Firefox Reddit sub is pretty full of outrage posts. Rightfully so.
I've been a long time supporter of Firefox because fuck Google and their Chromium spawns feeding their dominance, but what Mozilla is doing now, I'm planning on moving to Waterfox from the looks of it. Present on all platforms, Android, Windows and Linux, supports sync and has all the tracking and telemetry bullshit stripped out. I just wish they'd get versions up to date a bit faster, but oh well, it's probably a small team of people doing it in their free time so I can't complain too much.
Trump still thinks he's the star of some corny TV show. Get fucked asshole.
I was hoping for mineral deal with US to drop in water, because it's a bad deal for Ukraine and orange bozo Trump thinks he can push around Zelinskyy just because he's in desperate war and has no choice.
Also to act like a fucking petulent child and behave like total dick at someone who comes asking for help and all you can think about are profits, get your morals fucking right because republican's moral compass is spinning at fucking 50k RPM.
I'd direct people to Firefox, but Mozilla is doing some weird shit right now and I just can't. And the forks are always with some weird limitations or issues. Why does it all have to be shit these days?
Totally no conflict of interest with Musk getting all these contracts while being in the current administration.
He's just diddling his phone, writing some stupid shit in all caps on his stupid social network.
But has no mobile version effectively making it useless.
Come on Mozilla, what the fuck are you guys doing? You don't have the luxury of monopoly and you're going to alienate those few diehard fans who stick with Firefox because alternatives are shit and they all run Chromium even if they aren't.
Ladybird needs to materialize fast before it's too late.
I'd go Waterfox, but I really like the on-machine translation in Firefox that Waterfox doesn't have it.
Socialism for billionaires, not for regular citizens...
Thing is, I do so little driving I wouldn't recoup costs through cheaper fuel when car costs so much more upfront.
If anyone can make EV for same price as ICE and isn't 5 levels worse, I'd totally go electric. Instead I rather keep on driving 15 years old car that works flawlessly and I basically have no extra expenses with it other than fuel and oil and oil filter once a year that I replace myself.
Why use any of this when you can use LibreOffice or OnlyOffice?
Good thing I bought my Galaxy phone just 1 year before everyone fucking increased their updates to 6 and more years. Fuck me. Now Galaxy A56 will get updates for longer than my S23 Ultra. Hardware is great, but they really fucked me on software side...
Ultimately none of it matters because EVs are still so obscenely expensive. And if you look for "budget" models, they are so barebones stripped out and tinny you might wonder if you're suppose to run it with your feet like Flinstones... and somehow still cost 25k € with included gov eco subsidies.
Looks like leveling issue indeed. In some places nozzle scrapes the filament from the bed being too close and piles it up and in others the distance is too high so it doesn't expand enough on surface when leaving nozzle to connect with adjecent already printed lines.
Rain, ice and severe cold are a removed. I like bicycles, but driving to work in a heated car looking at that poor cyclist riding somewhere at 6 in the morning at -6°C, sorry, no, I'm gonna go with a car.
Fuck Ai. I just want Notepad to edit the most basic text. Why the fuck would I need fucking Ai bullshit in it? To rewrite what? INI game files? Hosts file?
As convicted felon you can't run for position of burger flipper at McDonalds, but you can become a president...