And by some strange coincidence, the media have forgotten their earlier obsession with Presidential aged related cognitive decline.
There was a brief and glorious time when this was the apex of technology and culture. Too early and the album was also available on cassette and it was obvious there was playtime left at the end of the album, too late and the rise of the internet meant the secret wouldn't even make it to the release of the album.
In a word, audience. I'd prefer it if everyone went with Mastodon, but the audience on BlueSky is orders of magnitude bigger. I cross post to both, but only because I don't trust BlueSky not to do exactly what Twitter and Meta have done eventually.
I will draw you, Donald, as poison is drawn from a wound.
Seems like nowadays Nebraska guy is more likely to be a rabid Trump supporter who likes the way things have been so far in 2025. 🤮
Yep, the game is rigged for the rich.
I have 4 kids between 16 and 6. I buy 6x 3L bottles of milk at a time and it barely lasts a week.
My only memory of Humpybong kindergarten is there was a girl who'd let me look at her bits under the table, as long as I let her look at mine. So, yeah, pretty humpy...
American promises aren't worth shit. Just ask the Native Americans, the Kurds, and probably a bunch more countries.
Maybe some people like it when corporate screws them over. If people can like Billy Ray Cyrus they could be into all kinds of weird shit.
❝But they were all of them deceived, for another ring was made. In the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom, the Dark Lord Sauron forged, in secret, a Ultra Master Ring™️ to control all others. And into this Ring he poured all his spare cruelty, his extra malice and his leftover will to dominate all life. An Extra Ring to rule them all.❞
I know how you feel, I completely missed gossip=tea. Don't even know where that came from, all of a sudden people are whispering about "spilling the tea" and I just had to nod politely.
I lived in China when Pizza Hut opened and it was always fun to watch Chinese people pillage the salad bar. They also had a smoked salmon pizza with wasabi mayo dressing on top. It was so good.
I use Fcitx5 for its Chinese language support.
I used NewPipe for a while, now I'm trying out a fork called PipePipe.