Carville took a governor from a backwater state and got him into the Whitehouse despite his opponent being one of the most popular Presidents at the time.
Carville isn’t stupid he’s just wrong in this case
The Democrats seem to have come up with two strategies so far: either (1) wait and hope someone does something, or (2) play dead and hope someone does something.
And then he won because he was running Bill "I don't literally hate black and gay people" Clinton against a proven liar who tanked the economy, in an America that cared about those things.
You know, Kristen, when Abraham Lincoln was in Gettysburg, looking out on the field with so many had died to defend freedom, he talked about a vision of America where we have a government of the people, by the people and for the people. What we have right now in Washington, let me be very clear, is a government of the billionaire class, by the billionaire class and for the billionaire class.
One of the main architects of the status quo democrats thinks democrats need to respond to getting stomped by maintaining the status quo? Color me shocked.
The Democrat Party and the Republican Party have never been at odds in their position that their political donors should run the government.
The parties have largely just been the vehicles for turning corruption into legislation. Now that open corruption is legal, there's no need to upset the cart, the Democrats are just waiting their turn.
"What we have right now in Washington, let me be very clear, is a government of the billionaire class, by the billionaire class, and for the billionaire class."
Bro, let's try throwing away one more principle, bro. Just one more. Bro, one, please, one more, bro. Just one. Then we'll get votes again. Bro. Just one, bro. One principle. Bro.
Everytime I see him on TV he's spouting nonsense about shit no one in the real world cares about. Wish they'd quit putting that irrelevant SOB in front of a camera
Democrats: .... maybe if we do more neck exercises we can learn to stretch our necks more so that we can send our heads further into the hole in the ground we've been using
After the 2016 election, until the 2024 election, the Democrats won every election of every National political body except the House in 2022. It was a solid run electorally.
You can complain about what those political bodies accomplished, but not that they didn't win.
I saw a lot of people saying it was worth not voting for Kamala, because it would "teach the democrats a lesson". They said "If we refuse to vote for them, they'll have to step up their game!"
Are you people happy? Do you think the Democrats are losing more right now than America's trans people, or the Ukrainians, or the Gazans are? Do you think playing Chicken with fascism was worth it?
This guy was screaming and yelling about how Trump was a fascist, and if you didn't vote democrat then that was equivalent to doing nothing in the face of fascism, or worse.
Not saying there aren't elements of fash in trumps admin, there obviously are; or that abstaining to vote was the correct strategy, I don't believe it was, though uncommitteds and 3rd party voters shouldn't be shamed for following their conscience
Just want to point out where these arguments actually originate, and where exactly they have lead. Maybe there is more to politics than handwringing and rending of garments about impending fascism -- maybe politics is something you do and not something you think or, god forbid, repeat uncritically.
This guy was screaming and yelling about how Trump was a fascist, and if you didn't vote democrat then that was equivalent to doing nothing in the face of fascism, or worse.
Yeah, and he was correct. As we are literally witnessing in real time.
Whatever stupid bullshit the man said before or since isn't relevant to the validity of that statement. I don't care if Ted fucking Bundy said it, it would still be true.
That's not how logic works. You don't get to just completely ignore a premise because you don't like a person who might have said it once.
That's not the logic behind my statements, however logic has a beginning, middle and an end. It leads somewhere. Just letting you all know where a version of this logic leads, and it is the logic of the mainstream dems. I'm not able to articulate the whole case, but I can point to a case study.
You don't have a monopoly on logic. In fact I guarantee you that I have studied more formal logic than most. The dems abandoned us years ago. I can't say your logic is incorrect as you also haven't described yours. You may be horrified to learn that we mostly agree, most likely.
But this goon represents exactly what is wrong with the dems: career political operators whose personal wealth is directly connected to their ability to run elections, and who have no incentive to win. In fact I could almost guarantee that your logic, or the logic of most regular working people, would be more sound than his. The incentives for dems are broken, the party is broken, time to move on and form a workers party. It's time for a new logic that abandons these sickos who aren't even that different from the republicans they pretend to oppose.
This guy was screaming and yelling about how Trump was a fascist, and if you didn't vote democrat then that was equivalent to doing nothing in the face of fascism, or worse.
The headline names two guys. Which are you talking about.
Not saying there aren't elements of fash in trumps admin, there obviously are
"elememts of" is massively underselling it.
or that abstaining to vote was the correct strategy, I don't believe it was, though uncommitteds and 3rd party voters shouldn't be shamed for following their conscience
The exasperation comes from the fact that from a historical and mathematical perspective, voting for the Democratic nominee in the general is the only way to not have a Republican win the race. And in spite of that reality slapping us in the face over and over again the 3rd party voters and non-voters won't budge. They could stop the rightward slide of the Democratic party by just showing up en masse in the primaries.
If you convince people the only thing they can do to oppose fascism is vote every 4 years, a position that is historically and objectively false -- fascists don't care about democracy -- then dont act shocked when their mobilization is underwhelming.
Democratic party leaders were instructing volunteers to remove anyone from their lists who mentioned the Palestinian Genocide. They were intentionally not mobilizing the exact people you want to just mobilize.
Also, have you ever tried to mobilize a group to do political action? It ain't easy, even when you aren't tying your own hands behind your back
I'm not trying to undersell the threat of fascism, what is coming is scary and many people are already being harmed by these disgusting policies. But the most important thing I hope to stress is that it doesn't matter what you call it, it matters what you do to fight it.
This comment was downvoted more than upvoted, but it hits the nail on the head. In fact, the final argument about politics needing to be done is exactly counter to the thing Bernie objects to: playing dead or doing nothing. How do people fail to get this point?
Wake up, dems. Your party has abandoned you. All signs from inside point at centrality and forcing out the Left.
You'd think I was trolling for how many down votes I got. It just goes to show that in the times we live, nothing is more controversial than the truth.
Also people get so upset when you tell them that politics is practical and not ideological. The bourgeois liberal mind can't comprehend
There isn't anyone in the dem caucus with plans more fleshed out than Bernie. Your post might as well say "I'm ignorant and don't know what I'm talking about," because that's what it says.