system and slight language barrier they do jobs below their education level but their contribution is undisputable. Quick influx of them hastened problems with housing affordability in largest cities but it's not their fault that the government has no strategy to combat high housing prices, without them the situation would still arise but a couple years later. I'll take 240k more Ukrainian immigrants than 240k American tourists anytime.
Immigrants implies they've gone through the legal process to emigrate to the United States. The word you're looking for is illegal aliens and I think the vast majority of the country is forgetting there is a simple solution. Penalize all of the companies that are exploiting illegal alien labor to widen their profit margin.
Why do we always blame the drug users instead of the drug dealers in this country and I'm using the terms as a metaphor in this case the dealers are the businesses they're the problem not the folks trying to make a better life for themselves.
The same people who hire illegal immigrants are the same people who vote for things like ICE and crackdowns and fund those candidates. They can pay their workers shit, get away with deplorable working conditions (are you calling OSHA if you are here illegally?) and then call up la migra the second that they hear talk about unions.
Why do we always blame the drug users instead of the drug dealers in this country and I’m using the terms as a metaphor in this case the dealers are the businesses they’re the problem not the folks trying to make a better life for themselves.
Because Job Creation is the ultimate altruism while Poverty is the ultimate sin in America.
Let's all take a look at how well it worked out when America provided support for the Mujahideen in their war against Russia, but then withdrew that support when it was no longer convenient for us.
Article talks about how Trump will make the decision soon not that he already has revoked their status. A little sensational in the title but I won't be holding out hope that Trump keeps them here 😔.
He has a pattern of making statements like these as test balloons, to gauge public sentiment. Sometimes he'll back off if the backlash is big enough, thinking it makes him look magnanimous or something to not commit atrocities after all.
To be clear, Americans who support Ukraine are now seeing the result of voting for the orange hatred. I come from a primarily American website and am now adjusting to be more specific.
Especially the ones misplaced to the US by a war Russia started, and now have to return to a war zone because the USA is now politically aligned with Russia, and willing to break international treaties, law, and ethics if it gets them Putins favor.
You're an absolute idiot it you can't comprehend the international seppuku the USA has just committed by failing to help displaced war refugees, and instead now helps their aggressors.
Anyone with a shred of humanity would see this as the evil bullshit it is.
Instead, you're pointing out that a country at war needs to conscript troops. No shit. Check out how Russia is doing it, if you want a real comparison to call inhumane.
Well some want to leave, but the government isn't allowing them to.
Why is it evil for the u.s. to send people back to a war zone but not for ukraine to keep people in a war zone?
And before you go for the whataboutism I know russia is doing it too and that's fucked up. Fuck russia for starting this war but that doesn't resolve the contradiction of supporting refugee rights and mandatory conscription.
Especially the ones misplaced to the US by a war Russia started, and now have to return to a war zone because the USA is now politically aligned with Russia, and willing to break international treaties, law, and ethics if it gets them Putins favor.
You’re an absolute idiot it you can’t comprehend the international seppuku the USA has just committed by failing to help displaced war refugees, and instead now helps their aggressors.
Ukraine government is drafting people by force and not allowing any male between 18-60 from leaving the country. Many people have died trying to flee the country.
"Anyone with a shred of humanity would see this as the evil bullshit it is."