It’s absurd that people think trump has any sort of “business acumen.” His businesses fail more often than they succeed. He’s been busted for fraud multiple times. Filed for bankruptcy multiple times. Sued for failing to pay contractors hundreds of times. Banks refused to lend him money. His contemporaries call him the dumbest person they’ve ever met.
It’s absurd that people think trump has any sort of “business acumen.”
He played a successful businessman on a reality TV show. That's it, that's why people think he knows what he's doing, because they evidently can't tell the difference between fiction and reality.
That's the thing he's actually good at. Acting. Getting people to believe in fiction. It's a good trait for an actor, a despicable power of conmen, and horrifying in a leader.
I would argue Trump has great business acumen for exactly the reasons you describe.
He’s a mobster who got rich off strong arming, manipulation, and fraud.
Stop assuming his incompetence at being an evil capitalist billionaire and maybe people will finally accept that he is a highly capable amoral danger to the world.
Heard. I also feel somewhat comforted that this was a person who voted for Trump. Just a guy who wanted to make the world better, and yet made a shitty decision... not a Nazi.
It‘s so weird man. They say the government needs fixing but then vote for unhinged deregulation from the guy with the catch phrase „you‘re fired“.
That‘s like saying your roof needs fixing so you call a demolition company to tear your house down. What the hell did you expect would happen?
Honestly I think so many people are too misinformed or distracted to vote. I would genuinely suggest they stay out of the democratic process for their own good and peace of mind. They will only regret it anyway.
We have an electoral college. The entire reason they exist was to prevent an uneducated electorate from electing a tyanical demagogue. And yet here we are. Because the electoral college is made out of THE SAME UNEDUCATED MASSES. How was that supposed to work?
The problem is, these people think they're informed because they binge watch Fox News, which is actively lying to them. To follow your analogy, the demolition company was running commercials 24/7 saying they're the best roof fixers in town.
Don't get the impression that I'm defending these dumb fucks for voting the way they did. I just wanted to say we're never getting rid of this problem when people live in their media bubbles that blatantly hide the truth from them.
Demolition company: When we're done, you'll never need to worry about a leaky roof again!
Every Fox News watcher: omg, amazing deal!
The issue isn't Fox News itself or the lies they tell, it's the viewer's inability to process information into logical truths.
Fox News simply has no moral issue with lying to them. If you pay attention to what people complain about when it comes to the left, it's their reluctance to lie to people.
Works for IRS, thinks Trump has an iota of business acumen. Dude deserved to be fired whether he voted for Agent Orange or not.
If you look at Trump business history and think he’s a good businessman you have no place at the IRS. Hopefully this dude didn’t work for Criminal Investigation.
It still doesn't cease to amaze me how absolutely clueless some people can be. How can you observe Trump's behaviour and think he'll do anything except be insane? He can't even form coherent sentences for goodness' sake!
I hope this moron, and all his Trump pals, lose everything.
they arent just uninformed... they are brainwashed. you dont just snap out of it. you cant logic yourself out of a position you did not logic yourself into
its like trying to convince someone that their religion is garbage. no matter what evidence you provide, their brain will work around it.
I think a huge problem is that a significant part of the population has poor long term memory. I saw interviews before the election where they asked voters and the ones who were pro Trump always talked about how he was a good businessman. They had completely forgotten that 4 years earlier they had to fight for toilet paper under Trump. A friend said before the election, "Biden was the worst President ever." "Did you forget that you had no toilet paper?" "Oh, yeah."
Lots of conservatives living in the sprawling public sector bureaucracy see all sorts of dysfunction and waste, then conclude "this is because government" rather than "this is because efficient management is delicate and difficult".
Lots of leftists living in the sprawling private sector feel the same way (myself among them) and - self-confessed naively - will insist profit motive is the reason bad policy exists, rather than simple human fallibility at industrial scale.
Also, public bureaucracy is something of a patronage system, with people getting their jobs relative to their social networks. In a big red state like Texas or Florida or Ohio, you can guarantee the local IRS office is going to be full of failsons and faildaughters of the Republican elected bureaucracy.
So many Trump supporters just don't pay attention to anything. For decades before 2016, it was super common knowledge that Trump was a terrible businessman. It was a common joke on late night TV any time Trump was in the news. It was essentially the main thing people knew about him since the 1990s, yet his supporters all think he must be some business genius. And how they still think this after his first term, I have no idea.
It never occurred to them that he was so bad at his job that he had to take a job working for a Hollywood studio pretending to be a successful businessman hiring people for a job that never existed. There was never any situation in which anyone was fired from anything.
The TV show THE APPRENTICE was filmed and edited to portray Trump as a MASTER OF BUSINESS. People who worked behind the scenes of the show have commented on some of the stupid decisions he made, and how they were always covering it with edits to make it look like a wise decisions after the fact..
Aside from being brainwashed into MAGA he sounds like a solid dude. He saw a problem in his country and took it upon himself to try to fix it. Too bad he wanted leopards to eat his face
I agree 100%. I kinda have to believe people like this can get better because I have good people in my family whose actions and political beliefs are entirely at odds with each other.
A solid dude? He voted for the guy who incited a coup attempt, mismanaged the COVID response, and spews verbal diarrhea daily. I hate to say it, but they called it right for this guy, we don't need people who are that stupid in government.
How could anyone trust the business acumen of someone who bankrupted his own casino? The business model of a casino is people walk in, give you all their money, then leave. That was too much for him.
By opening a second casino on the same road, splitting the public between the two, which led to BOTH going bankrupt, despite a cash injection from his father. Yes, he bankrupted TWO casinos...
I can totally believe that someone who's never worked in the private sector has such a fanciful view of how layoffs work. My first job out of college was in the government. My views of what constituted "waste" were hilarious, like we got a flashlight (because we occasionally would go outside at night) and it was definitely a pricier flashlight, with some features we didn't really need. I told my friends at home, "Gosh, the government is so wasteful, look at this overpriced flashlight I got". Of course they made me turn it in when I left, but still.
Then when I got into the private sector I realized private sector waste is a whole different animal. Obviously there's the insane CEO pay packages, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. Definitely I've seen some multi-million-dollar projects that never should have happened and were just the result of our slick salespeople. When I left one job in a layoff I had no way of returning a $3000 laptop because the person I'd return it to was laid off too. It ended up being a nice gift for an amoral friend. Of course layoffs themselves are crazy wasteful, you have tons of hard-earned knowledge walking out the door. They're almost always random and driven by a desire to temporarily boost the stock price as clueless shareholders are left holding the bag when the company collapses a few years later.
Point is government waste exists, but it's like a leaky faucet that drips a little. In the private sector, it's like a faucet that's constantly running on full blast because everyone is incentivized to maximize the rate of flow.
Fuck this guy. Fuck his friends, fuck all of his family members who haven't disowned him yet, fuck anybody who looks like him. Fuck everything about him.
This piece of shit voted for this, and now is upset simply because his livelihood is affected. No lessons were learnt. No lessons will ever be learned. He is but a symptom of the cancerous rot at the core of our so-called Democracy.
Edit: Fuck any fucking cowards who downvote this without providing a response as to why they disagree.
I only downvoted because of the "fuck anybody who looks like him" (and am only saying this because you asked people to tell you). Otherwise, I totally agree with the sentiment! People who never learn their lesson are the most frustrating
I suppose that's fair. It was mostly hyperbole, tbh. I am not cheesed off at people who literally look like the scum-sucking piece of shit in the article. It just sounded good.
Your blame is misplaced. You appear think this is the fault of random people who wear different color hats instead of the result of decades of effort by some of the richest people in our society to fundamentally weaken democracy and to create uneducated people that can be manipulated.
You're blaming the other members of your class that are the victims of decades of educational failure and indoctrination instead of the people who knowingly implemented those policies looking for this specific result.
It's a narrow minded and short-sighted way of looking at things; and, in addition, your tribalistic rhetoric only serves to increase the division among the working class further aiding the people who seek to profit from this division.
It's one thing to be frustrated, but ignorance is how we got here and we downvote you because we don't need more ignorance even if it's coming from someone wearing a blue hat instead of a red one.
Maybe, but it’s inconceivable that not understanding more about Trump is simple ignorance. The one thing the guy has always been good at is grabbing headlines. How can you possibly live through decades of headlines, a prior term in the Oval Office, all those campaign rallies, all sorts of chaos and outrage, and still be ignorant?
You appear think this is the fault of random people who wear different color hats instead of the result of decades of effort by some of the richest people in our society to fundamentally weaken democracy and to create uneducated people that can be manipulated.
I can assure you I do not, regardless of what you think the appearances are. I fully understand that this is the result of a systematic approach of the Republican party working as stooges of think tanks such as the Heritage Foundation.
That being said, my anger is most certainly NOT misplaced. For example, I can acknowledge that crime is often a result of poverty and desperation, and yet still be angry at a person who steals my stereo. People have the capacity to be more than just the result of the machinations of others. Not holding them to blame for their actions is anathema to me.
Also, I'm returning the favor and downvoting you for the ignorance you displayed in assuming my motives.
Nah, you are just trying to shift the responsibility. If my brain gets washed with indoctrination, it is my responsibility. You want what, just go "these millions of human individuals actually supporting evil bastards are innocent and ignorant, only those bastards are to blame"?
Fuck this shit, this is not how it works
I lost faith in the standards of our government employees after that one clerk was found to be repeatedly refusing to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples.
Why people regard Trump as good businessman? Bunch of his shit went bankrupt because he's so "excellent". Same as with Elon. Everyone treats him as genius. He's a moron who hires actual smart people and then take credit for their work. And everything is always ultra late, over budget or never materialized. And now these two bozos work together to "fix" US government that has been functioning perfectly well for 300+ years.
It's so incredible that so many people can't tell how clueless Trump is. The only reason he's ever "effective" is because he's a total wildcard since he has absolutely no fucking idea what is happening.
It's wild watching people who don't consider themselves fascist kind of just cheering for it, because as with everything our government does, 50% don't care how cruel it is as long as said cruelty is pointed in the right direction. (Or what they think is the right direction.)
Willful ignorance is a powerful tool to wield for dictatorships. What part of the Project 2025 instruction manual for the destruction of democracy mentioned anything about a "fine tooth comb" method for this change?
It's hardly willful. The media machine that got Trump through the door has been a hundred billion dollar multi-generational campaign dating back to the Nixon Administration.
Roger Ailes, Paul Weyrich, and James Dobson dedicated their collective careers to guaranteeing a large section of the US population would be deluged with fascist propaganda. And Sheldon Adelson, Robert Mercer, the Koch Family, the Ford Family, the hiers to the Hoover Institute, and a few dozen other riechwing billionaires financed their efforts.
This isn't just dumb people all stupidly flipping the Trump switch by coincidence. It's the product of sustained industrial tier media manipulation by people whose personal fortunes are predicated on misinformation.
Goes back further than that to the post-war era with the dismantling of the union movement and oppression of left wing voices due to the 2nd Red Scare/McCarthyism
Coming in with a wrecking ball is the "business acumen" i.e. sucking out as much money as possible, taking credit for any perceived successes, and passing out blame for any perceived failures. The entire point of business is to enrich the businessman. They're idolized when they really should be recognized as the parasites they actually are.
Right?! My dude, bringing in a wrecking ball and ruining people's lives is the reason. Trump isn't a stable genius, he's a geriatric lunatic who's been given the keys to the asylum.
I wish I could say I created this image, but alas, there are people more talented than me on the Internet. My head cannon says the amount of jpeg is intentional and definitely a highlight!
It is called "coping". At the back of their minds, they know they got it wrong but are too proud to admit it. So, they double down instead and engaging in sunk cost fallacy.
His "business acumen" is hostile takeover style from the 80s-90s. If the guy really studied up he would've known those types come in and slash and burn. No one is spared. They squeeze the juice out until a company is "lean and mean" and attractive to investors that want to liquidate or restart without old guard getting in the way. What a dummy.
Side note: I am banned from conservative subs, but my last comment there was responded with "conservatism is a necessary counterpoint to progressivism" and can somebody tell me ANY conservative policies that were for the good of humanity? Because all I see is a severely mentally ill bunch of fucking psychopaths that do nothing but destroy freedom and anything at all good for humanity.
Yes and no. Conservatism is supposed to be (ideally, in theory) a ratchet that keeps the wheel from freely spinning in either direction. Conservatives are to preserve the status quo, which is the position currently taken by Democrats and not Republicans. We don't have a counterbalance to the Repubs, which is why the wheel is slowly clicking to the right.
So if we had a truly progressive party in power conservatives job would be saying can we afford this, what would the impacts be, why do we need to do this thing, why is the status quo not good etc etc. Then they are suppose to listen to reason, trial out big changes, adapt, and let the future go forward making sure the small man and traditionalists aren't left behind.
Instead conservatives are about changing the climate, culture, and environment to hurt others or hold back common sense things that make people equal.
at best, they will tell you 'i just want my tax dollars/government to be efficient' but we see how that actually plays out with regards to the oligarchy taking control.
It’s always so sad and absurdly funny at the same time that real people think like this. I can’t help but laugh and then just rethink about my life yet again.
I remember listening to a news podcast and I don't recall if it was an idea of the GOP, heritage, musk, bolsonaro (who they're taking cues from) but one idea was fire all employees with an even number ID. Easy way to get half the staff. I'm still expecting that kind of "fine tooth comb" because so far they're just going after the easy starting point: asking people to resign and probationary workers.
Never dealt with any business type person who did anything "with a fine tooth comb". It's always "just tear it out and replace it with my thing, it'll be fine". It's never fine but they're so far above the mess that it doesn't affect them so who gives a shit.
If we ever have a vote again. Yeah. 100% because he'll once again think the GOP is just so great on the economy. DOW is down 750 points at the moment if anyone is wondering how absolute chaos effects the stock market.
In companies like these it's better to call IT (or HR) and wait for instructions.
If you go around annoying all your superiors then you're just wasting everybody's time instead of only your own. Plus they would just tell you to wait for IT (or HR) instead.